History of the Order of AHEPA 1922 - 1972

Chapter Sixteen: The Maids of Athena

"We've Come A Long Way"

by Kathy Hanzakos – Maids of Athena National Historian

"Individually and collectively we must represent ARETE, for the Maids of Athena is a living-learning experience where we can realize our personal potential, our ARETE, as we grow, give, learn and become."
- Grand President Katherine Triantafillou

The Formative Years 1930-1952

Our story begins in 1930. Through the effort and inspiration of Thomas D. Lentgis, of Seattle, Washington, Past Supreme Governor of the Order of AHEPA, the first Chapter of the Maids of Athens was brought into being. It was founded in Tacoma, Washington on July 5, 1930 and was given the name "Sparta." Seven years passed and on November 18, 1937 a Charter was granted to the twelve members of Sparta Chapter. At the same time, Charters were also granted to three other Chapters: Alethea No. 2 of Seattle, Washington; Diana No. 3 of Portland, Oregon; and Ariadne No. 4 of Vancouver, Canada. By the end of 1937 there were twenty Chapters with a total membership of 444.

These twenty pioneer Chapters were governed by a Constitution and Ritual first written and published by the Order of AHEPA in May, 1935. By no means were these beginning years smooth-sailing. During the first ten years there were rough seas as well as calm ones, and it must have been trying for the Order of Ahepa to chart a course for this new Junior Order which had grown faster than anyone had anticipated. The Maids of Athens, as it was then known, blossomed to a size comparable to that of the Sons of Pericles. It soon became apparent that the original constitutional and administrative organization of the Maids was cumbersome, complicated and inefficient.

Accordingly, a program of reorganization was initiated and adopted by the Order of AHEPA at the April, 1941 Supreme Lodge meeting.

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Unfortunately, all records prior to 1941 were lost or abandoned because they were so confusing. In any event we can be reasonably sure that the new procedures drawn up for the Maids were similar to those followed by the Sons of Pericles. In fact, the 1941 AHEPA Supreme Convention recommended that Maids of Athens Chapters be established in cities where the Sons of Pericles Chapters existed in order to promote greater cohesiveness between the two Junior Orders. Another recommendation put forth by the 1941 Convention was one which set the age limit for the Maids from 14 to 23 years of age. This would, it was hoped, promote greater harmony between the Maids and the Daughters of Penelope.

The Chairman of the Maids of Athens committee at the 1941 Supreme Convention was Mr. Nicholas Nicholas. Brother Nicholas was the first Ahepan to exert a major effort toward the fulfillment of the Maids of Athens as a nationally known organization, equal in stature to its counterpart, the Sons of Pericles. By the end of 1941 there were 73 Chapters of the Maids of Athens. Again, very few records remain describing the events between 1941 and 1949, but there is evidence which suggests that the Order of the Maids of Athens was supervised entirely by the Order of Ahepa. All reports of the Maids were written and printed by the Executive Secretary of Ahepa, and during these years emphasis was placed on enlarging membership and strengthening the Districts.

Several significant events occurred between 1949 and 1952. In 1949, the first National Advisory Board for the Maids was chosen. It consisted of three members of the Daughters of Penelope and thus marked the first step of the Order's progress toward becoming an auxiliary of the Daughters. Another such event in Maids history was the inauguration of a new concept, "dual-membership." This resulted in the lowering of the age limit of the Maids from 23 to 21, but allowed girls to remain in the Junior Order until the completion of their 23rd year, provided that they become members of the Daughters as well, and were members in good standing in both Orders. Finally, in 1950, the Maids of Athens officially become the Junior Auxiliary of the Daughters of Penelope. A new Constitution was drawn up and published.

Emerging Years: The Age of Expansion 1953-1966

If the years between 1930-1952 can be termed the formative years of the Maids of Athens, then the years 1953-1966 are the years of expansion and emergence. An important milestone in Maids history occurred in 1953 to begin this era. Due to the support and encouragement of Pota Saratsis, the Grand President of the Daughters of Penelope, the Maids held their first National Conference in Houston, Texas in 1953. Here, the Ritual was rewritten to conform with that of the Daughters, and the Manual of Instructions was composed.

