History of the Order of AHEPA 1922 - 1972
Chapter Ten: The Years 1956 - 1962
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The Thirty-Fourth Supreme Convention
August 12 to 18, 1956 - New York City
The 34th Supreme Convention was held in New York City during the week of August 12-18, 1956. Convention officers were: John G. Thevos, Chairman; Dennis J. Livadas, Vice Chairman; Peter Kouchalakos, Secretary.
Supreme Lodge delegates were: Stephen S. Scopas, Constantine P. Verinis, Gregory M. Pahules, George A. Bezaitis, Ernest E. Dematatis, Louis G. Manesiotis, Anthony C. Lingon, James Frangos, Nick Kogos.
Supreme Trustee delegates were: Chris E. Athas, Charles D. Kotsilibas, Speros A. Versis, Sam S. Nakos, Anthony Aroney.
Mother Lodge delegates: George A. Polos, James Vlass, Nicholas D. Chotas, Spiros J. Stamos, James Campbell, John Angelopoulos.
District Governor delegates were: George Blanos, George Karras, John A. Vlachos, Peter H. Cardiges, George J. Andresakes, Nicholas Coffinas, Theodore Constantinou, A. Toby Caragian, Paul N. Caros, James Tallas, George J. Cavalaris, George Stratigos, Sam Karakostas, Nick Lillios, William G. Nicas, Nick Elfter, Gus Gatseos, George Damaskos, Manos Salevurakis, Harry C. Boosalis, Xen. A. Cardiasmenos, Euthimios Carras, Constantine Arahovitis, John Christopher.
In addition there were 424 Chapter delegates in attendance.
Convention action was taken on the following:
(1) Elected Peter D. Clentzos as National Athletic Director;
(2) Elected Gus Nicholas to the Supreme Board of Trustees;
(3) Selected Boston, Mass. as the site of the 1958 Supreme Convention;
(4) That a permanent Justice for Cyprus Committee be established, and to enlist the assistance of the United States government toward the solution of the Cyprus question and the granting to the Greek Cypriots their inalienable right of self-determination;
(5) To abolish the Ahepa Refugee Relief Committee and dispose of all pending cases as soon as possible;
(6) To award contracts for the Ahepa School for Boys at St. Basil's Academy just as soon as possible;
(7) Adopted a new Ahepa Family Protective Fund insurance plan which would offer members insurance, regardless of age or condition of health, insurance protection in units of $100.00 at the rate of $2.00 a unit a year up to a maximum of $1,000 insurance for $20.00 annual premium; (this hastily developed insurance program, which was set up as annual term insurance, lasted only two years and was abolished at the 1958 convention since its insurance benefit payments soon outstripped its premium income -- the failure to establish either age limits or health conditions doomed it to early failure and financial losses to the fraternity);
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(8) Gave all Past Supreme Presidents a full vote at future conventions (this had been revoked at an earlier convention);
(9) Changed the title of Supreme Governor for Canada to that of 2nd Supreme Vice President;
(10) Amended the Constitution so that a member of either the Canadian or Bahamian jurisdiction could become Supreme President (it had previously been limited to a member of American citizenship).
The following new Supreme Lodge was elected:
John L. Manta, Supreme President; Peter T. Kourides, Supreme Vice President; George Nick George, Supreme Secretary; George A. Bezaitis, Supreme Treasurer; Gregory Lagakos, Supreme Counsellor; Stephen C. Andreadis, Supreme Governor; George J. Brotsis, Supreme Governor, Dr. Nicholas H. Despotopulos, Supreme Governor; George D. Vlassis, 2nd Supreme Vice President, Canadian Jurisdiction.
The Supreme Board of Trustees was now composed of:
Chris E. Athas, Chairman; Charles D. Kotsilibas, Vice Chairman; Sam S. Nakos, Secretary; Anthony Aroney, and Gus Nicholas.
The liquidation of the Ahepa Refugee Relief Committee was being completed, since the Refugee Relief Act of 1953 terminated on December 31, 1956. The committee' report showed that 32,980 applicants from Greece had been filed with the State Department; that 19,054 of these had obtained visas for admission to the United States; 2,183 visas had been denied; 23 were still in process; and 11,919 were on the waiting list. The only hope at the time for those on the wait list was that the law would be extended after Jan. 1, 1957 by Congress.
Joseph Emmanual Vlastos of Casper, Wyoming receives an appointment to West Point Military Academy … Jim Argeris of Montana State College is named to the All-American football team by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletic Association, as a center. He was from Worland, Wyoming … The community of St. Constantine in Karditsa, Thessally, Greece sends Ahepa a resolution of thanks for the $2,000 allocated to that community from the Ahepa Volos earthquake relief funds … Charles N. Diamond of Detroit receives a resolution of recognition from the Members of the Common Council of Detroit for his 35 years of services to American life … Thomas N. Christie of Minneapolis is re-elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives for his fifth consecutive term … A Special Grammas Night is held by the Cincinnati, Ohio chapter for Alex Grammas, of the Cincinnati Reds baseball team … George J. Stathakis of Paterson, N.J. appointed City Human Relations commissioner … Peter Nichols of the Hartford, Conn. chapter appointed Judge of the Wethersfield Town Court.
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Lewis P. Gaines of Chicago Chapter #203 is appointed Assistant State's Attorney … The government of Greece awards its decoration of the Cross of the Phoenix to U.S. Senator George Aiken in recognition of his many contributions over the years to the development of friendly relations between the United States and Greece. Senator Aiken was a member of the Burlington, Vt. Ahepa Chapter #244 … Mrs. Chris (Cleo) Maletas of Portland, Oregon is named "Mrs. America" in a national competition … Brother Soterios A. Stentoumis of the New Bedford, Mass. chapter is honored for his thirty years of service to the chapter, and for never missing a meeting since the date of his initiation into the fraternity. He was also a charter member of his chapter
U.S. Senator Irving M. Ives of New York introduces Senate Resolution 81, on the Cyprus Question, with 17 other Senators as cosponsors to the effect that:
"The British government should be urged by our government to see the wisdom of seeking to maintain its influence in this area by the exercise of leadership in the cause of freedom rather than by use of force and repression; and free world collective security considerations should be given due weight but should not be used as an excuse for the frustration of the legitimate aspirations of the people of Cyprus; and the principle of self-determination, to which the United States has historically subscribed, be applied to the people of Cyprus."
Great Britain was accused of totalitarian methods in its handling of the Cyprus situation, and these included: political hangings, persons imprisoned without charge or trial, use of concentration camps, collective punishment and fines, arrests without charge, entire families evicted from their homes, censorship, persecution of church, searches and seizures of persons without warrants, public assemblies prohibited, severe curfews, radios jammed, children whipped, schools closed. One comment was:
"In essence, the movement of the Greek Cypriots is no different than the Hungarian movement for freedom. Both are struggling to throw off the yoke of foreign rule. We, as a Nation, cannot have a double standard for patriots. We cannot refer to the Hungarian rebels as patriots because their oppressor is the Soviet Union and at the same time refer to the Cypriot rebels as terrorists because their oppressor is our ally, Britain. Everyone in the free world considers the Hungarian freedom fighters as patriots for they are struggling to remove the yoke of foreign tyranny. Nothing is changed in the Cypriots' case except the names of the oppressor and the oppressed. If there is any terrorism on the island of Cyprus, it is that which flows from Britain's attempt to impose its will upon Cyprus by armed force."
In the year 1950, Canadian immigration policy became very liberal, encouraging immigration, with the result that thousands of Greek immigrants went into Canada from Greece during the next decade or so. It was the hope of the Canadian government that such immigration would populate the sparse western provinces of Canada, but as events turned out, most of the immigration settled in the larger Eastern cities of Montreal and Toronto, and their surrounding cities in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. It has been estimated that some 35,000 Canadian-Greeks finally settled in Montreal, and some 25,000 in Toronto.
