History of the Order of AHEPA 1922 - 1972

Chapter Fourteen: The Daughters of Penelope

by Past Grand President Evelyn J. Mickles

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Just a short time ago -- 43 years, in fact, (November 16, 1929) twenty-five women in San Francisco, California, all relatives of Ahepans, were imbued with the exciting idea of organizing a Women's Auxiliary to the Order of AHEPA (By this time, the Order of AHEPA was already seven years old, having been organized in 1922 in Atlanta, Georgia.) This generation, innocent of Women's Lib, and campus unrest, and self-expression in 'doing their own thing' daringly assembled at the home of Dr. Emanuel Apostolides, who was the AHEPA Deputy Supreme Governor of District #21, for the purpose of establishing the Order, later to be known as the DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE.

Filled with the ardent desire to create this great women's organization, inspired by the need and stimulated and encouraged by their friend AHEPA Supreme President V. I. Chebithes, Dr. Apostolides and his wife Alexandra proceeded to formulate their dreams into realities with their enthusiasm and hard work. Mrs. Apostolides envisioned a new beginning for first generation Greek-American women. Up until this time, the wives and daughters of Ahepans had limited their activities to the sanctity of their homes and their church. Mrs. Apostolides proceeded to draft the basic principles of the organization which were to be an inspiration for all women. First, the foundation was structured on two strong ideals: To perpetuate the study of the American ideals and to encourage Hellenic study of the ancient Greek ideals. To merge the two, the best of two worlds were the aims of our founder. With this active idealism and our heritage, she felt we would be able to repay in some small measure this glorious country, land of our adoption, for its many blessings and many advantages to our families and ourselves.

What is a name?

Mrs. Apostolides's love and knowledge of her Greek heritage and culture inspired her to select a name from the Odyssey for her beloved organization. The Odyssey gave birth and life to our Order. What is in a name? The loyal and faithful wife of Odysseus personified all that Mrs. Apostolides sought in her creation.

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Penelope's noble traits of character and her loyalty to her family and home were the symbols and embodiment for the birth of the name: Daughters of Penelope.

Shortly after the firm foundation of the Daughters of Penelope was entrenched, the first chapter, San Francisco, California, was named Eos, after the goddess of Dawn. It was later to be known as the "Mother Chapter" of the Order. The founders became known as the Mother Lodge members. They are:

Mrs. Alexandra Apostolides Sonenfeld; Mrs. Sophie Cannelos; Mrs. Arete Choppelas; Mrs. Effie Choppelas; Mrs. Rose Nicholson Klunis; Mrs. Marie Petros and Mrs. Varvara Solon.

With her dream already a reality, Mrs. Apostolides and her sisters devoted the ensuing ten years (1929-1939) with the organization of chapters throughout the country. Wherever an AHEPA chapter developed, Mrs. Apostolides contacted the wives and preached the new gospel of the Daughters of Penelope. Thus, the Order grew and developed throughout the land.

In those early formative years, the Constitution and By-Laws of the Order were also developed. Two main sources were the reference guidelines for the basic construction of the Daughters of Penelope doctrine. Mrs. Apostolides studied the Eastern Star's Constitution and Roberts' Rules of Order. With these two basic tools and her personal ideals for guidance and inspiration, the Daughters of Penelope Constitution was nurtured and written. To encourage and further inspire those pioneer women, the original Daughters of Penelope Constitution included the acceptance of honorary members, regardless of the criteria that stated you had to be related to an Ahepan or that you had to be of Greek descent.

The first two honorary members were women of national renown. The first was Miss Alice Diplarakou from Athens, Greece who had been selected as Miss Europe in a universal beauty contest and the second was Mrs. McTaggart of San Francisco who was an interpreter and advisor to the Greek immigrants in San Francisco. Both ladies were initiated by the first Daughters of Penelope chapter, Eos #1 in San Francisco. (A few years later the honorary members clause was deleted from the Daughters of Penelope Constitution and those women who did not meet the criteria of the Constitution could not grace our membership rolls.)

The first ten years -- the years of struggle and development – were never too difficult for our founders because of their enthusiasm and love for the American-Hellenic ideals that were their guiding force. Always with the un-failing cooperation and advice of Dr. Apostolides, Eos Chapter conducted its meetings with inspiration and decorum.