Another milestone in Maids history took place in 1954 at the Second National Conference of the Maids of Athens. At this time, the first Grand Lodge of the Maids of Athens was elected. Members of this first Grand Lodge were:

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Grand President - Becky Angelos, Houston, Texas
Grand Vice-President - Merle Karfotias, Portland, Oregon
Grand Secretary - Bella Castrinos, New Orleans, Louisiana
Grand Treasurer - Peggy Koutsoukes, Washington, D.C.
National Advisor - Mrs. Koula Karfotias, Portland, Oregon

By 1955 the Maids of Athens was well on its way to becoming a well organized group of young ladies.

At the Third National Conference, held in San Francisco, the first Grand Lodge reports were rendered and accepted. The voting power at this Conference was a grand total of six! Committee chairmen were chosen and the first set of projects were adopted. These were: Saint Basil's Academy; an orphanage in Salonika; and a hospital aid project. Sister Angelos was re-elected to a second term as Grand President. Also during that Conference, the base age for membership in the Maids was lowered from 14 to 12 in the hopes of obtaining more members.

Money was collected for St. Basil's during 1956 and the following year, Grand President Angelos reported that $280.00 had been raised for the purpose of purchasing a practice piano for the Academy. This project was continued under the administration of Grand President Mary Snyder. However, St. Basil's had by then already acquired one so the total amount of $460 that had been collected was used to purchase linen, nursery equipment and a washing machine.

From a voting strength of six in 1955 there was a significant rise in the number of delegates attending the National Convention. By 1958 the number had almost tripled as 17 delegates met in Boston to chart the future of the Order. Grand President Joan Pompos reported that $85.00 had been raised for the National Treasury, that year's National Project. At this Convention the delegates saw fit to adopt a resolution subsidizing trips by the Grand Lodge for the purpose of attending National and District Conventions. Grand Lodge officers were allowed 3 cents per mile and $5.00 per diem.

At the 7th National Convention in Montreal, Grand President Denise Tomaras reported that an additional $223 had been raised that year, but stressed the continued importance of building the National Treasury. By this 1960 Convention there were unmistakable signs that testified to the growth of the Maids of Athens. For one thing, Grand Lodge Officers began to travel more, and this undoubtedly resulted in a closer relationship between the Grand Lodge and the various District and Chapters within the realm of the Order of the Maids of Athens. Membership jumped from 353 to 871 and the Maids gained a section of their own in the Ahepan Magazine. This year also marked the first time a Maids Grand President was included on the Ahepa Easter Excursion to Greece.

At the 1961 National Convention in Miami, Grand President Despina Bilides reported that $359.50 had been collected from individual Chapters in support of the Penelopian Shelter Home in Greece, the National Project for the year. That year jewelry and paraphernalia were commissioned and made available to Maids Chapters. The sale of these items helped to augment the National Treasury.

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Maids of Athena - Past Grand Presidents - Becky Angelos (1954-56), Mary Snyder (1956-58), Joan Pompas (1958-59), Denise Tomaras (1959-60), Despina Bilides (1960-61), Kathy Morakis (1961-62), Cathy Yeotis (1962-63), Faith Prassas (1963-64), Kathy Halkias (1964-65), Cleopatra Notarides (1965-66), Pauline Stavrakas (1966-67), Connie Contos (1967-68), Aliki Liaskas (1968-69), Kathy Venturatos (1969-70), Martina Harris (1970-71)

Maids of Athena - Past Grand Presidents

Becky Angelos (1954-56), Mary Snyder (1956-58), Joan Pompas (1958-59), Denise Tomaras (1959-60), Despina Bilides (1960-61), Kathy Morakis (1961-62), Cathy Yeotis (1962-63), Faith Prassas (1963-64), Kathy Halkias (1964-65), Cleopatra Notarides (1965-66), Pauline Stavrakas (1966-67), Connie Contos (1967-68), Aliki Liaskas (1968-69), Kathy Venturatos (1969-70), Martina Harris (1970-71)


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The most pressing problem before the Maids of Athens at the 1962 Chicago Convention was the issue of functioning Chapters. Despite the small number of active Chapters, outgoing Grand President Kathy Morkakis reported that $294 had been collected in support of the National Projects which were then Radio Free Europe and Care Packages to Greece. In 1962 another office was added to the Grand Lodge, the office of Grand Governor. Previously, such liaison officers had been appointed by the Grand President.

