History of the Order of AHEPA 1922 - 1972
Chapter Fifteen: The Sons of Pericles
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The Junior Order of Ahepa
Eleven young Greeks, "with a spirit which equalled the spirit of their ancestors," conceived the idea of and organized the Sons of Pericles together with the aid of a few Ahepans from the Manchester Ahepa Chapter who were headed by Dr. Alexander Cambadhis and Sotirios Docos. The 11 young men who were the first members and are the Mother Lodge Members of the Sons of Pericles are:
Gregory Papagiotas, William Vasiliou, Christ Kourcoulis, Peter Kourides, Vasilios Hasiotis, Peter Clainos, William Chaloge, James Papadopoulos, Arthur Hasiotis, George Houliaras and James Papademitriou.
The first chapter named itself the "Queen City Chapter No. 1." Its first officers were installed on February 3, 1926. Within a short time, they had interested the Ahepans of Haverhill, Lynn, Lowell, Boston, Nashua, and Lawrence in establishing Sons of Pericles chapters in their cities.
By the time the First National Convention of the Sons of Pericles was called to order in Lowell, Massachusetts, on September 12, 1927, there were 14 chapters in the fraternity. Brother Koumoundoureas of Lowell was the chairman of the convention. In this convention the Per Capita Tax payment system to headquarters was inaugurated; an emblem was selected and adopted; forms for charters were prepared; a uniform bookkeeping system was devised, and it was also voted to have a number of Supreme Governors.
Brother Achilles Poulos, of Washington, D.C., was elected Supreme Archon Megistan. Brother George Helis of New York City was elected Supreme Megistan. From Philadelphia, Brother Nickles was elected Supreme Secretary, and Brother Charles Demakis of Lynn, Massachusetts, was elected Supreme Treasurer. It was not until the 1928 National Convention of the Ahepa, held at Detroit, Michigan, that the Sons of Pericles organization was officially recognized as the Junior Order of Ahepa
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On September 4, 1928, the Second Annual Convention was held at Washington, D.C. Brother Harry Nickles was chairman of the Convention, at which two Mother Lodge members, eight Supreme Officers, and nine chapter delegates participated. The organization now had 25 chapters, as compared with 14 at the time of the first convention. This convention decided upon the inauguration of biannual conclaves. In addition, it adopted a new Constitution and a set of by-laws.
The new Supreme Council elected by the Second National Convention was made up of Brother George Helis of New York City, Supreme Archon Megistan; Brother James Demakis of Lynn, Massachusetts, as Supreme Megistan; Brother Stephen S. Scopas of New York City as Supreme Secretary; and Brother Peter Kaldes of Scranton, Pennsylvania, as Supreme Treasurer.
Inadvertently, the next Convention which was held in Detroit, Michigan between August 18 and 21, 1930, was numbered and called the fourth annual convention instead of the 3rd, as it should have been called. However, this Convention was one of the most fruitful in the history of the Order. Since the Washington Convention, 29 new chapters had been organized, bringing the total number of chapters to 54. Fourteen chapters had delegates at this convention. To the Supreme Council the delegates elected Stephen S. Scopas of New York as Supreme President; Daniel Nickolatos as Supreme Vice President; John G. Thevos as Supreme Secretary; and Constantine Verinis as Treasurer.
On August 22, 1932, the Fifth National Convention was opened at Akron, Ohio and 12 chapters were represented by 19 delegates. Twenty-three chapters had been established since -- the Detroit Convention, raising the total number of chapters to 77. The Akron Convention made a number of constructive legislative changes, including: the extension of the jurisdiction of the organization into Canada; the division of the chapters into districts; and the defining of the sub-divisions of the Order and their respective status.
Brother Constantine P. Verinis of New Haven, Connecticut, was elected Supreme President; Brother Evans Kallipolites of Springfield, Massachusetts, Supreme Vice President; Brother Charles G. Geanopoulos and William Mavromatis, both of Chicago were elected Supreme Secretary and Supreme Treasurer, respectively. Forty-nine chapters had been established during the previous two years to the 1934 Chicago Convention, and the Sons of Pericles was now composed of 126 chapters in 40 states. Assembled at Chicago was the largest delegation of chapter representatives ever to attend a National Convention of the Sons. Forty-two delegates represented 38 chapters.