In those beginning years, two individuals gave much of themselves with their time and talent. Mr. Salvator Stella, secretary of the San Francisco Golden Gate AHEPA chapter and Mrs. Melpa Manos Frangos of San Francisco. Along with them worked the charter members of Eos, and, in so doing, launched the Daughters of Penelope on its eternal voyage.  

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Mother Lodge Daughters of Penelope

Mother Lodge Daughters of Penelope

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A voyage in a ship of altruism, hope, compassion for all and love. These individuals worked unselfishly and with unfaltering devotion to carry out the ideals they had set forth as their goals.

In 1934, in the convention city of Columbus, Ohio, the Order of AHEPA officially adopted the Daughters of Penelope as their senior Women's Auxiliary at their national convention. The adoption was ratified by AHEPA, the following year.

After ten years of growth and expansion, in 1939, the first national convention of the Daughters of Penelope (who were now officially AHEPA's senior women's auxiliary) was held in Providence, Rhode Island with our brother Ahepans who, by this time, were holding their 17th annual convention. The Daughters of Penelope proudly announced at this convention that from its original Eos chapter #1 they had grown to Chapter #95 with 5,000 members. In ten short unbelievable years, our founders led the way for 5000 members strong who believed in the doctrines of the Daughters of Penelope. The first Grand President who had been in office since 1931 when the first grand lodge was created, was officially elected in Providence, Rhode Island. And, of course, there was only one member to whom this great honor could formally he bestowed upon -- our founder, Mrs. Alexandra Apostolides.

Supreme President V. I. Chebithes installed the first grand lady at that historic convention.

Other officers installed with Grand President Apostolides at that time were: Gladys Katon, San Francisco, California, Vice President; Mary Markel Georgandes, San Francisco, Secretary; Vreseis Vavouris, San Francisco, Treasurer; Anastasia Agnos, San Francisco, Governor; and Josephone Pandel Englezos, Los Angeles, California, Governor.

In 1940 the Second Annual Convention of the Daughters of Penelope was held in Seattle, Washington and Grand President Apostolides presided as Convention Chairman. Our second Grand President, elected at this convention, was Josephine Pandel Englezos from Los Angeles. Mrs. Englezos served for two years and in 1942 in Atlanta, Georgia, Mrs. Marie Zuras Harris from Washington, D.C. was elected Grand President.

Our country, by this time, was deep in the throes of World War II and everyone was devoting all their time and efforts to the service of their country. The Daughters rallied to the side of their brother Ahepans and sold millions of dollars of War Bonds, worked in the U.S.O. 's, and became a major part of the work effort throughout the land. Mrs. Harris remained as Grand President through the War years. The War to end all Wars ended, and in 1946 the first post-war convention of the Daughters of Penelope was held in Baltimore, Maryland. By actual count, it was the fifth national convention for the Daughters and the twenty-fourth national Convention of AHEPA.

Poppy X. Mitchell from Chicago, Illinois was elected the first post war Grand President and served for two years. It was the rebirth of our Order following the dormant war years when many of our chapters had been inactive.

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A new era began with the growth and development of new chapters, reorganization and vast new horizons before us. There was much to be done and much to learn and much to accomplish. There was excitement throughout the country. Everything was changing, growing, developing and the Daughters of Penelope were right in the midst of it all.

By June 30, 1947, 1,653 new members had been initiated into our Order (in less than ten months following the Baltimore national convention). The total membership had reached 3,963 as compared to 2,518 members in June, 1946. From 97 chapters in 1946 our Sisterhood grew to 331 chapters throughout these United States and Canada by 1972. Today, we have a chapter in Athens, Greece, one in Nassau, Bahamas and three chapters in Australia. We have 24 active districts that unite and guide these chapters in the United States and Canada. Our growth developed in leaps and hounds and with our strength in numbers, we implemented one national project after another to a grand total of twenty-eight major worthy causes that we supported from 1946 to the present time.

District, chapter and member participation were so responsive that within this relatively short period of 25 years of fund raising, our great Order, on a national level, has raised a total of $404,000.00. A munificent sum to be judged by any criterion.

All this has been accomplished because twenty-five courageous women gathered together forty-three years ago with an indomitable spirit and foresight, united in thought and deed and "sailed forth" to become a part, an integral part of the AHEPA family. The leadership that followed these indomitable women down through the years has been a succession of women who were inspired by the past, altruistic in their beliefs, unselfish in their desires and truly dedicated to the AHEPA family ideology.