Under Grand President Kathy Yeotis (1962-63), the number of active Chapters rose from 38 to 55 and the number of active Districts doubled from 5 to 10. This year for the first time the Maids closed out their accounts in the black, showing a gain of $1,364.75 of which $600 was contributed by the Daughters. The two main projects for the year were Care Packages to Greece and St. Basil's Academy. A total of $390 was collected from Chapters and evenly divided between the two charities.

A $10 Project Fee was instituted by the delegates convened in San Diego in 1963. Part of the money to be collected was designated for a special fund in conjunction with the Daughters of Penelope in an effort to establish a Maids room at St. Basil's Academy. The remaining portion was to be utilized in purchasing equipment for the Penelopian Shelter Home in Athens, Greece. The 1963 San Diego Convention brought still another significant change for the Order. After much discussion the Maids of Athens became the Maids of Athena and with the alteration of a single letter we were transformed from the spiritual citizens of a city to followers of the grey-eyed goddess of wisdom.

During the term of Grand President Faith Prassas, 4 new Chapters were activated bringing the total to 59. In an effort to aid growth and expansion, Sister Faith set up a Buddy System between Chapters, a Big Sister Plan and instituted an essay contest on "What Being a Maid Means to Me." A total of $379 was raised for the two National Projects: St. Basil's and the Penelopian Shelter Home.

The delegates attending the 1964 Toronto Convention expanded the scope of national projects with the adoption of Mail Call Vietnam, Mental Health Volunteer Work and an Immigration Orientation program. The essence of the proposed MOA room at St. Basil's was obviously altered. Grand President Kathy Halkias reported the following year at the 1965 Athens Convention that $280 had been collected for the Daughters of Penelope Hall at St. Basil's.

It is interesting to note that Grand President Halkias first proposed the idea of a Life Membership Program in Athens. The program would enable any Daughter of Penelope or Maid to become a "Life Member" of the Maids for a small fee. The proceeds of this project would be accumulated in a special fund and eventually scholarships would be awarded to deserving Maids. The program was not adopted, but as we shall see, the idea materialized again at subsequent Conventions. Sister Halkias also recommended that Regional Workshops be instituted to acquaint District and Chapter Officers as well as regular members with the procedure and organization of the MOA, another idea to come into being in later years.

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The 1965 Athens Convention signaled the completion of one era and the beginning of another. Step by step, the Junior Auxiliary of the Daughters of Penelope approached the threshold of greater self-sufficiency and self-realization.

Coming of Age, 1965-1972

The year 1965-66 marks a turning point in the history of the Maids of Athena for it was the year of its coming of age. The programs and projects of the Maids of Athena had always been carried out with spirit and enthusiasm, but it was not until the election of Grand President Cleopatra Notarides that Maids of Athena across the nation realized the dynamic potential of a national Order. One significant fact which illustrates the changes wrought during 1965-66 is the number of miles travelled on visitations. Whereas Grand Presidents before her travelled hundreds and sometimes a few thousand miles, Sister Notarides traversed more than 20,000 miles visiting over 50 individual Chapters and 11 Districts across the country. Grand Presidents after her have continued to travel extensively, often surpassing even Sister Notarides' mileage.

With the aid of the Daughters of Penelope a complete re-organization of headquarters was instituted involving the micro-filming of all past records and an up-dating of procedures. A new "Code of Ethics" was distributed, the Ritual was revised and re-issued, as was the Manual of Instructions. Last, but not least, a new Chapter Activities Manual was published, written by Chrisi-Lou Yankou, and a District Governor's Manual by Emily Liakas. During this year every District had at least one District Officer, something never before accomplished. Six new Chapters came into the Order that year and 10 Chapters were re-activated.