This convention added three offices to the Supreme Council under titles of Supreme Governors, and it elected Charles G. Geanopoulos to the Supreme Presidency; Christ J. Petrow to the Vice-Presidency; Andrew Spheeris to the Supreme Secretaryship; Socrates Corelis to the Supreme Treasury ship; and to the new offices of Supreme Governors, it elected Constantine Poulos, Louis Athas and Tom Roumell.
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In 1936 the Seventh National Convention of the Sons was held at St. Paul, Minnesota, the week of August 16th. It was held in conjunction with the Ahepa Convention. Twenty-five delegates represented 18 chapters. The new Supreme Council, elected at St. Paul, included; Supreme President, Christ J. Petrow; Supreme Vice-President, Constantine Poulos; Supreme Secretary, George Trapshanis; Supreme Treasurer, George Anderson; Supreme Governors, George Polyzois, William Peratino, and Peter Razatos. Since Brother Poulos resided in Washington, D.C. he was appointed Executive Secretary for the Sons and devoted much of his time to the Sons work at Headquarters.
By 1936, 149 chapters were listed but many of these were inactive. During the year 10 new chapters were organized making a total of 159 chapters to date. Included among these were also four new chapters from Canada.
At the Syracuse National Convention in 1937 the Sons became even more closely knit to Ahepa when the Junior Order accepted the Ahepa ruling that all legislation passed by the Sons had to be approved by Ahepa It was here that the age limit was raised to 23 and it was moved and approved that 25 cents of each member's per capita tax would be set aside for his respective District. The Ahepa appropriated $1500 for the growth and expansion of the Sons. Plans were put into effect to organize an excursion to Greece in 1938. The Sons Advisory Board was also to appoint an Executive Secretary upon the recommendation of the Supreme Council, to run the permanent office in Washington, D.C. Up until then much of the work at the Headquarters had been done by the temporary executive secretary Constantine Poulos, who could no longer devote his time to the job. And so, much constructive legislation and business was conducted by this Convention and the Sons were soon to be on the upswing.
Christ Petrow was re-elected; George Trapshanis, Supreme Vice President; Nick Strike, Supreme Secretary; George Anderson, Supreme Treasurer; and Peter Paris, Peter Peterson, George Polyzois were elected Supreme Governors.
There followed a year of fantastic growth in the Sons of Pericles. Brother Petrow traveled over 18,000 miles in behalf of the Order and the falling membership was not only checked but improved beyond expectation. 838 new members were initiated during this record year. By July 1, 1938 10 new chapters were organized from the U.S. making a total of 169 chapters plus 2 more from Canada.
For the first time the Sons had their own Executive Secretary, George Leber, who worked hand in hand with Brother Petrow. During this time, the both of them were able to bring up to date the card files for the members -- payments and cards had been left dormant since 1933. A graduate file was set up, newsletter instituted and a mailing list established. Brother Leber was also able to relieve Brother Petrow of much correspondence that would free him for field work.
Under the direction of Senior Brother John F. Davis, Chairman of the Advisory Board, the 1938 Excursion to Greece was given a royal welcome and all had an unforgettable time. While visiting Missolonghi and hearing of the famous siege which took place during the struggle of Greece for her independence, the Sons felt that it would be only appropriate and right that the Junior Order dedicate a monument to those brave men who fought and died for freedom and the rights and privileges we have today.
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So, upon their return to America, plans were put into effect to raise money for this project. At the suggestion of the Supreme Secretary of the Ahepa, Louis P. Maniatis, it was decided that the monument would be presented on behalf of America to Greece as an expression of international amity and good-will from America to Greece. Brother Maniatis personally brought this project to the attention of Senator Minton and others who gave the necessary backing culminated by the endorsement of the plan by both Houses of Congress.
It was at the New Orleans National Convention in 1938 that Christ Petrow was once again re-elected and his new team composed of the following: Nick Strike, Supreme Vice President; George Polyzois, Supreme Secretary; William Booras, Supreme Treasurer; Alfred Vonetes, Peter Paris, and Peter Peterson, Supreme Governors. Brother George Leber was retained as Executive Secretary exclusively for the Sons.
If the year before had been remarkable in the annals of the Sons of Pericles this year was to be no exception, in fact, the Sons continued to move ahead to remarkable proportions. Brother Petrow, including his trip to Greece, estimated that he traveled almost 45,000 miles for the Order. The result of his work was 30 new chapters making a total of 199 chapters. He also reactivated 41. The growth in membership reached an all-time high. This included 1,316 new members and 120 reinstated.