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A special showing of the film "Boy on A Dolphin," made in Greece, was held at the Hollywood Grauman 's Chinese Theatre by California District #20 as a benefit for the Ahepa Hall for Boys … Past District Governor Peter N. Chumbris of Washington, D.C. was named Counsel for the Minority for the Antitrust and Monopoly Sub-Committee of the U.S. Senate. From 1949 to 1953 he served as Assistant Attorney General and Special Assistant Attorney General for the state of New Mexico … The Jackson, Mississippi Daily News carried an article on Mike Christopher, founder of the Restaurant Review, publication of the restaurant industry in the South … Past Supreme President Stephen S. Scopas of New York City is appointed as Justice of the Magistrates Court of New York City
The 1957 Ahepa Excursion to Greece departed from New York City on March 27 with over 800 excursionists on board. The Committee in charge was composed of John G. Thevos, Commander; George J. Margoles, Vice Commander; Anthony Papageorgiou, Vice Commander; and Grand President Zoe Cavalaris of the Daughters of Penelope, Sons of Pericles Supreme President Nick Karayannis, Dr. James C. Tsucalas, Mrs. Ruth Kampos, Seraphim Pappas, Anestes Kampos, Peter C. Charuhas, Gus Keros, Mrs. Stella Petrakis.
The Thirty-Fifth Supreme Convention
August 18 to 25, 1957 - St. Louis, Missouri
The 35th Supreme Convention was held in St. Louis, Missouri during the week of August 18-25th, and convention officers were: Louis J. Dukas, Chairman; Thomas Christie, Vice Chairman; and Theme Carras, Secretary.
Supreme Lodge officers delegates were: John L. Manta, Peter T. Kourides, George Nick George, George A. Bezaitis, Gregory G. Lagakos, George D. Vlassis, George J. Brotsis, Stephen C. Andreadis, Dr. Nicholas H. Despotopulos.
Mother Lodge delegates were: John Angelopoulos, James Campbell, George A. Polos, Spiros J. Stamos, and James Vlass.
Supreme Board of Trustees delegates were: Chris E. Athas, Charles D. Kotsilibas, Gus Nicholas.
Past Supreme President delegates were: George Demeter, V. I. Chebithes, Van A. Nomikos, George C. Vournas, John G. Thevos, Peter L. Bell, Leo J. Lamberson, Stephen S. Scopas.
District Governor delegates were: Mike Christopher, George T. Karras, Andrew Papaminas, Steve J. Depos, James Katramados, George J. Pipentacos, Nicholas Kahramanidis, Charles J. Panagopoulos, George Pappademas, Tom Kentes, George T. Poolitsan, Nick S. Smyrnis, Paul J. Costulas, John W. Mercury, Paul M. Kastle, Theodore Kapsos, James G. Dikeou, Angelo Bourlakos, Frank Dagres, Nick J. Litras, Steven Littrich, E. Theme Carras, Constantine Arahovitis, John Christopher, Nicholas J. Chirekos.
In addition, there were 343 Chapter Delegates in attendance at the St. Louis convention.
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Action was taken on the following matters by the convention:
(1) That all insurance programs be grouped under one administrative head;
(2) Increased the delegate representation at Supreme Conventions for chapters by basing such representation on total number of paid members in each chapter for the current year;
(3) Directed the new Supreme Lodge to appoint a national Executive Secretary at Headquarters (the office had been vacant for 15 months);
(4) Authorized an Immigration and Naturalization Committee to work with other immigration groups in seeking liberalized immigration laws;
(5) Re-affirmed Ahepa's stand on self-determination for the people of Cyprus;
(6) Selected Los Angeles, California as the site of the 1959 Supreme Convention.
The following new Supreme Lodge was elected: Constantine P. Verinis, Supreme President; George E. Loucas, Supreme Vice President; George D. Vlassis, Supreme Vice Pres. of Canada; Kirnon A. Doukas, Supreme Secretary; Stephen Andreadis, Supreme Treasurer; Gregory Lagakos, Supreme Counsellor; Peter Kouchalakos, Supreme Governor; Michael Colias, Supreme Governor; William C. Karnaze, Supreme Governor.
The Supreme Board of Trustees was: Chris E. Athas, Chairman; Anthony E. Aroney, Vice Chairman; Ernest E. Dematatis, Secretary; Sam S. Nakos; and Gus Nicholas. John C. Mandros was elected Athletic Director.
Shortly after the convention, the Supreme Lodge appointed Brother William A. Revis as national Executive Secretary at Headquarters. Brother Revis was a member of Washington, D.C. Chapter #31, which he joined in 1926 and served as its Secretary and President … Charles N. Collatos of the Boston, Mass., is appointed as Massachusetts Commissioner of Veterans Affairs by Governor Foster Furcolo … Archbishop Makarios of Cyprus visits the United States, and is honored at a banquet in his honor by the Ahepa and the New York Greek-American societies … Ahepa asks the United States government to seek self-determination for the people of Cyprus … Ahepa District #20 (Southern California) raises $6,000 for the Ahepa Hall for Boys … Alex Karras, tackle of the University of Iowa makes the All-America teams of Associated Press, United Press, International News Service, and received many other awards as "Lineman of the Year" in college football.
The 13th National Banquet honoring the U.S. Congress was held in Washington, D.C. on March 16, 1958 at the Sheraton Park Hotel. Banquet chairman was John A. Vlachos, and toastmaster was John M. Manos. Speakers were Ahepan Paul H. Douglas, U.S. Senator from Illinois; and U.S. Senator William A. Purtell of Connecticut …
The 1958 Excursion to Greece sailed on March 18 on board the SS Queen Frederica, with commander Peter T. Kourides, Supreme Vice President; Vice Commanders William D. Belroy and William Vasiliou; and Past Grand President Poppy Mitchell as head of the Daughters contingent, and Sons of Pericles Supreme President Thomas Cholakis. Supreme President C. P. Verinis also accompanied the excursionists.
The Minneapolis chapter hosts a reception for new American citizens in the Minneapolis Council chambers … Gary, Indiana chapter initiates All-American tackle Alex Karras into the Ahepa, and also honors Alex with a testimonial dinner after the initiation
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Pete Pihos & Bill Mackrides
1949 - Pete Pihos and Bill Mackrides of the Philadelphia Eagles professional football team, honored by Philadelphia Ahepans
Alex Karras
Alex Karras, recipient of the Ahepa 1957 Harry Agganis Award, and football great of the Detroit Lions in later years.
Both Ahepa Brothers, Pete Pihos and Alex Karras, have been inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame, Pro Football Hall of Hame and the AHEPA Athletic Hall of Fame  
Gus Niarhos
1948 - Gus Niarhos, New York Yankees catcher being honored by Washington, D. C. Ahepa chapters
Lou Tsioropoulos
Lou Tsioropoulos, recipient of the 1958 Ahepa Harry Agganis Award, University of Kentucky and Boston Celtics Star.
Lou Tsioropoulos, a member of Kentucky's 1951 NCAA national championship team and the unbeaten 1953-54 squad also went on to win two NBA titles with the Boston Celtics.
The 6-foot-5, 190-pound Tsioropoulos teamed with Naismith Memorial Hall of Famers Frank Ramsey and Cliff Hagan to beat Kansas State 68-58 in 1951 to win the third of Kentucky's four NCAA titles under coach Adolph Rupp. Three years later Tsioropoulos helped Kentucky finish 25-0 and complete the school's only undefeated season. Tsioropoulos averaged 14.5 points and 9.6 rebounds for that Wildcats team, which declined an NCAA Tournament berth. He finished with career averages of 8.4 points and 8.3 rebounds and the school retired his No. 16 jersey.
A seventh-round draft choice of the Celtics in 1953, he spent time in the U.S. Air Force before joining the team in 1956. He won a title that season and in '58-'59 as a backup for Naismith Memorial Hall of Famer Tommy Heinsohn.