The four National Projects undertaken the previous year were continued, redefined and broadened. The primary purpose of Mail Call Vietnam was to reassure our Orthodox servicemen of our concern for their personal welfare. The Immigration Orientation Program took shape in the form of a pilot study in New York City where the greatest influx of immigrants came. A booklet was published listing all city facilities, a map and welcome teas were organized. Mental Health Volunteer Work was again stressed and $485 was collected for the Penelopian Hall at St. Basil's.

In 1967, project Mail Call Vietnam was continued as was Mental Health Volunteer Work under Grand President Pauline Stavrakas. The Immigration Booklet project proved not to be feasible. The immigrants coming from Europe couldn't read or write English and thus needed more personal help, which was humanly impossible. An additional $640 was collected for St. Basil's. These and other projects, a Maids of Athena National Directory and a Resolutions/Recommendations Manual were carried on through 1968. Three new chapters were instituted and 10 were re-activated.

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During 1968, the Maids of Delphi #78 undertook the task of printing and distributing Maids of Athena Decals nationally. Sister Contos also introduced the first "Maids Sunday" a holiday celebrating the founding of the Maids of Athena on November 18th. Maids across the country were thus joined spiritually by taking communion in their· individual churches. Unfortunately, the attempted Literary Magazine received little support and was passed on to the next Grand Lodge.

Our first Canadian Grand President, Sister Aliki Liaskas was elected at the 1968 New York Convention. Most of the same programs were continued throughout that year. The Maids still sent letters to servicemen overseas, they worked with mental health clinics or supported mental health projects. They still contributed financially to the support of St. Basil's Academy; the sum of $1,258.61 was collected. In addition to helping the children of St. Basil's, the Maids supported Kim Chow Orphanage in Vietnam, and tried to help in this small way the most helpless of all victims of war, the children.

A Chapter and District Advisor Manual was drafted and District #6 sponsored a national sale of MOA stationery. Something new was added to the Rush Month established in previous years, the "Golden Key Rush System" by Sister Suzanne Gatzeos containing concrete ideas and suggestions for realizing membership growth. The first Maids and Sons joint project was initiated this year. It was the National Variety Show which was presented at the Supreme Convention in Minneapolis in 1968. Sister Maria Nichols and Brother Sam Kostas were the first co-chairmen for this annual event. Sons and Maids shared in the fun of producing and performing in a variety show which gave them the opportunity to participate in a previously unknown spirit of fraternalism.

As the sixties came to a close, the Maids of Athena numbered 84 active Chapters. As Grand President Aliki noted in her Convention report, a major share of the responsibility for this rise in membership was due to the concentrated efforts of the Order of Supreme President Gus Cherevas.

1970 was the beginning of a brand new decade and also the "dawning of the age of Aquarius." Grand President Kathy Venturatos emphasized the "meaningful maturity of our Sisterhood rather than the indiscriminate growth of our organization." It was more than just a busy year. It was a year of total leadership whereby the entire Grand Lodge logged an incredible amount of miles and participated equally in the "dawn of the Age of Aquarius … . "

The Recommendations/Resolutions Manual was finally completed by Grand Vice-President Georgi Kimmel and made available to Chapters. The Maids of Athena Ritual was revised by Grand Treasurer Katherine Triantafillou and Grand Governor Martina Harris. Grand Governor Cathe Christold undertook the updating of the Chapter Manual and the District Governor's and Lodge Manual. Grand Lodge members spent much time at Headquarters familiarizing themselves with procedures helping to ease the work load.

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1972 - Mrs. Judy Agnew, wife of the Vice President, assists in the presentation of National Multiple Sclerosis awards to the Sons of Pericles and Maids of Athena. With her are Past Grand Pres. Martina Harris, Grand President Katherine Triantafillou, Supreme President Deno J. Krillies.