The memory of Grand President Helen Karagianis will be eternally entwined in the history of the formative years of the Daughters of Penelope. Grand President Karagianis served as Grand President from 1948 to 1950, succeeding Poppy Mitchell. Her untimely death, in 1954, in the prime of her life left a great void not only within her family but within everyone and everything she had ever been involved. Sister Karagianis was from Laconia, New Hampshire.

Elected Grand President at the Ninth National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio was Irene Marinake Cox from Springfield, Massachusetts. Grand President Cox also served the Order for two years. These were the developing years of reconstruction and growth following the end of the war. The seventh Grand President of the Daughters of Penelope was Pota Saratsis from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania who was elected in 1952 in Washington, D.C. By the end of her year in office, our membership had reached a total of 5,663. Over 1,000 new members had been initiated during her tenure. Sister Saratsis was the second Grand President to pass away and she too left a void in the lives of her family and friends.  

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Daughters of Penelope Grand Lodge 1971 - 1972

Daughters of Penelope Grand Lodge 1971 - 1972

HELEN J. BELDECOS, Grand President; ELLEN LAGOS, Grand Vice-President; TINA ZOUMBOULIS, Grand Secretary; MARY DINELL, Grand Treasurer; CLEO GIRGULIS, Grand Vice-President of Canada; JO ANN PAGONIS, Grand Governor; MARIKO DREWES, Grand Governor; OLYMPIA THAMES, Grand Governor; KATHERINE CARAVASIOS, Grand Governor; EULA CHRISSIKOS, National Advisor to Maids of Athena.


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1939 - The First Grand Lodge of the Daughters of Penelope, elected at the 1939 Supreme Convention in Providence, Rhode Island

Daughters of Penelope Grand Lodge 1939

1939 - The First Grand Lodge of the Daughters of Penelope, elected at the 1939 Supreme Convention in Providence, Rhode Island


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The dynamic Adeline Geo-Karis Lambros from Zion, Illinois succeeded Sister Saratsis as Grand President and was elected in Houston, Texas in 1953. Reelected for a second term in Pittsburgh, Sister Geo-Karis Lambros instituted several "firsts" in the Order during her two administrations. One of her most outstanding achievements was the organization of our Athens Karyatides chapter #271 which has faithfully and devotedly served the AHEPA family as our official hostesses for every visiting brother and sister to Greece. With Sister Lambros's guidance during and after her administration the Karyatides sisters selected as their national project the development of a teen age shelter home for girls in Athens, Greece. Proudly it stands today, completed and in operation in Nea Ionia, a suburb of Athens, Greece. She also was the first Grand President to organize a high seas chapter, the Nea Hellas #270 with 29 charter members during her first voyage to Greece as Grand President in 1954.

Our ninth Grand President, succeeding Sister Geo-Karis Lambros was Tula Zotaley from Minneapolis, Minnesota. She was elected to our highest office in San Francisco, California. By this time, ten years after our reorganization in 1946, each Grand President had inherited the results and rewards of her predecessors' hard work and dedication which encompassed the Order's growth and expansion, its national projects and its finances. Each Grand President added another step forward into the development of the future of our Order.

Grand President Zoe Cavalaris from Charlotte, North Carolina was elected in New York City in 1956 and was reelected in St. Louis, Missouri in 1957. At the end of her first term in office our membership had reached a total of 8,057. Our national projects income increased substantially and our sights were set toward growth and expansion not only in the United States, but also in Canada. Grand President Cavalaris covered vast areas of this land of ours and was able to make personal visitations to over 100 chapters throughout the United States and Canada during her two administrations.

The eleventh Grand President was Evelyn J. Mickles from Rochester, New York who was elected to office in 1958 in Boston, Massachusetts. During her administration District #1 in the South was reactivated and two new chapters were founded in Canada thus establishing District #23 which already had one strong active chapter in Toronto, Ontario. (Sister Mickles had organized the Toronto Chapter ten years previously when she was Grand Secretary.) Grand President Mickles also served our Order as national chairman of the Penelopean Teenage Shelter Home for eleven years.