"He was a prototype for the sixth man that was developed over the years," Heinsohn said in a statement from the Celtics. "He was a fun guy and probably would have had a longer career as a Celtic if it wasn't for injuries. "
Born in Lynn, Massachusetts, Louis Charles Tsioropoulos excelled in football and basketball in high school before playing the latter at Kentucky under Rupp. Tsioropoulos' size and dual talent drew the attention of then-Kentucky football coach Paul "Bear" Bryant, who went on to become a legend coaching at Alabama. Yessin added that Bryant would "ask Rupp to let him have Tsioropoulos because he knew he had played football."
1957 AHEPA All-Star Track Team
1957 - Ahepa All-Star Track Team which went to Greece that year to compete against Greek track and field teams: Peter Clentzos, coach, Lou Vlogianitis, Nick Kovalakides, Mike Caraftis, Alex Karras, George Stathopoulos, James Saras, Soc Bagiackas, Otto Seymiczeck, Olympic track coach of Greece.
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(Continued from page 412)
Constantine N. Kangles of Chicago Chapter #260 appointed master-in-chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois … . Construction work starts on the Ahepa Dormitory for Boys at St. Basil's Academy … . Total raised as of May, 1958 was more than $170,000.
John Brademas of the South Bend, Indiana chapter is Democratic nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives … . Dr. G. J. Boines, of the Wilmington, Delaware chapter is awarded a citation by the Delaware Chapter of the American Academy of General Practice … . Ahepa, Daughters of Penelope, Sons of Pericles and Maids of Athena all are represented by floats in the New York City Greek Independence Day parade … . Jamaica, N.Y. chapter starts its policy of visiting every other Ahepa chapter in the metropolitan New York City area … . U.S. Congressman William H. Ayres of Ohio, member of Ahepa, addresses the Akron, Ohio chapter dinner honoring past presidents and 25 year members … . Chicago Municipal Court Judge James A. Geroulis raises more than $5,000 for the Ahepa Hall for Boys.
The Thirty-Sixth Supreme Convention
August 17 to 23, 1958 - Boston, Massachusetts
The 36th Supreme Convention was held in Boston during the week of August 17-23, 1958. Convention officers were: George C. Eliades, Chairman; John Manos, Vice Chairman; and Frank Rhodes,Secretary.
The new Supreme Lodge elected by the convention was Constantine P. Verinis, Supreme President; George E. Loucas, Supreme Vice President; Edward Ghikadis, Supreme Vice President of Canada; Kirnon A. Doukas, Supreme Secretary; Michael J. Vrotsos, Supreme Treasurer; John G. Plumides, Supreme Counsellor; Peter Kouchalakos, Supreme Governor; George J. Papademas, Supreme Governor; Paul Koken, Supreme Governor. John Mandros was elected National Athletic Director.
The Supreme Board of Trustees was Ernest E. Dematatis, Chairman; Sam S. Nakos, Vice Chairman; Gus Nicholas, Secretary; Anthony Aroney, Chris E. Athas.
Action was taken by the convention on the following:
(1) Further requested that the U.S. Government and the United Nations bring about self-determination for the people of Cyprus;
(2) Approved the establishment of Ahepa Chapters in Greece, for the first time, limiting their membership however to only those who were already members of Ahepa and had moved residence to Greece;
(3) Raised the annual Per Capita Tax per member to be paid to Headquarters by chapters to $6.50 per year;
(4) Abolished the Family Protective Fund, which had shown steady losses since its inception.
George J. Leber is appointed the new national Executive Secretary of the fraternity and takes office on Sept. 22, 1958. He had previously served the fraternity as national Executive Secretary of the Sons of Pericles (1937-1942) and also as Managing Editor of The Ahepan Magazine.
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Marysville, California Ahepa Chapter moves into its new Ahepa Home building
The fund-raising goal for St. Basil's Academy was raised to include both an Ahepa Hall or Dormitory for Boys and also an Ahepa School building for both boys and girls … The Ahepa Dormitory for Boys at St. Basil's Academy is completed and ready for occupancy … . The plans for the Ahepa School at St. Basil's were in the process of completion, with construction scheduled to start in the spring of 1959.
Brother John Brademas of South Bend, Indiana, is elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, the first American born of Hellenic descent to achieve this honor. At his election, he was only 31 years of age, and already had an excellent record in public service. He was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford where he graduated with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy; a Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard, legislative assistant to Senator McNamara of Michigan, professor of Political Science at Notre Dame, administrative assistant to Congressman Ashley of Ohio. Congressman John Brademas was the second American of Greek descent elected to Congress -- the first was Lucas Miltiades Miller of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, who was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1891 and served one term in Congress. Miller was an orphan from Greece, brought to the United States by American philhellene Col. Jonathan P. Miller of Vermont, in 1824, who raised and educated the young Greek orphan.
Thomas N. Christie of Minneapolis is re-elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives for the sixth consecutive time … Gust Grenias of Decatur, Illinois, wins his fourth term on the Macon County Court … . George M. Paradise of the Sioux City, lowa chapter is elected District Judge of the 4th Judicial District of Iowa, after having served as Municipal Judge … . Chief of Police Louis P. Mountanos of Sausalito, California was elected Sheriff of Marine County … . John Androutsopoulos of Canton, Ohio elected to the State Assembly … . John A. Papajani of Seattle, Wash. chapter is elected as a representative in the Washington State Legislature … . Ernest G. Mantes of Salt Lake City elected to the State Senate of Utah … . James K. Chelos of Chicago elected to another six-year term to the Municipal Court … . James P. Loukas of Chicago wins his second term to the State Assembly of Illinois … . Andrew D. Demetras of Ely, Nevada is elected District Attorney … . Constantine Mamatseos of New Britan, Conn. chapter is principal donor to the new hospital in Kozani, Greece, which is named after him.
U.S. Senator Frank Church of Idaho is initiated into the Boise, Idaho chapter … Socrates P. Zolotas of Vermont Chapter #244 is Republican State Committeeman of Vermont. … Paul Nikakis, charter member of Wichita, Kansas chapter receives a certificate for his 30 years of active membership, during which he missed only 5 meetings … State Representative Thomas T. Gray of Springfield, Massachusetts celebrated his twentieth year of continuous service in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, which he first entered in 1939. He was born in Karouta, Greece.
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The Ahepa Preventorion in Volos, Greece was started in 1955 by funds solicited for aid to the Volos earthquake sufferers. Ahepa contributed $18,500 towards this project, which was dedicated in 1959 during the Ahepa Excursion to Greece.
Past Supreme President Dean Alfange uncovers musical talent when he conducted the Cavaleria Rusticana at the City Center of New York City … . Mayor Andrew Jarvis of Portsmouth, N.H. is decorated by the government of Greece for his contributions to the friendship between the United States and Greece … . James A. Lundy of the Jamaica, N.Y. chapter is Chairman of New York's State Public Service Commission … . Alex Karras plays tackle for the Detroit Lions professional football team … . Lou Tsioropoulos of Lynn, Mass., former All-American basketball player with the University of Kentucky, is a regular on the Boston Celtics professional basketball team … .
The 1959 Excursion to Greece departs on April 10th headed by commander Socrates V. Sekles, vice commander Aristides Georgiades, Secretary John Angelson, Spiros Zepatos, and George Rodis.
Message of President Dwight D. Eisenhower to the 1959 Ahepa Excursion to Greece:
It was good to learn of the plans for the 1959 Ahepa Excursion to Greece. This is a fine example of the work your organization is doing in strengthening the historic bonds which unite the citizens of our country and Greece. To those who are taking part in this Excursion, I send a hearty 'bon voyage' and best wishes for a pleasant and meaningful visit. I know that each one of them will be an effective ambassador in carrying to the Greek people the good will and friendship of us all.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
John G. Pappas of the Minneapolis chapter awarded the National Citizenship Award of the National Association of Food Chains .... Jordan A. Stamati of the Orange, N.J. chapter named to the city's Civil Rights Commission .... Supreme President C. P. Verinis named to the New Haven, Connecticut. Parking Authority .... An educational film for schools is released by Screen News Digest, entitled "Mr. Brademas Goes to Washington" with Congressman John Brademas in the title role .... Dr. Alexander P. Cambadhis of Manchester, N.H., founder of the Sons of Pericles, is honored with the Ben Thompson Citation by the University of New Hampshire for "exceptional meritorious services noted for his various humanitarian projects." ... Sheriff Peter J. Pitchess of Los Angeles is named Honorary Chairman of the forthcoming 1959 Los Angeles Supreme Convention .... Archbishop lakovos of the Greek Orthodox Church of North and South America dedicates the Ahepa Boys' Dormitory at St. Basil's Academy on June 14, 1959 ... Gregory Trompas of San Diego is cited for donating more than $50,000 for projects in his village of Naoussa, Greece .... Governor Price Daniel of Texas becomes a member of the San Antonio Chapter.