The second excursion, during that same year, 1939, headed by John F. Davis in which Brother Petrow also participated was quite a success. Both Houses of Congress approved the plan as the excursionists were departing and presentation of the monument was made in an elaborate setting with representatives of both the Greek and American Governments taking part.
The next National Congress or Convention at Providence, Rhode Island in August 1939 had Petrow giving a report on the excursion as well as the wonderful improvement in membership. The delegates elected Nick Strike to succeed Petrow; William Booras, Supreme Vice President; Harry Apostolakos, Supreme Secretary; George Venturatos, Supreme Treasurer; and Leo Kanell, Gus Chigges, and Nick Anderson Supreme Governors.
Nick Strike took up where Petrow left off. He too had the opportunity to go into the field, to travel in behalf of the Sons and like Petrow he literally became a field organizer. He was able to establish 15 more new chapters making a new total of 214, plus reactivating 20 more. During his administration the "Holy Liturgy" booklet was published for the first time and a National Essay Contest was held. The title of the essay was, "How American Youth of Hellenic Descent May Best Serve and Protect our Republican Form of Government in this World Crisis."
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Mother Lodge of the Order of Sons of Pericles
1926 - The Mother Lodge of the Order of Sons of Pericles of Manchester, N. H. Chapter #1: (seated) A. Hasiotis, P. Kourides, C. Korcoulis, P. Clainos, W. Vasiliou; (standing) W. Chaloge, G. Papagiotas, W. Hasiotis, and G. Houliaris.
Maids of Athena and Sons of Pericles
1934 - The Maids of Athena and Sons of Pericles officers of Seattle, Washington, with Ahepa Chapter President Thomas D. Lentgis.
Sons of Pericles Supreme Lodge
1938 - Sons of Pericles Supreme Lodge at the close of the 1938 New Orleans convention. Christ J. Petrow, president; Nicholas L. Strike, vice president; George C. Polyzois (Polley), secretary; William Booras, treasurer; Peter J. Peterson, governor; Alfred G. Vonetes, governor; Pete J. Paris, governor; George J. Leber, executive secretary.
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It was in February of 1940 that the Sons of Pericles held a formal banquet in Chicago, with many dignitaries in attendance, to honor Mr. Frank Land for his outstanding work on the ritual.
The first summer camp for Sons of Pericles was established near Reading, Pennsylvania and run by qualified Ahepans. The Sons of Pericles Camp Olympic was attended by over 50 Sons and was a great success. The first National Sons of Pericles Basketball Tournament was won by Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania No. 112 and this tourney was to become a permanent fixture. The Sons did not hold a National Convention in 1940 for the Ahepa had the Convention in Seattle, Washington and the expense would have been too great.
The 1940 National Convention of the Order of Ahepa in Seattle, Washington "reorganized" the Junior Order in that it set up a new governing body-the National Governing Board. The Convention made provisions for a National President and four National Governors, which positions would be filled by appointment from the field of outstanding Sons as determined on a basis of meritorius service to the fraternity and ability to serve. The office of executive secretary with Headquarters in Washington was maintained. Nick Strike was appointed National President and four National Governors were also appointed in accordance with the new provision. Stanley Stacy, John G. Thevos and G. Peterson were appointed to the National Governing Board with Brother Stacy as Chairman. Brother Strike was able to organize 13 more new chapters bringing the total number of chapters to 227.
The "Honors System" was set up during his administration in order to increase competition among chapters and members. Chicago and New York chapters began a personal membership drive contest which was won that year by Chicago and the 2nd National Basketball Tournament was won again by Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania No. 112.
The Junior Order lost the services of its leader when Nick Strike enlisted into the Army and later was taken into the Navy.
During 1941 and 1942 the Sons were without a National President and during 1942 the office of the National Governors was abolished. Executive Secretary George Leber went off to active service with the Navy and Arthur Lalos, a son, took his place during the latter part of 1941. In fact, hundreds of Sons were enlisting and being drafted into the service.
What happened between 1942 and 1946 concerning the Sons of Pericles is not unusual for an organization of its kind during such a national crisis. Of course, most of the boys were in uniform and as time went by there remained only a handful of members here and there throughout the country. The Sons Headquarters was dissolved and little if anything was heard from the chapters during this time.
Finally, in 1947 the Ahepa National Convention at Los Angeles decided it was time to restore the national and district offices to the Sons as a step that would help rectify the plight of the Junior Order. The Sons were permitted once again a Supreme Lodge and on down the line.