National Multiple Sclerosis Awards

1972 - Mrs. Judy Agnew, wife of the Vice President, assists in the presentation of National Multiple Sclerosis awards to the Sons of Pericles and Maids of Athena. With her are Past Grand Pres. Martina Harris, Grand President Katherine Triantafillou, Supreme President Deno J. Krillies.


1940 - Salt Lake City, Utah Maids of Athena

1940 - Salt Lake City, Utah Maids of Athena


1937 - Chester, Pennsylvania Maids of Athena

1937 - Chester, Pennsylvania Maids of Athena


1938 – District #22 (Washington, Oregon and British Columbia) Maids of Athena District Conference

District #22 Maids of Athena

1938 – District #22 (Washington, Oregon and British Columbia) Maids of Athena District Conference


1940 - Memphis, Tennessee Maids of Athena and advisors

1940 - Memphis, Tennessee Maids of Athena & Advisors


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The financial arrangement of the Maids of Athena underwent a change in 1970. A totally separate account system was instituted with the aid of the Daughters of Penelope and the Maids received its own checking account.

The Maids began raising funds for the Papanicolaou Cancer Research Center in order to purchase a "Microbiological Transfer Hood". Another project was Rush Month. A more extensive rush program was instituted and culminated in a Mass Initiation of new members in Detroit, Michigan at the ISIBT. The Ritual was performed by the District Ten Lodge. A "Life Membership" Program was developed in 1970 under the chairmanship of Sister Chrys-Ann Anton. It was designed to establish a self-sustaining fund for a "Foundation of Hellenic Studies," the long range objective which was to establish a central location for a library of Greek-American Studies.

Charisma, the Literary Magazine, was first published in 1970 under the editorship of Athena Drewes and co-editor Pamela Stevens. Over the years, much confusion had arisen concerning the total amount of monies contributed towards St. Basil's. But Grand President Venturatos was finally authorized to present a $3,000 check to the academy in behalf of the Maids of Athena. A Sons and Maids "Oli Mazee" Service Project was attempted by the two national lodges that year, but unfortunately, practicality overcame intent and the program proved unworkable. The two lodges did, however, combine their efforts in establishing Regional Conferences across the nation.

Sisters, how far have we gone in realizing that the Maids is more than just institutionalized verbal committments? How far must we yet travel together? The distance is greater than that of miles of highways, more enduring than lists of platitudes, and indeed most essential to our very existence. Our Order must rise out of the insecurity and self-consciousness of adolescence, and assume the stature of dynamic young adulthood. The Order of the Maids of Athena must cherish the ideals of youth, while cushioning it with the practicality and humility of education …

These memorable words spoken by Grand President Venturatos at the Athens Convention in 1970 provided an apt transition to the theme chosen by Grand President Martina Harris: "Progress for Mankind through Harmony and Understanding."

All of the projects undertaken that year were designed to encourage Maids to take an active part in helping to solve the problems of our society. Grand Lodge members again spearheaded national committees: Grand Governor Cathy Chiros broadened Mail-Call Vietnam into Mail Call World; an Ecology Education & Action program was developed by Grand VicePresident Katherine Triantafillou; and an in-depth Mental Health program was provided by Grand Treasurer Liz Lefthes with an emphasis on Drug Abuse.

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In 1971 Grand President Martina Harris proved that a joint service project between the Sons of Pericles and the Maids of Athena could be successful. The project adopted was Multiple Sclerosis and the purpose of this project was to help in the development and discovery of a cure for M.S., as it is often called, through a coordinated fund raising drive throughout the country. It was an especially appropriate project suggested to our Order by Sons Brother Jim Gatziolis, for the victims of this disease are young adults. The project was extremely successful as the combined membership of the Maids and Sons embraced it with unequalled enthusiasm. Brother John N. Lamperis and Sister Francis Gatziolis were co-chairmen. More than $30,000 was raised in behalf of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society! The Maids and Sons were awarded outstanding service commendations by the Society and were received by Mrs. Spiro Agnew, wife of the Vice President.