Ahepa inaugurates its Ahepa Medal for Scholastic Excellence to be used by Ahepa Chapters as awards to outstanding students of local Greek schools for achieving excellence in the study of the Greek language. Thousands of these medals have been awarded by Ahepa since 1959
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On Decoration Day, May 30, 1959, the Ahepa National Memorial Services Committee held the first of its annual ceremonies at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery with the presentation of a large Ahepa floral wreath. The Tomb Honor Guard participated in the ceremony with the Ahepa committee which was composed of Supreme President C. P. Verinis, Executive Secretary George J. Leber, William Holmes, James Cokas, Supreme Trustee Ernest E. Dematatis, John J. Charuhas, Peter C. Charuhas, John T. Pappas, Louis Chipouras, George J. Papuchis, Past Supreme Secretary Louis P. Maniatis, George Arberakis, Peter Gregory, Milton Sarris. In addition to the wreath presentation at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the committee laid Ahepa wreaths at the graves of more than 50 American veterans of Greek descent buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Among the graves decorated were those of Congressional Medal of Honor recipient George Dilboy, and Past Supreme Secretary Andrew Nickas.
Gus Triandos, Milt Pappas, Billy Loes, and Alex Grammas were all having great years in the baseball major leagues .... Sam Konugres of the Walsenburg, Colorado chapter receives a decoration from King Paul of Greece in recognition of his gift of a water system to his village of Kastri, Arcadia, Greece .... Thomas N. Balikes, Past President of the Miami chapter is appointed Metropolitan Judge for Dade County, Fla.
The Thirty-Seventh Supreme Convention
August 16 to 22, 1959 - Hollywood, California
The 37th Supreme Convention was held during the week of August 16-22, 1959 in Hollywood, California Convention officers were: John Manos, Chairman: Leo Ypsilanti, Vice Chairman; Nick Laskaris, Secretary.
Supreme Lodge delegates were: C. P. Verinis, George E. Loucas, Kirnon A. Doukas, Michael J. Vrotsos, Edward Ghikadis, John G. Plumides, George J. Pappademas, Paul Koken, Peter Kouchalakos.
Mother Lodge delegates were: James Campbell, Nicholas D. Chotas, Spiros J. Stamos. Board of Trustees delegates: Ernest E. Dematatis, C. E. Athas, Anthony Aroney, Gus Nicholas.
Past Supreme President delegates: V. I. Chebithes, Harris J. Booras, Peter L. Bell, John G. Thevos.
District Governor delegates: Chris J. Paris, Anthony E. Papageorgiou, George C. Bokoles, Michael Manesiotis, John Trilly, John Panos, George Mehos, George N. Kotis, Angelo Chouramanis, Tom Kanonas, Jr., C. H. Houpis, Christ Trakas, Peter G. Batsakis, John W. Lambros, Chris S. Vetoyanis, Theodore Kapsos, James Dikeou, Andy Panos, Frank S. Rhodes, Eli Livierato, Fotis C. Koutlas.
In addition there were 390 Chapter delegates in attendance.
Action was taken by the convention on the following:
(1) That an Excursion to Greece be held in 1960, as well as excursions to the Patriarchate in Constantinople, and to Cyprus;
(2) That Ahepans renew their Oath of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States, and express Ahepa's aversion to the purposes of international Communism and to organizations whose purposes are foreign to those of America;
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(3) Endorsed the efforts of the Hellenic people of Northern Epirus in their effort to become free and have the right of self-determination;
(4) That all Ahepans cooperate fully with their local blood banks;
(5) Established a Standing Committee for the Good of the Order, composed of current District Governors in attendance at conventions;
(6) That a study be made of the feasibility of holding a future Supreme Convention in Greece;
(7) Changed the title of the "Board of Trustees" to "Supreme Board of Trustees;
(8) Selected Miami Beach, Florida as the site of the 1961 convention.
The new Supreme Lodge elected was: George E. Loucas, Supreme President; Kirnon A. Doukas, Supreme Vice President; Edward Ghikadis, Supreme Vice President for Canada; John G. Plumides, Supreme Secretary; Dr. N. S. Nicholas, Supreme Treasurer; Nicholas A. Loumos, Supreme Counsellor; William P. Tsaffaras, Supreme Govenor; John Mercury, Supreme Governor; William G. Nicas, Supreme Governor. Nicholas Laskaris was elected National Athletic Director. The membership of the Supreme Board of Trustees was: Sam S. Nakos, Chairman; Ernest E. Dematatis, Vice Chairman; George J. Pappademas, Secretary; C. E. Athas; and Gus Nicholas.
The Ahepan Magazine published an article, "What America Means to Me" by Past Supreme President Dean Alfange which is symbolic of what many of us believe, and which Brother Alfange put into proper wording for us:
What America Means to Me
America is not just rich in material things, an industrial giant, a mighty military power.
America is the country schoolhouse, the village church, the town meeting, the humble farmhouse, the rhythmic poetry of peaceful countryside.
America is the mirth and laughter of its children, the charity, the generosity, the compassion of its people.
America is the triumph of merit and diligence over family and caste.
America is the FREEDOM of choice which God intended all men to have -- the right to do, to speak, to worship, to dissent, to dream, to build, to fail and to succeed.
America is the marriage of liberty with authority, of individual freedom with social organizations.
America is the best discovery yet of a full and honorable way of life.
We are rich in all the things that decent people yearn for. It is our task to live up to these values and to make them known to every nation, friend or foe. For, on us has fallen the challenge to lead the free. And the truth about ourselves is more powerful than any man-made missile.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent the following message to the Hollywood convention:
It is a pleasure to send greetings to those attending the 37th Supreme Convention of the Order of Ahepa. The members of Ahepa are ever mindful of the rich heritage shared by the United States and Greece. As they seek to strengthen the bonds which unite our two countries, and as they advance the principles of Democracy which we together hold in high regard, they add much to the life of the free world.
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Mayor George Christopher of San Francisco is given a special award by the fraternity for his outstanding and unusual "Public Service." … Baltimore, Md. Chapter #30 donates $15,000 to the social and educational center of Evangelismos Greek Orthodox Church … . The Daughters of Penelope begin their project of the Penelopian Shelter Home for Teen Age Girls in Athens, Greece … . James P. Fusseas of New York City appointed Counsel to the New York State Athletic Commission … . Dr. Zena Symeionides of Los Angeles is honored on an NBC program for her work with polio patients, as head of the physiotherapy staff at the Sister Kenny Hospital in California.
Ahepa Headquarters issues two more new chapter manuals, "Ahepa Chapter Program Guide" and "A Plan for Increasing Membership" both by Executive Secretary George J. Leber. … The Ahepa Student Loan Fund made loans totalling $15,200 … . Theodore C. Kiscaras of the Bergen Knights chapter in Hackensack, New Jersey served as Commissioner for the United States District Court of New Jersey … . Jerry D. Dragones of the Jacksonville, Florida chapter was serving his 25th year as Deputy United States Marshall in the Southern District of Florida … . Past Supreme Counsellor Gregory G. Lagakos of Philadelphia is decorated by the Greek government with the Gold Cross of the Royal Order of King George I. … The Marlboro, Mass. chapter leased a building for use as its Ahepa Home … . Mayor George Christopher of San Francisco is re-elected by an overwhelming vote for a second term as mayor. … Gus Triandos, Baltimore Orioles catcher, is given a testimonial dinner by Baltimore Chapter #30.