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New Orleans Sons of Pericles Congress
1938 - New Orleans Sons of Pericles Congress of Supreme Lodge and District Governors. G. Stratigos, G. Carkulus, S. Felos, G. Margoles, D. Tamaresis, Conides, L. Kanell, Stamatis, P. Brotsis, Alexander, A. Vonetes, N. Strike, G. Chigges, G. Anderson, G. Leber, G. Polyzois, M. Davis, Helen Petrow, C. Petrow, L. Athas.
Sons of Pericles Supreme Lodge
1939 - Sons of Pericles Supreme Lodge elected at the Providence, R.I. convention. Nicholas L. Strike, president; William G. Booras, vice president; Harry Apostolakos (Lake), secretary; George C. Venturatos, treasurer; Nicholas J. Anderson, Gus C. Chigges, and Leo Karnell, governors.
Shreveport Sons Chapter
1938 - Shreveport, Louisiana Sons chapter officers and members with advisors, and mascot.
1940 Pittsburgh Sons Basketball Team
The 1940 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Sons basketball team, national champions, with Sons Supreme President N. L. Strike, Ahepa National Athletic Director Van A. Nomikos, District # 13 Ahepa Governor Harry A. Reckas.
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Brother Van Nomikos was appointed Chairman of the Advisory Board (a position he held for the next three years) and a provision was also passed at Los Angeles to hire an executive secretary exclusively for the Sons. With positive steps finally taken, things began to look up for the Sons. Arthur Lalos who was now the Executive Secretary of the Ahepa also assumed that capacity for the Sons of Pericles. The Sons first post war Supreme Lodge in 1947 consisted of the following who were appointed: Supreme President, Nicholas Melas; Supreme Vice President, Arthur Lagadinos; Supreme SecretaryTreasurer, Michael Kouvatas; Supreme Governors, John Hagestratou, George Kanganis, George Korellis and Gregory Kosmos. This Supreme Lodge did a fine job especially along the eastern seaboard and the Sons of Pericles were now on the march.
At the Detroit National Convention Arthur Lagadinos was elected Supreme President and during his administration the paid up membership for 1948 increased. It is interesting to note that one recommendation from Lagadinos was for a field organizer -- one who could go into the field and devote all his time to organizing chapters -- as did Brothers Petrow and Strike.
Brother Lagadinos was re-elected in Miami in 1949 and under him served Brother John Stratton, Supreme Vice President; George J. Pipentacos, Supreme Sec-Treasurer; and Gregory Kosmos, James Skufakiss, Bill Descalos and Stergios B. Milonas, Supreme Governors.
It was during this administration that Stergios B. Milonas, Supreme Governor, met his tragic auto accident and the Scholarship Fund was renamed in his memory, The Stergios B. Milonas Scholarship Fund. Basil Milonas, staunch Ahepan and always a fighter for the Sons remained as Chairman of the Advisory Board. Ahepa, Sons, and Maids chapters as well as individuals, have contributed generously to this fund which has aided many students to achieve their education goals.
Brother Lagadinos also inaugurated a membership drive in which for the first time trophies and plaques were awarded to the chapters with the highest increases in membership. This was conducted to stimulate competition and greater membership. Again, he urged the need for a field organizer.
It was at the Cleveland National Conference in 1950 that George J. Pipentacos was elected Supreme President with Gregory Kosmos, Supreme Vice President; James Skufakiss, Supreme Treasurer, and George Gust, John Legeros and John Stephanos Supreme Governors. A Supreme Lodge meeting was held in Washington, D.C. and along with the Supreme Lodge members at this meeting was also Brother George Cokinos, newly appointed as acting executive secretary. Previously, Brother Nick Karayianis, then District Governor of District No. 3 had been assisting Brother Laios in the work of the Sons of Pericles at Headquarters, and upon the recommendation of Brother Karayianis, Cokinos was appointed.
It was in 1950 also, that a new constitution was printed and distributed to the membership. With the threat of war and the compulsory military draft coming into effect, the Junior Order was once again alarmed and by the time of the next convention, Brothers Skufakiss and Stephanos had already been inducted.
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At the Minneapolis National Convention in 1951 (prior the national meetings were conferences) Brother Pipentacos was again elected Supreme President and those who served with him were James Skufakiss, Supreme Vice Pres.; Nick Karayianis, Supreme Secretary-Treasurer; and Arthur Gonos, John Sedell, Peter Sofios and Ted Tsevdos, Supreme Governors.