Literarily, 1971 was another great success with the second issue of Charisma, and the addition of the first Sons and Maids National newsletter, Eleftheri Zoe. Eleftheri Zoe came about under the chairmanship of Grand Vice-President Katherine Triantafillou and Editor, brother Andrew Metropole and Associate Editor, Sister Irene Canaris. The project initiated in 1970 for the Papanicalaou Cancer Research Clinic was brought to a close. A total of $2,212.12 was collected over the two years. As the need for the "Microbiological Transfer Hood" had been filled, delegates convened in LA authorized the next year's Grand Lodge to investigate and present the Center a check for any necessary piece of research equipment.

The Life Membership program which was passed in Minneapolis came under heavy criticism in Los Angeles at the 1971 Convention and was consequently changed. The Daughters whose constitution does not allow honorary memberships to be presented to their own members, encouraged Maids to alter the program and suggested the name "Patron of Athena." Annual patrons could be sold and the monies collected from the sale would be specifically put aside for scholaships, and alteration of the program as instituted.

One of the major and most significant events that occurred during the LA Convention was the adoption of a new crest. Delegates were unanimous in their conviction that the new crest design submitted by Grand Secretary Christina Tzavellas was more expressive of the MOA principles and ideals.

Multiple Sclerosis, Eleftheri Zoe, and Charisma were adopted for another year as joint Maids and Sons project. Money collected from the National Project Fee was designated for the purchase of research equipment on the hospital ship, SS Hope. Meaningful "how to" booklets were submitted and adopted for distribution. These were: "Ecological Endeavors" by Anita Brass; "Education is Now" by Elena Hanzakos. The procedures in deciding National awards were also reviewed and a formal system adopted. Regional Conferences were dropped from the list of National responsibilities. Delegates adopted as the official MOA theme, "Sisters Strong and True," a song written by Katherine Triantafillou and Elena Hanzakos.

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Under the current Grand President, Katherine Triantafillou, the Maids of Athena continue to reach out towards the world in order that they become all they are capable of being. This year's program is plentiful indeed, as the membership reaches a "meaningful maturity" in accomplishing the goals set forth by the LA Convention and motivated by the words of today:

I challenge your knowledge, your sensitivities, your talents, your involvement, your pride, and your sense of respect to come alive as we question, probe, think and act for the Good of the Order. May we come as many and leave as one … . bound by the spirit of Athena … . Sisters, strong and true.

- Katherine Triantafillou

Delegates calling for some type of national athletic event were answered with the "IMIBT", the first International Maids Invitational Basketball Tournament held in conjunction with the already established Sons ISIBT in Columbus, Ohio. The first MOA National Athletic Director, Sister Annette Kouimellis oversaw the event. The much-heralded new Ritual was finally made available to Chapters and the Grand President proceeded with the purchase of new Jewels to conform with the new crest and colors. A new Manual of Instructions, begun the year before, reached the final editing stages and was made available to Chapters at this National Convention.

With the help of matching government funds, Maids were able to donate a $5,000 "Atomic Absorption Analyzer" to the Papanicolaou Cancer Research Center. Grand Vice-President Tzavellas made the formal presentation to the Center at its annual awards night along with a plaque to Mrs. Papanicolaou commemorating the contributions made by her late husband. Many new forms were updated, a District Convention Guideline prepared and issued to District Lodges, a promotional / orientation brochure and a Rush brochure were also made available. Finally, the "National Convention Delegates' Booklet" was revised and re-issued, and the Patron of Athena program was inaugurated. But here, our story must pause …

What more can be said? We are only 42 years old. We have many more years as long as there are girls all over the nation that believe in our Sisterhood and what it stands for …

Maids of Athena Theme Song

Beauty of the soul,
Wisdom of the mind,
Peace and Understanding,
Athena, we shall find.
Love as our companion
Virtue as our guide,
Let us walk as Sisters,
Hand in hand with pride.
Hopes and ideals,
Dreams forever new,
Maids of Athena,
Sisters, strong and true.
Maids of Athena,
Sisters, strong and true …

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To Becky, Mary, Joan, Denise, Despina, Kathy, Cathy, Faith, Kathy, Cleo, Pauline, Connie, Kathy, Aliki, Kathy, Martina, and Kathe … true Maids of Athena, this history is dedicated to you. But we together, all past, present, and future Maids are the history of the Order of the Maids of Athena. We've come a long way … We've only just begun!