The State Assembly of California honored Oakland member Sam Vlahos for his patriotic services with a special resolution … . Congressman John Brademas called the Ahepa Excursion to Greece a People-to-People program in remarks he inserted in the Congressional Record. “These Americans serve as individual diplomats from Main Street, U.S.A." … Ahepa starts collecting American books for Greece, to be taken to Greece for libraries, with the 1960 Excursion to Greece.
The next project for St. Basil's Academy at Garrison, N.Y., already under construction, was the Ahepa School for Boys and Girls … . George Chacharis is elected Mayor of Gary, Ind., by the biggest plurality ever registered by a candidate for mayor of that city … . Albany, N.Y. chapter initiates Mayor Erasmus Corning II into the fraternity … . Ahepa supports President Eisenhower's People-to-People program, introduced to sponsor programs on an international scope for better relations between the peoples of the world, and the United States. It was a private citizens program, and not a government program … . Peter E. Chahales of the Corona, N.Y. chapter is named "Man of the Year" by the Kiwanis Club of Maspeth, Queens, New York … . John, Thomas and Arthur Pappas of Boston donate $350,000 to Boston University for the Pappas Law Library on the university campus … . Past Supreme President Peter L. Bell is awarded the Gold Cross of the Royal Order of King George I by the Greek government. … Washington State Representative John Papajani of Seattle becomes Washington State Senator.
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… Mike Christopher of Jackson, Mississippi is named "Mississippi Citizen of the Year" by the Mississippi Council for Christian Social Action … . In late 1959 Peter S. Stavropoulos, secretary of the Brockton, Mass. chapter went through all chapter records and came up with donations made by the chapter since its inception, amounting to $17,294.26 in donations to the local church and other organizations, $6,850 for death benefits, $2,620 for scholarships, and $35,918.95 for benefits and contributions within the Ahepa
District #5 (New Jersey & Delaware) establishes a Fellowship at Princeton University for further studies and research in the Byzantine period … . Charles Sampas was City Editor of the Lowell, Mass. Sun … . Mrs.Ellen A. Sampson of Lowell, Mass., elected to the City Council. … George T. Contalonis, an Alderman of Woburn, Mass., and Nicholas Mavroulis held the same office in Peabody, Mass … . Youngstown, Ohio has an Ahepa Home … .
The 14th National Biennial Banquet is held in Washington, D.C. at the Statler Hilton Hotel. Chairman was John T. Pappas, and William D. Belroy, toastmaster. Among the speakers were Secretary of State Christian A. Herter, Speaker of the House of Representatives Sam Rayburn, and Congressman John Brademas. White House Special Counsel David W. Kendall brought a message from President Eisenhower. The banquet was covered by the U.S. Information Agency and the Voice of America, both of whom sent news photos, articles, and radio broadcasts to Greece … .
The 1960 Excursion to Greece left on March 21, from New York City, with Supreme President George E. Loucas heading the committee of Supreme Vice President of Canada Edward Ghikadis, Past Supreme President Dean Alfange, and Daughters, Sons and Maids presidents Emily Tamaras, Denise Tomaras, and Frank J. Manta.
The 1960 Excursion carried more than 750 cartons of American books to Greece, representing more than 25,000 volumes, which were distributed by the excursionists to libraries in Greece, as a contribution of the Ahepa to President Eisenhower's People-to-People Program. The volumes included children's books, American history, government, science, education, encyclopedias, and others
… . Theodore Souris of Detroit, Mich. elevated by Governor Williams to the State Supreme Court, the youngest justice on any State Supreme Court. … The Immigrants' Protective League in Chicago honored Past Supreme President John L. Manta with a special "President's Award," for civic, industrial and charitable activities.
Eugene T. Rossides of New York City had been serving since 1958 as special assistant to the Under-Secretary of the Treasury Department in Washington, D.C. He had served previously as an Assistant Attorney General in the Bureau of Securities … . Anthony G. Papadakis, Past President of the Oakland, California chapter receives the Daughters of the American Revolution Americanism Medal in Richmond, California for outstanding civic service. He was voted "Man of the Year" in 1947 by the Richmond Junior Chamber of Commerce … . Mayor Kinsella of Hartford, Conn. was guest of honor at the Hartford chapter installations; … Cleveland, Ohio chapter honors editor Louis B. Seltzer of the Cleveland Press.
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On Memorial Day, 1960, Ahepa holds its second wreath laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and decorated graves of Greek-American veterans, including that of Past Supreme President V. I. Chebithes, who died in 1959. Supreme Trustee Ernest E. Dematatis represented the Supreme Lodge at the ceremonies …
President Nicholas P. Levendis of the Jamaica, N.Y. chapter is appointed assistant to the Director of Public Relations of the Borough of Queens.
The Thirty-Eighth Supreme Convention
August 14 to 20, 1960 - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The 38th Supreme Convention was held in Montreal during the week of August 14-20, 1960. Convention officers were: Leo E. Ypsilanti, Chairman; Mike Zonakis, Vice Chairman; Angelo Demos, Secretary.
Supreme Lodge delegates were: George E. Loucas, Kirnon A. Doukas, John G. Plumides, Dr. N. S. Nicholas, Nicholas A. Loumos, Edward Ghikadis, John W. Mercury, William G. Nicas, William P. Tsaffaras.
Mother Lodge delegates: George A. Polos, James Campbell, Harry Angelopoulos, Nichlas D. Chotas.
Supreme Board of Trustee delegates: Sam S. Nakos, Ernest E. Dematatis, George J. Pappademas, C. E. Athas, Gus Nicholas.
Past Supreme President delegates: Harris J. Booras, John G. Thevos, Peter L. Bell, Constantine P. Verinis, George C. Vournas.
District Governor delegates: Nick E. Stamathis, Dr. Chris G. Scordas, John C. Mandros, Nicholas J. Stroumtsos, Nicholas Cuyulis, John Maniatis, Charles M. Georgeson, William Kourakos, Peter Pavoris, Angelo F. Mavrigan, George P. Mailers, John C. Castanes, James Kostadelos, John G. Asimos, Gus Mahas, Gus Sellas, John G. Kaplanis, Jerry A. Costacos, Nicholas Scodras.
In addition, there were 485 Chapter delegates in attendance.
The new Supreme Lodge elected was: Nicholas Coffinas, Supreme President; John G. Plumides, Supreme Vice President; George Adamakos, Supreme Vice President of Canada; Nicholas J. Chirekos, Supreme Secretary; Gust J. Herouvis, Supreme Treasurer; John M. Manos, Supreme Counsellor; William P. Tsaffaras, Supreme Governor; George J. Brotsis, Supreme Governor; James Kostopulos, Supreme Governor. Nicholas T. Laskaris was elected Supreme Athletic Director.
The new Supreme Board of Trustees included: Sam S. Nakos, Ernest E. Dematatis, Gus Nicholas, George J. Pappademas, C. E. Athas, Anthony E. Papageorgiou, William Chirgotis, Michael Colias.
Mandates of the convention included:
(1) Added two (2) Supreme Governors to the Supreme Lodge, effective in 1961;
(2) That the Supreme Lodge and Supreme Board of Trustees shall take full charge of Supreme Conventions, effective with the 1963 convention, with the Executive Secretary as Administrative Director of Supreme Conventions;
(3) Increased the Supreme Board of Trustees to ten (10) members, including the Supreme President and Supreme Treasurer;
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(4) Set new eligibility rules for the office of District Governor;
(5) The use of voting machines at future Supreme Convention balloting;
(6) That an excursion to Greece be held in 1961;
(7) Studied the possibility of a convention in Athens, Greece;
(8) Selected Chicago as the site of the 1962 convention.