After his election, Brother Pipentacos officially appointed George Cokinis, executive secretary for the Sons and a separate department was set up at Ahepa Headquarters to be used by the Sons. Brother Pipentacos continued to stress the need for a field organizer and just for the emergency suggested that the Sons allow 12 year olds into the Order. This was defeated. At the Washington National Convention in 1952 the following were elected: James Skufakiss, Supreme President; Nick Karayianis, Supreme Vice President; Arthur Gonos, Supreme Sec-Treasurer; Peter Solios, John Benakis, Jeffrey Economou, and Nick Theodore Supreme Governors. At this Convention there were 42 delegates representing 25 chapters, 9 district and 8 supreme lodge officers, one of the largest conventions to date for the Sons of Pericles.
During Brother Skufakiss' term the Sons were able to maintain the membership and another new chapter was organized, and 11 chapters were reactivated. At the National Convention in Houston, Nick Theodore was elected Supreme President; Arthur Gonos, Supreme Vice President; Jeffrey Economou, Supreme Secretary-Treasurer; with Nick Demeris, Jerry Sokaris, Nick Velonis as Supreme Governors. During the Pittsburgh National Convention in 1954 Arthur Gonos was elected Supreme President; Nick Demeris, Supreme Vice President; and Dean Vizos Supreme Sec-Treasurer. The offices of the Supreme Governors had been abolished by the Houston National Convention.
At the San Francisco National Convention in 1955, Nick C. Demeris was elected Supreme President; Nick Karayianis, Supreme V.P.; Ron Curtis, Sup. Sec-Treasurer; Frank Manta, Ellias Phillips, Supreme Governors. At Pittsburgh the number and positions of the Supreme Lodge had again been changed to include two Supreme Governors.
Brother Demeris began in earnest a vigorous program to revitalize the Order. It was during his administration that Brother Cokinos was also reinstated as executive secretary for the Sons. Six chapters were reactivated that year and one new chapter organized.
At the New York National Convention in 1956 Brother Nick Karayianis was elected Supreme President; Ron Curtis, Supreme Vice President; Frank Manta, Sup. Sec-Treasurer; Tom Cholakis, Mark Notias, Supreme Governors. Brother Karayianis had the opportunity to serve as excursion chief for the Sons and visited Greece with the Ahepa excursionists. The Supreme President had one advantage over many of his predecessors in that he resided in Washington and was able to work right along with Cokinos at National Headquarters. He also had the unique distinction of holding practically every elective chapter, district and Supreme Lodge office.
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Sons of Pericles - Past Supreme Presidents
Past Supreme Presidents
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At the St. Louis National Convention Tom Cholakis was elected Supreme President; Frank Manta, Sup. V.P.; Mark Notias, Sup. SecTreasurer; with Lee Millas and James Economos Supreme Governors. Brother Cholakis was named commander for the Sons to the Ahepa excursion in March. As did his immediate predecessor, he met with the Ahepa Supreme Lodge early that year and brought to their attention the problems of the Junior Order. In March the biggest National Sons Basketball Tournament was held with 16 teams participating. Warren, Ohio, was the winner.
At the Boston Supreme Convention held in August, 1958, Lee Millas was elected Supreme President. Serving on the Lodge with him were Frank Manta, Sup. Vice President; John Cholakis, Sup. Sec-Treasurer; John Constantine and Mike Yakumithes, Supreme Governors.
In August, 1959, Frank Manta was elevated to the highest office in the Sons of Pericles. Along with him were John Cholakis, Supreme Vice President; James Papadakis, Supreme Sec-Treasurer; Peter Zegras and Neil Blanos Supreme Governors.
At the National Convention held at Montreal in August, 1960, John M. Cholakis was elected Supreme President. His lodge included Jim Papadakis, Sup. Vice President; Neil Blanos, Supreme Sec-Treasurer; Bernie Thornberg and Steve Manta, Supreme Governors.
With the groundwork spaded the new Supreme President Jim Papadakis from Houston, Texas along with his Supreme Lodge composed of Peter Zegras, Sup. Vice President; Steve Manta, Sup. Secretary-Treasurer; Nick Perdaris and George Petrouleas, Supreme Governors, began an all out effort to stimulate growth.
At the Chicago Supreme Convention Peter Zegras was elected as the standard bearer and he rose to the challenge of continued growth and expansion. Serving with him were Artie Tropoli, Supreme Vice President; Emmanuel Gratsias, Supreme Sec-Treasurer; Peter Koines and Nick George, Supreme Governors.