The Maids of Athena Grand Lodge Officers 1954-1972

Becky Angelos, President; Merle Karfotias, Vice President; Bella Castrinoa, Secretary; Peggy Koutsoukes, Treasurer; Mrs. Koula Karfotias, National Advisor.

Mary Snyder, President; Zoe Gratsias, Vice President; Joan Pompos, Secretary; Dorothy Kledaras, Treasurer; Becky Angelos, Governor; Mrs. Alexandra Lamberson, National Advisor.

Joan Pompos, President; Denise Tomaras, Vice President; Becky Angelos, Secretary; Despina Bilides, Treasurer; Joan Kappakas, Governor; Mrs. Adelaine Nicholas, National Ad visor.

Denise Tomaras, President; Despina Bilides, Vice President; Kathy Morakis, Secretary; Harriet Davis, Treasurer; Miss Ann Galan, National Advisor.

Despina Bilides, President; Kathy Morakis, Vice President; Harriet Davis, Secretary; Harlene Angelos, Treasurer; Miss Ann Gallan, National Advisor.

Kathy Morakis, President; Cathy Yeotis, Vice President; Harlene Angelos, Secretary; Despina Leotarakis, Treasurer; Faith Prassas, Governor #2; Mary Trenpelos, Governor #4.

Cathy Yeotis, President; Faith Prassas, Vice President; Joy Diamond Secretary; Cynthia Jickess, Treasurer; Christine Beskas, Governor #4; Kathy Halkias, Governor #5.

Faith Prassas, President; Kathy Halkias, Vice President; Cynthia Jickess, Secretary; Christine Beskas, Treasurer; Zoe Pappas, Governor #1; Pauline Nevros, Governor #2; Stephanie Brotsis, Governor #4; Millie Kontos, National Avisor.

Kathy Halkias, President; Cynthia Jickess, Vice President; Christine Beskas, Secretary; Pauline Nevros, Treasurer; Cleopatra G. Notarides, Governor; Stephane Brotsis, Governor; Helene Stavrakis, National Advisor.

Cleopatra G. Notarides, President; Pauline A. Stavrakas, Vice President; Doris Metroyanis, Secretary; Joanne Traiantafelles, Treasurer; Mary Dinell, National Advisor.

Pauline Stavrakas, President; Connie Contos, Vice President; Stella Nickas, Secretary; Anthea Rovatsos, Treasurer; Aliki Liaskas, Governor #1; Estelle Babalias, Governor #2; Mrs. Comminos, National Advisor.

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Connie Contos, President; Aliki Liaskas, Vice President; Estelle Babalias, Secretary; Pamela Stevens, Treasurer; Kathy Venturatos, Governor #1; Evelyn Comminos, Governor #2; Kay Bozon, National Advisor.

Aliki Liaskas, President; Kathy Venturatos, Vice President; Kathy Broulis, Secretary; Eleni Stamas, Treasurer; Georgi Kimmel, Governor #1; Catherine Christold, Governor #2; Tina Leftes, National Advisor.

Martina Harris, President; Katherine Triantafillou, Vice President; Christina Tzavellas, Secretary; Elizabeth Leftes, Treasurer; Cathy Chiros, Governor #1; Diana Rakus, Governor #2; Millie Kontos Melton, National Advisor.

Katherine Triantafillou, President; Christina Tzavellas, Vice President; Cathy Chiros, Secretary; Maria Alexson, Treasurer; Diana Scurries, Governor #1; Elena Hanzakos, Governor #2; Eula Chrissikos, National Advisor.


Previous Chapter Fifteen - The Sons of Pericles

© Copyright Order of AHEPA

George J. Leber's book is copyright protected. However, any portions of this book may be quoted at length, provided that proper credit & acknowledgement is given to the book, author, publisher, and pages.


Leber, George J. History of the Order of AHEPA 1922 - 1972. Washigton DC, Order of AHEPA, 1972.