The Bethlehem, Pennsylvania chapter sponsors an Olympic Ball, with proceeds going to the American Olympic Team. The mayors of both Bethlehem and Allentown, Pennsylvania attended the affair … . Hartford, Connecticut chapter's float in the annual V.F.W. Loyalty Parade won first prize … . Lansing, Michigan chapter's initiation of new members included Michigan's Lieutenant Governor Swainson and the Flint, Michigan chapter's initiation included Mayor Robert Egan of Flint. … Col. L. B. Von Spach of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin chapter awarded the Golden Cross of the Royal Order of King George I by the Greek government for services rendered to Greece as former administrator for UNNRA in Macedonia and special field representative for the Greek War Relief Association … . Milwaukee, Wisconsin chapter awards 5 Ahepa scholarships to students … . Charles A. Williams of St. Louis, Mo. Chapter #395 receives the St. Louis Kiwanis Club "Man of the Year" award for unusual service rendered to the community.
U.S. Representative Frank T. Bow headed the list of the "Frank T. Bow Class" of new members initiated by the Canton, Ohio chapter. … Norwalk, Conn. chapter initiates Mayor John Shostak into the fraternity. … Judge James A. Geroulis of Glenview, Illinois chapter is re-elected as Associate Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago.
George J. Vavoulis is elected Mayor of St. Paul, Minnestoa, in 1960 and although running as a decided underdog, he won with 53% of the vote. In the florist business, he was an active worker in all areas of community life.
The U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare gives a grant to Dr. George C. Pappageotes, Greek-born lecturer and language expert at Columbia University to publish two basic readers in popular and formal Modern Greek … Dr. C. J. Georgacas, professor of Classical Languages at the University of North Dakota is put in charge of producing a Modern Greek-English Dictionary under a grant from the U.S. Office of Higher Education … . Andrew Jarvis of Portsmouth, N.H. is elected as a member of the Governor's Council. … Ted Maragos of Minot, North Dakota is elected to the North Dakota House of Representatives, at 27 years of age … . Well-known actor Alexander Scourby (Skourvoutis) completed 18 months in a leading role in the play "Darkness at Noon" on Broadway … . James Kellis of Berkley, Mich., won the Democratic nomination to Congress for the 18th District of Michigan, but failed to win in the General Election … . Prof. George N. Pappas is head of the Department of Graphic Design at Rhode Island School of Design.
U.S. Representative John Brademas of Indiana, of the South Bend, Indiana chapter is re-elected to Congress for his second term … . Michigan Supreme Court Justice Theodore Souris, is elected by a large margin to the State Supreme Court. He first served on the court by appointment.
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… Chris F. Bicoules of the Fitchburg, Massachusetts chapter appointed to three-year term as Park Commissioner of the city … . U.S. Representative Glenard P. Lipscomb of California initiated into Hollywood, California Chapter #318.
Ahepa Headquarters establishes the Greek Classics program, in 1960 and offers a seven-volume set of the complete Greek Drama, the Greek Historians, the Dialogues of Plato, and the Works of Aristotle, to all Chapters for purchase and presentation to their local city, college and high school libraries. Hundreds of complete sets were purchased by Ahepa Chapters from Headquarters over the next twelve years and presented to libraries throughout the country and Canada, as an incentive for continued study of these classics by high school and college students.
Ahepa Headquarters also reprinted "The Holy Liturgy of the Greek Orthodox Church" which was offered for sale at cost to Ahepa Chapters for presentation to local churches and youth groups. The booklet was originally published by the Sons of Pericles in 1939, and written by George J. Leber and John Chrysostom, Several thousand booklets were distributed by Ahepa chapters in 1960 and 1961.
Alexandria, Virgina chapter donated $2,518.95 to the building fund of the proposed new church for northern Virginia … . Hempstead, N. Y. Chapter #170 donated $8,400 to St. Paul's Church Community gymnasium … . Two members of Seattle, Washington chapter #177 were elected to the Washington State Legislature: John Papajani to the State Senate, and William Chatalas to the State Legislature
The Ahepan magazine carried an article by George J. Leber in 1961 about the "Greek Stone" in the Washington Monument:
In 1854, the government of Greece shipped an inscribed stone taken from the Parthenon at Athens to the United States government, to be placed in the Washington Monument at Washington, D.C. The stone reads as follows:
'George Washington, the hero, the citizen of the new and illustrious liberty; The land of Solon, Themistocles and Pericles -- the mother of ancient liberty -- sends this ancient stone as a testimony of honor and admiration from the Parthenon.'
Original plans for the Washington Monument were started in 1833 by the Washington National Monument Society, and on July 4, 1848, the cornerstone was laid with elaborate Masonic ceremonies. Due to various difficulties, the Washington Monument was not completed until December 6, 1884, and was dedicated on February 21, 1885.
Inserted in the interior walls (along the staircase which extends to the top of the Monument) are 189 carved stones presented by foreign nations, societies, states and cities. The 'Greek Stone' is one of these, and it was presented by the government of Greece in 1854, but was not put in place until 1885.
(The stone can only be seen by climbing the steps to the top of the Monument, more than 500 steps. Except for the young and very healthy, tourists and visitors all take the elevator, to the top of the monument.)
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The annual Epiphany Day ceremonies at Tarpon Springs, Florida are always attended by the Ahepa, Daughters of Penelope, Sons of Pericles, and Maids of Athena Supreme and Grand Lodges. The evening before the ceremonies at Spring Bayou, the Tarpon Springs Ahepa chapter holds an Ahepa Banquet. Part of a newspaper article on the 1961 ceremony by Fred Strozier of the Tarpon Springs Leader said:
Two thousand years of Biblical history is re-enacted symbolically in Epiphany. The traditional warmth and color of Christian observance in Greece and its scattered islands live again in the New World setting of Spring Bayou, a Mecca for the Greek communities of this hemisphere and an inspiration to Christians everywhere. It all started in the Old World, where the silver cross was thrown into the waters of the Mediterranean to symbolize the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist and the doves flew heavenward to represent the soaring flight of Christ's spirit to His Father. Then in 1903 a little band of hardy Greeks who had found their way to the sponge banks of the Gulf of Mexico joined with their Orthodox religious leaders to transplant this little bit of home to their new haven. In the years that have passed, hundreds of thousands of devout worshippers of all faiths, and other thousands who came as students or from curiosity, have joined on Epiphany in this great ceremony as practiced in Tarpon Springs. The ceremony has come to be a highlight of the tourist season in Florida. It has drawn visitors to witness and feel one of the most moving religious ceremonies held in the open air. The occasion also remains as one of the links of American Greeks with the glorious past of their historic nation. Those who have made their homes in the United States have become completely integrated parts of the nation and have absorbed the ideas and traditions of the New World. It is altogether fitting that they should cherish and preserve the form of observing a Christian holiday which, in one fashion or another, is a major day of worship in most parts of the globe. All of Tarpon Springs proudly joins its citizens of Greek origin in their day of reverent ceremony.
Milt Pappas, pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles team, is awarded the Harry Agganis Award for 1960 as the outstanding Hellenic athlete of America … Mike N. Manatos of the Rock Springs, Wyoming chapter becomes the first American of Greek descent to be appointed to the staff of the White House. Mike was appointed by President John F. Kennedy as an Administrative Assistant to the President of the United States. He had previously served on Capitol Hill as Administrative Assistant to Wyoming Senators Schwartz, Hunt, and O'Mahoney, from 1937. He assumed his new duties in the White House in February, 1961. He became an Ahepan in 1933 at age 18, and served as Secretary of the Rock Springs chapter until 1937, when he moved to Washington.
More than 20,000 American books were shipped to Greece by Ahepa on the SS Queen Frederica in March, 1961 for distribution to libraries in Greece by the Greek-American Cultural Institute of Athens … Mayor Frank R. Franko of Youngstown, Ohio proclaims February 9, 1961 as "Ahepa Day in Youngstown."
St. Michael's Hospital in Newark, N.J. opens its new cardiac pavilion, and names it "Antonius Pavilion" in honor of Dr. Nicholas Antonius of the Newark Ahepa chapter, the hospital's medical director and heart specialist.