At the 1963 San Diego Supreme Convention Supreme President Zegras of New York City reported that 18 chapters had been organized, a record number of 465 new members had been initiated. Also, during Zegras' administration the 1963 revised edition of the Constitution was printed and distributed.
Emmanuel J. Gratsias was elected Supreme President at San Diego. Serving with him were Nicholas T. George, Supreme Vice President; Nick P. Bobis, Supreme Secretary-Treasurer; Louis N. Strike, Nicholas J. Perdaris, Chris Petrouleas and Peter J. Tri po des, Supreme Governors.
Nicholas T. George was elected Supreme President at the Toronto Supreme Convention in 1964. Elected to serve with him were Nick P. Bobis, Supreme Vice President; Supreme Sec-Treasurer Dean Stavrakas; Ed Kiehling. Louis N. Strike, Ted Leakas, Deno Caloudas, Supreme Governors.
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At the historic Supreme Convention held in Athens, Greece in August 1965, Supreme President George reported thirteen new chapters were organized. Sixty-six Ahepans joined the Life Membership Program. Nick George traveled extensively throughout the year visiting chapters in all parts of the country.
The Sons continued their upward climb with the election of Louis N. Strike as Supreme President at the 1965 Athens Convention. Louis is the son of former Sons Supreme President Nicholas Strike (1940 -41). This marks the first time ever that both a father and his son have served the Sons of Pericles in the position of Supreme President. Serving with Brother Strike were Dean Stavrakas, Supreme Vice President; Ed Kiehling, Supreme Sec-Treasurer; Andrew J. Ekonomou, Stan Harris, Greg Manesiotis and James Armenakis Supreme Governors.
Brother Louis Strike closed out his term with again another record membership increase including 554 new members. During his administration he published a much needed Manual of Instruction and Procedure, a revised secret ritual, introduced a new Fraternity pin, helped streamline procedures at headquarters and many of his ideas and recommendations are now a part of Sons policy.
At the 1966 Supreme Convention in Washington, D.C. Ed Kiehling was elected Supreme President. Elected to serve with him were James Armenakis, Supreme Vice President; Andrew J. Ekonomou, Supreme Sec-Treasurer; Stan Harris, John Lygizos, Pete Poulos and Bill Anastos Supreme Governors. Ed Kiehling, having been drafted into the service was transferred to Germany and early in November of 1965 forwarded his letter of resignation. At this time Supreme Vice President James Armenakis assumed the duties of Supreme President. Dean Stavrakas filled the vacancy of Supreme Vice President.
In true tradition, Jim Armenakis closed his term with another increase in membership with 16 chapters organized. The Life Membership Program under the leadership of Harris Pappas enlisted 113 memberships to top previous records. Six regional basketball tournaments were instituted, an installation manual was reprinted, jewelry and paraphernalia were made available to members. Brother Armenakis introduced the "Periclean Man" concept and traveled extensively for the Order.
At the Dallas Supreme Convention Dean Stavrakas of Chicago was elected Supreme President. Serving with him were Stan Harris, Supreme Vice President; Lee Alefantis, Supreme Secretary Treasurer; Harris Pappas, James Pardikes, Nicholas Diako and Dean Kerhulas Supreme Governors.
Brother Dean Stavrakas continued the upward climb of the Sons of Pericles and closed his term of office with 566 new members and 20 chapters organized. 159 life memberships were sold which was a record high. Emphasis was placed on communications and one of the finest national basketball tournaments was held in Chicago with 26 teams and over 900 Sons and Maids in attendance. Brother Stavrakas traveled throughout the country in behalf of the Sons and completed his year at the New York Convention.
At the 1968 New York Convention Stan Harris of Columbus, Ohio was elected Supreme President. Serving with him were Nick Bobis, Supreme Vice President; Deno Krillies, Supreme Secretary Treasurer; Leon Stavrou, George Tragos, Dimitri Yioulos and Tom Chakonas.
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Again, as in the past several years, membership increased with 707 new members and 24 chapters organized. A total of 97 life memberships were sold, stress was placed on improving communications, posters were distributed, a YP Magazine was distributed to the membership and Brother Harris stressed brotherhood and togetherness in the Junior Order.
At the 1969 Minneapolis Supreme Convention Nick P. Bobis of Chicago, Illinois was elected Supreme President. Serving with him were Deno Krillies, Supreme Vice President; Leon Stavrou, Supreme Secretary-Treasurer; Dean Microutsicos, Dimitri Yioulos, Connie Harvalis and Craig Clawson Supreme Governors.
The 1970 Sons of Pericles Yearbook shows membership again increased with 715 new members and 13 chapters organized. Brother Bobis emphasized a new program known as "Involvement and Instruction." This program was an attempt to strengthen the Sons in all areas and was directed to the individual member. The program was quite successful.
At the 1970 Athens Supreme Convention Deno J. Krillies of Chicago, Illinois was elected Supreme President. Serving with him were Craig S. Clawson, Supreme Vice President; Terry Perperis, Supreme SecretaryTreasurer; Nick Stratigakes, Fred Ganjei, Chris P. Kerhulas and Thomas P. Mellos Supreme Governors.
The 1971 Yearbook includes 407 new members with 12 chapters organized. For the first time in the history of the Junior Order, the Sons and Maids of Athena undertook the sponsorship of Multiple Sclerosis as a joint service project and raised over $30,000. Under the able leadership of Andy Metropole, the Eleftheri Zoe publication came into prominence.
At the 1971 Los Angeles Supreme Convention Deno J. Krillies was reelected Supreme President for a second term. Serving with him are Fred Ganjei, Supreme Vice President, Thomas P. Mellos, Supreme Secretary-Treasurer; Anthony Hazapis, Theofilos J. Pappas, James Calogridis, Nick Roumpakis and Gary Galligas, Supreme Governors.
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Sons of Pericles - National Advisory Boards
Chairman - James K. Steliotes, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Andrew C. Angelson, Paterson, N.J.; C. G. Paris, Quantico, Va.; Van A. Nomikos, Chicago, Ill.; Petros Tsopelas, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chairman - James K. Steliotes, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; William Helis, New Orleans; Nick Angelakos, Sumter, S.C.; George Demopulos, Providence, R.I.; Chris C. Harvalis, Chicago; P. S. Marthakis, Salt Lake City; George C. Peterson, San Francisco; John G. Thevos, Paterson, N.J.; John Petrou, Akron.
Chairman - John F. Davis, Scranton, Pennsylvania; Vice Chairman - William G. Helis, New Orleans; Secretary- John G. Thevos, Paterson, N.J.; John Zazas, Indianapolis; Charles N. Diamond, Detroit; Prof. Peter S. Marthakis, Salt Lake City; Thomas D. Lentgis, Seattle; George C. Peterson, San Francisco; C. J. Critzas, New York City.
Chairman - John F. Davis, Scranton, Pennsylvania; Vice Chairman George C. Vournas, Washington, D.C.; Secretary John G. Thevos, Paterson, N.J.; Charles Davis Kotsilibas, Worcester, Mass.; C. J. Critzas, New York City.
Chairman - Stanley Stacy, Milwaukee; John G. Thevos, Paterson, N.J.; George C. Peterson, San Francisco.
World War II years; no Boards appointed.
Chairman - Van A. Nomikos, Chicago; Secretary-Theodore N. Tsangaris, Gary, Ind.; George Diamos, Tucson, Arizona; C. H. Pelias, New Orleans; Charles Davis Kotsilibas, Worcester, Mass.; Theodore Zolotas, Bronx, N.Y.
Chairman - Basil S. Milonas, Whitman, Mass.
Chairman - James A. Veras, Dunmore, Pennsylvania; Peter Kamuchey, Minneapolis; George T. Poolitsan, Middletown, Ohio; Daniel Christopolis, York, Pennsylvania; Speros Versis, Washington, D.C.; Basil S. Milonas, Whitman, Mass.
Chairman Basil S. Milonas, Whitman, Mass. 1952-1954:
Chairman - Stephen S. Scopas, New York City.
Chairman C. P. Verinis, New Haven, Conn.; John Kaplanis, San Francisco; George J. Pipentacos, Albany, N.Y.; James S. Scofield, Hammond, Ind.; Peter Kouchalakos, Miami; M. Rapton, Youngstown, Ohio.
Chairman - C. P. Verinis, New Haven, Conn.; James J. Theo, Dallas, Texas; Anthony L. Summar, Washington, D.C.; George J. Pi pen tacos, Albany; Nicholas L. Strike, Salt Lake City; John M. Manos, Cleveland, Ohio.
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Chairman Stephen S. Scopas, New York City; George Pahno, Savannah, Ga.; James G. Petheriotes, Houston; John Kaplan is, San Francisco; Petro Patras, Chicago; Perry Pakes, Anderson, Ind.; Gus Nicholas, Brooklyn.