Peter Bakakos of the Glenview, Illinois chapter is elected Justice of the Peace of New Trier Township
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The 1961 Ahepa Excursion to Greece arrived in Piraeus on March 24th. Past Supreme Governor James Mazarakos was Commander of the group, and his committee consisted of James Argyros, Supreme Trustee Gus Nicholas, Daughters Grand President Evelyn Semos, Sons Supreme President John Cholakis, Maids Grand President Despina Bilides.
Dr. Michael Rethis of the College of Emporia, Emporia, Kansas, moved to that school from Tufts University, and started plans to offer a program of modern Greek studies, including modern elementary Greek, modern Greek literature, and courses in special studies of ancient Greece … Dr. Peter Comanduras, a Lowell, Massachusetts native is head of MEDICO, (Medical International Co-operation) a privately sponsored humanitarian endeavor which gives medical aid and medical advice to less-privileged countries of the world. The project exists from the public, and private pharmaceutical firms. Dr. Comanduras visited 25 countries to determine what medial help they needed and 20 projects were already underway in 1961 … T. E. Kalem (Theodoros Efstathios Kalemkierides) becomes Drama Critic of TIME Magazine.
Costas S. Tentas of Manchester, N.H. is appointed to the State Liquor Commission by Governor Wesley Powell … Past Supreme Counsellor A. A. Pantelis of Chicago is honored as the founder of the Hellenic Bar Association of Illinois, which he founded in 1950. He was admitted to the bar in Illinois in 1912, one of the first Greek immigrants to become an attorney, in America, and came to America in 1904. In 1939 he was Assistant Corporation Counsel of Chicago … U.S. Navy Captain C. A. Karaberis of Manchester, N.H., is named Captain of the USS Wasp in 1961. He entered the U.S. Naval Academy in 1931. His brother Chris Karaberis received the Congressional Medal of Honor during U.S. Army action in World War II in Italy.
Mrs. Emily Lodge, wife of the Republican candidate for Vice President, Henry Cabot Lodge, revealed that she is ''part Greek" in a press interview. Her grandmother was a Greek from Smyrna, who married Mrs. Lodge's grandfather, who was a Scot, and they immigrated to America soon after their marriage … George Alevizos is reappointed to the Blind Advisory Board Commission of Massachusetts by Governor Furcolo … Professor Deno Geanakoplos is full professor of Byzantine and Western Medieval History at the University of Illinois. Also a violinist, he played first violin in the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, conducted by D. Mitropoulos … Dr. Peter Demos is professor of nuclear science at M.I.T … Theodore Corsones, 31, appointed Rutland, Vermont, Municipal Judge … Nicholas Georgiade is a regular on the ABC-TV series "The Untouchables."
Detroit #40 chapter Past President Thomas Roumell, Regional Director of the National Labor Relations Board, was honored as the 1960 "Outstanding Federal Administrator of the Year."
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The First Ahepa National Canadian Banquet was held in Ottawa, Canada, on June 2, 1961, and was given by the Ahepa in honor of Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker of Canada and the Canadian Parliament. Members of Canada's Parliament, and government officials also attended, as well as the Ahepa Supreme Lodge and members and officers of Ahepa Peter Kotsonas was the banquet chairman, and Supreme President Nicholas Coffinas was toastmaster. Prime Minister Diefenbaker was the principal speaker of the evening ...
The Daughters of Penelope chapter in Athens, Greece starts construction of the Penelopian Shelter for Teen Age Girls in early 1961.
The Thirty-Ninth Supreme Convention
August 13 to 19, 1961 - Miami Beach, Florida
The 39th Supreme Convention was held in Miami Beach, Florida, during the week of August 13-19.
Convention officers were: George Nick George, Chairman; Nicholas S. Limperis, Vice Chairman; Pete Pasvantis, Secretary.
Supreme Lodge delegates were Nicholas Coffinas, John G. Plumides, Nicholas J. Chirekos, Gust J. Herouvis, John M. Manos, George Adamakos, George J. Brotsis, James Kostopulos, William P. Tsaffaras, Nicholas Laskaris.
Mother Lodge delegates Nicholas D. Chotas, James Campbell, George A. Polos, John Angelopoulos. Supreme Board of Trustee delegates: Sam S. Nakos, George J. Pappademas, Gus Nicholas, Anthony E. Papageorgiou, Ernest E. Dematatis, C. E. Athas, Michael Colias, William G. Chirgotis.
Past Supreme President delegates George C. Vournas, Peter L. Bell, C. P. Verinis, John G. Thevos, John L. Manta, George E. Loucas.
District Governor delegates:
Angelo A. Anastopoulo, Nick E. Stamathis, Gus Souris, John F. Nicholas, George Burlotos, C. Dean Vlassis, Alexander Demessianos, Paul Yphantes, George S. Pappagianis, Elias Chinonis, Angelo F. Mavrigan, Gus Nicholas, Peter D. Gianukos, Anthony G. Chardoulias, Thomas Polley, Daniel J. Nichols, George P. Dikeou, Matthew G. Pitakis, Paris Tripodes, Andrew Asimos, Steven Gimurtu, Louis Yankou.
The World Committee on Employment of the Handicapped presented its award "The Book of Golden Deeds" to the Order of Ahepa for services rendered by Ahepans in the employment of handicapped people.
The award read:
The Book of Golden Deeds, the Mark A. Light Memorial Award presented in recognition of Exceptional and Continuous Service to the Cause for Creating Equal Opportunity in employment for the Handicapped. To the Order of Ahepa
Other highlights, resolutions, and legislative action of the convention included:
(1) A seminar held by George J. Leber on the purposes and objectives of the Ahepa Headquarters, and by Mayor James Argyros on participation in local government;
(2) Selected San Diego, California as the 1963 convention site;
(3) That the Parthenon Marbles, taken from Greece in the early 1800s by Lord Elgin of England and placed in the British Museum, be returned to Greece;
(4) That a Committee on Americanism be created;
(5) That Northern Epirus be liberated;
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(6) That Dr. George Papanicolaou, who missed selection of the Nobel Prize for Medicine by one vote, be again considered by the Committee for the award;
(7) That the Miami Cancer Institute be extended Ahepa's appreciation for renaming their institute "The Dr. Papanicolaou Cancer Research Institute at Miami";
(8) That American high schools and colleges be urged to offer courses in Modern Greek;
(9) That an Ahepa Chapter be established in Athens, Greece;
(10) Raised the annual Per Capita Tax for members to $7.00 the year;
(11) Increased the number of Supreme Governors to five (5).
The new Supreme Lodge elected at the Miami Beach convention was:
Nicholas Coffinas, Supreme President; George J. Margoles, Supreme Vice President; Nicholas J. Chirekos, Supreme Secretary; Panayes G. Dikeou, Supreme Treasurer; John M. Manos, Supreme Counsellor; Peter Kotsonas, Supreme Vice President of Canada; Toby Caragian, Supreme Governor; James Kostopulos, Supreme Governor; Mike Costas, Supreme Governor: Sam Nakis, Supreme Governor; Peter Caravoulias, Supreme Governor. Nicholas T. Laskaris was elected Supreme Athletic Director.
The Supreme Board of Trustees was:
Ernest E. Dematatis, Gus Nicholas, Michael Colias, Chris E. Athas, William G. Chirgotis, Anthony E. Papageorgiou, A. Don Bullion, George J. Pappademas.
The Miami Beach convention also resolved that appropriate ceremonies be held at New Smyrna Beach, Florida, to commemorate the First Landing of Greeks in the New World in the year 1768. This was done seven years later, in 1968, and the event will be covered in that section of this book. Also, first steps were taken to approve a future Supreme Convention in Athens, Greece, and the fraternity did meet in Athens in 1965, and then again, in 1970. Both conventions will he covered later in this book.
The presentation of the "Greek Classics" to local high school and college libraries rapidly gained momentum in 1960 and 1961, with presentations in all sections of the country. More than 150 of the 7-volume sets were presented within the first 12 months … Chris Pelekoudas, umpire on the National League staff, was the recipient of the 1961 Harry Agganis Award … . Allan Petmos of Brooklyn, N.Y. enters Annapolis Naval Academy … . The American Farm School, and Anatolia College, both in Salonika, Greece, receive $300 Ahepa Scholarship Awards.
A drive is started in January, 1962 for the purchase of CARE Tool Kits to he given by the Ahepa to vocational students of trade schools in Greece. These included: Sewing Machines, Woodworking kits, Electricians, Metal Worken;, Needle Trades, Masons, Auto Mechanics, and Basic Plumber's Kits. Each "Kit" contained the basic tools needed for vocational students upon their graduation from trade school. Chapters and members were urged to contribute funds for the purchase of the kits, to be shipped to Greece. Andrew Fasseas of Chicago was National Chairman of this worthy drive … . Emanuel N. Karatinos was elected Secretary of the West Palm Beach, Florida chapter for the 12th year (Note: Ahepa Chapter Secretaries are volunteer workers who serve without pay. If remuneration is given them, it is usually only a token payment, between $50 and $200 a year.)
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A committee composed of Supreme President Nicholas Coffinas, Supreme Vice President George J. Margoles, Supreme Secretary Nicholas J. Chirekos, and Past Supreme President John L. Manta, calls upon former President Truman at the Truman Memorial Library to inform the President that Ahepa will erect a statue of President Truman in Athens, Greece, to commemorate the "Truman Doctrine" which gave economic and military aid to Greece following World War II, and which thwarted the efforts of Communists to take over the country.
After the announcement was made to the press, the following radio broadcast was made by Ray Henle, on NBC, on March 22, 1962:
You may have heard the announcement in Washington this week, by the Order of Ahepa, that a statue of former President Truman is to be erected in Athens.
This action is an expression of gratitude for the United States aid given Greece under the Truman Doctrine, when the Communists were hammering at the gates of Athens, shortly after World War Two. Certainly, every American who pays taxes to pay for foreign aid can experience a warm glow at the thought that the relatively small amount of aid given to Greece in those hectic days still is remembered.
Perhaps it would be equally appropriate if we Americans erected in Washington, a statue commemorating the determination of the Greeks to be free. They are free by virtue of the same courage that threw back the armies of Mussolini and then went down fighting before the advancing armies of Hitler. That courage rose again in the late 1940's to throw back the Communists, moving in from Yugoslavia.
WE did not save the Greeks from Communism! They saved themselves. A little nation with almost nothing left but courage took advantage of our aid and made the first successful stand against Russia's push for world empire.
In these frustrating days, when small-time international politicians are willing to barter their nations' freedom for a bag of rubles, isn't it heartening to know that we still have on our side the race from which so much of our civilization stems? And when we tote up the cost of our foreign aid, we can put in the positive column the amount we spent in Greece.
If we should decide to erect a statue honoring the Greeks, we might send duplicates to some other capitals of the world, as a reminder of what is expected of free men! New Delhi, Vietienne and Rio de J aniero should come high on the list!"
Members appointed as the Harry S. Truman Appreciation Award Committee included: Nicholas Coffinas, John L. Manta, Peter L. Bell, George E. Johnson, Socrates V. Sekles, Tom Ross, Louis G. Manesiotis, William G. Chirgotis, William Zacharellis.
Ahepa Headquarters issues another manual for chapters, "A Plan for Increasing Membership" … The first two "University Chapters" -- Ahepa and Beta -- are established at the University of Florida and at Florida State University. Although a few others were established in later years, the plan of Ahepa University Chapters did not materialize as a successful project. The difficulty lay in maintaining membership and the steady graduation of student members made it difficult to maintain the chapters. The plan was dropped in a few years, and at the time of publication of this book, there are no active University Chapters … Ahepa District #20, Southern California, gives support to "The Greek Heritage" course of 12 lectures given at the Extension Division of the University of California at Los Angeles under the direction of Dr. Theodore Saloutos, professor of history at the school. Among subjects offered in the lectures were: Modern and Byzantine Greek History, Greek religion, ancient and Byzantine art, Greek democracy in action, Greek literature, Greek music, Greek drama, the Greek People in the United States, and the American influence on Greece.
Ahepans and Daughters of Penelope of New York City visit Goldwater Memorial Hospital and distribute gifts to 90 patients … Anderson, Ind. Ahepa chapter acquires a new Ahepa Home … . Leon Pouloppulos of the Clearwater, Florida Ahepa chapter, organized and conducts the St. Petersburg and Clearwater Symphony Orchestra … Past Supreme President John G. Thevos is awarded the Cross of the Commander, Royal Order of Phoenix by the Greek government for his services to international cooperation between the United States and Greece … Harry Victor Peetris of Hollywood, California chapter #318, is appointed Judge of the Municipal Court of Los Angeles … . Governor Ernest F. Hollings of South Carolina is initiated into Greenville, S.C. chapter #242 … . Saskatoon, Canada Chapter is congratulated by the fraternity on its fine Ahepa Home.
The 15th National Biennial Banquet honoring the Congress of the United States was held on March 19 in Washington, D.C. at the Sheraton Park Hotel. Chairman was Tom Ross, and Supreme Secretary Nicholas J. Chirekos was the toastmaster. Principal speakers were: U.S. Senator Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania; U.S. Senator Gale McGee of Wyoming; Edward R. Murrow, Director of the U.S. Department of Information; and Mike Manatos, Administrative Assistant to President Kennedy, who read the President's message to the banquet.
Supreme Vice President George J. Margoles established 26 new Ahepa Chapters during the period of September, 1961 through June, 1962 … . The annual wreath-laying at Arlington National Cemetery's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was headed by Supreme Vice President Margoles and a committe of Washington Ahepans on Memorial Day, 1962. Ahepa wreaths were also placed on the graves of Greek-American veterans buried at Arlington Cemetery.
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James Kolokotrones of the Butte, Montana chapter completed his second year as Mayor of Three Forks, Mont … . Ahepa Headquarters issues a new manual for chapters on Naturalization and Citizenship Programs … . Ahepa District No. 7 (Connecticut and Rhode Island) sends an Ahepa jet flight to Greece on April 18th with 134 passengers … Flint, Michigan Chapter honors Tom Yeotis for his program for the youth of the city.
The 386 CARE Tool Kits and 39 sewing machines that the Order of Ahepa distributed in Greece in 1962 were given to the following schools and organizations: National Boy's Orphanages, American Farm School Vocational orphanages; Royal National Foundation Vocational Schools; Girls' Vocational Schools; Rural Youth Clubs; Homemaking Schools; Church Girls' Orphanages; Institute for Crippled. Theodore Vaitses of Melrose, Massachusetts, is a Massachusetts State Representative … . Thomas A. Johnson is Judge of the Third District Court of Essex County, Ipswich, Mass … William J. Chatalas of Seattle runs for a second term in the Washington State House of Representatives … . State Senator John Papajani of Seattle also a candidate for a second term … . Assemblyman Nicholas Peetris of Oakland seeks a second term in the Lower House of the State of California … . Judge Evans D. Manolides of Seattle, Washington, serving as Justice of the Peace … Thomas Demakos is Assistant District Attorney of Queens, N.Y … . John J. Veronis, 34, is named publisher of the Ladies Home Journal. … U.S. Navy Captain Constantine A. Karaberis of Manchester, N.H. is promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral.
The newly completed Ahepa School at St. Basil's Academy in Garrison, N.Y. was dedicated in June, 1962 with a large group of Ahepans and their families in attendance, as well as church leaders. The new Ahepa School was completed at a cost of $245,000, and with the previously completed Ahepa Hall for Boys which was built at a cost of $90,000, the Ahepa projects at the Academy represented a total cost of $335,000.
© Copyright Order of AHEPA
George J. Leber's book is copyright protected. However, any portions of this book may be quoted at length, provided that proper credit & acknowledgement is given to the book, author, publisher, and pages.
Leber, George J. History of the Order of AHEPA 1922 - 1972. Washigton DC, Order of AHEPA, 1972.