Chairman George E. Loucas, Weirton, W. Va.; Nick C. Demeris, Houston; John S. Linakis, Jamaica, N.Y.; Dr. Harry S. Sembekos, Washington, D.C.; William Vasiliou, Middletown, Conn.; John Kaplanis, San Francisco.
Chairman George E. Loucas, Weirton, W. Va.; Paul Yphantes, Brighton, Mass.; Peter Giovas, Akron, Ohio; Jack Zarcadoolas, Flushing, N. Y.; James Petheriotes, Houston; Evans Chriss, Baltimore
Chairman George N. George, Akron, Ohio; Nick C. Demeris, Houston; James Joannides, Southington, Conn.; James T. Curtis, Lowell, Mass.; J. William Homes, Bethesda, Md.; Lambros Milonas, Detroit, Mich.
Chairman - Dr. Nicholas Despotopulos, Clinton, Mass.; Nick C. Demeris, Houston; Tom G. Cholakis, Troy, N.Y.; James Joannides, Southington, Conn.; George N. George, Akron; Ron Curtis, San Francisco.
Chairman Dr. Nicholas Despotopulos; George Douris, Frank Manta, Thomas Cholakis, Nick Demeris, James Joanides, Lambros Milonas, John Cholakis, Jeffrey Economou, Ron Curtis, John C. Gritsonis, James S. Scofield, George Nick George, Nicholas L. Strike.
Chairman Dr. Nicholas Despotopulos, Clinton, Mass.; Frank Manta, Chicago; William Damaskos, Gary; Lambros Milonas, Detroit; Nicholas L. Strike, Salt Lake City; Ron S. Curtis, San Francisco; Nick C. Demeris, Houston.
Chairman William Damaskos, Gary, Ind.; Mark F. Manta, Chicago; X. K. Microutsicos, Trenton, N.J.; George J. Brotsis, Burbank, Cal.; James S. Scofield, St. Petersburg; Nicholas L. Strike, Salt Lake City.
Chairman Charles M. Georgeson, Clinton, Mass.; Vice Chairman - Gus DeMartin, Youngstown, Ohio; Gregory J. Despinakis, Birmingham; Peter Panos, Flint, Mich.; Lee G. Rallis, Denver; Peter A. Rodis, New York City.
Chairman Nicholas J. Pitanis, Lexington, Kentucky; Vice Chairman - Louis G. Alefantis, Buffalo; Secretary Peter Zegras, New York City; James Dariotes, San Francisco:
Dr. Chris N. Photakis, Washington, D.C.
Chairman William Damaskos, Gary, Ind.; Vice ChmnLouis G. Alefantis; Secy Christie Anderson, Springfield, Ohio; Peter Zegras, New York City; George S. Venturatos, New Orleans; Lee G. Rallis, Denver.
Chairman Louis G. Alefantis, Buffalo; Vice-Chairmen Peter S. Zegras, New York City; Secretary Nicholas T. George, Akron; Solon W. Bacas, Hollywood, Fla.; Chris Stratton, Chicago; Jerry Antzoulatos, Los Angeles.
Chairman Dr. Nicholas H. Despotopulos, Clinton, Mass.; Thomas J. Pappas, Phoenix; Dean Lentgis, Seattle; Frank C. Smyrniotis, St. Louis; Finis Coulis, East Chicago, Ind.; Peter G. Tragos, Clearwater, Fla.
Chairman Harry J. Pulos, Detroit; Thomas J. Pappas, Phoenix; Louis P. Logas, Orlando, Fla.; Arthur N. Lagadinos, Worcester, Mass.; John Ganas, San Jose, California; Dr. Nicholas D. Matsakis, St. Louis.
Chairman Harry J. Pulos, Detroit; Thomas J. Pappas, Phoenix; Fred lconos, Houston; Sam Stavrakas, Chicago; Arthur N. Lagadinos, Worcester, Mass.; Nicholas P. Bobis, Chicago.
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Maids of Athena - Grand Lodge 1971 - 1972
Sons of Pericles - Supreme Lodge 1971 - 1972
© Copyright Order of AHEPA
George J. Leber's book is copyright protected. However, any portions of this book may be quoted at length, provided that proper credit & acknowledgement is given to the book, author, publisher, and pages.
Leber, George J. History of the Order of AHEPA 1922 - 1972. Washigton DC, Order of AHEPA, 1972.