Grand President Emily Tamaras from San Francisco, California was elected in Hollywood, California in 1959. Although our growth in membership had begun to slow down, the reactivation of chapters was increasing. Apathy had begun to seep into the mainstream of our Order and Grand President Tamaras recognized the urgency and need for a strong united interest and awareness of the problems facing our Sisterhood. She applied her talents to these problems and proceeded with the implementation of her goals.

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Daughters of Penelope Past Grand Presidents

Daughters of Penelope Past Grand Presidents (1931 - 1970)


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The thirteenth Grand President was Evelyn Semos from Dallas, Texas. Grand President Semos was elected in the city of Montreal, Quebec in 1960. She continued on with the hard work of her predecessors with the experience she had developed from the five preceding years she had so ably served on the Grand Lodge.

Grand President Kay Brotsis from Burbank, California was elected in 1961 at the Miami Beach, Florida convention. Grand President Brotsis served for two years and during her two administrations she reorganized the office at Supreme Headquarters and increased our active membership to a total of 9,270, the largest in the history of our Order up to that time.

In 1963 Mary Kapsos from New Iberia, Louisiana was elected Grand President in San Diego, California. By this time, through the united efforts of the membership and its leadership, the name of the Daughters of Penelope had gained stature and the recognition it rightfully deserved in the United States, Canada and Greece.

The sixteenth Grand President was Grand President Josie Chase from Columbus, Ohio who was elected in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1964. In 1965, "Miss Ten Thousand" Daughter of Penelope was initiated as a member of chapter no. 156, of Pocatello, Idaho. As Grand President Chase stated in her annual report, "The membership of the Daughters of Penelope is her strength that determines the degree of our achievement of purpose and goals."

1965 was the year when our first supreme convention was held in Athens, Greece, with our Athenian Karyatides Chapter sisters as our official hostessess. Betty Athanasakos from Fort Lauderdale, Florida was elected Grand President. It was a stimulating year and a fruitful one for the progress of the Daughters of Penelope. Among Grand President Athanasakos's recommendations was that the Daughters of Penelope sponsor a biennial award honoring an outstanding woman on her own merits. This recommendation was implemented in 1970 and the first woman to be honored at the biennial banquet in Washington, D.C. was Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine.

The eighteenth Grand President was Zoe Rummel from Chicago, Illinois who was elected to office in Washington, D.C. in 1966. Grand President Rummel was reelected for a second term at the Dallas, Texas Supreme Convention in 1967. Grand President Rummel stressed our national projects during her two administrations with excellent results for the St. Basil Seal Drive and the introduction of a new national project -- "Sudden Infant Death."

In 1968 Grand President Alice Damaskos from Gary, Indiana was elected at the New York City Convention. Grand President Damaskos served on the Grand Lodge for five years prior to her election as president. Her past experience coupled with her ability directed our Order to greater growth and expansion.

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1970 - Mrs. Judy Agnew, Wife of the Vice President, with Daughters Grand President Joanna Panagopoulos, and Past Grand President Alice Damaskos, Kay Brotsis, Josie Chase, Mary Kapsos, and Elizabeth Athanasakos.

Judy Agnew with Daughters of Penelope

1970 - Mrs. Judy Agnew, Wife of the Vice President, with Daughters Grand President Joanna Panagopoulos, and Past Grand President Alice Damaskos, Kay Brotsis, Josie Chase, Mary Kapsos, and Elizabeth Athanasakos.


Mrs. Alexandra Apostolides Sonenfield, Founder, Daughters of Penelope

Alexandra Apostolides Sonenfield

Mrs. Alexandra Apostolides Sonenfield, Founder, Daughters of Penelope


1935 - The Hellas Chapter Chicago Daughters Greek dancing group

"Hellas" Chapter

1935 - Daughters of Penelope "Hellas" Chapter (Chicago, Illinois) Greek dancing group


1939 - Daughters of Penelope 'Hermione' Chapter (Washington DC) officers and members

"Hermione" Chapter

1939 - Daughters of Penelope "Hermione" Chapter (Washington DC) officers and members


1937 - Daughters of Penelope 'Alkandre' Chapter (Los Angeles) officers and members

"Alkandre" Chapter

1937 - Daughters of Penelope "Alkandre" Chapter (Los Angeles) officers and members


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Our twentieth Grand President was elected on the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the Daughters of Penelope. Grand President Joanna Panagopoulos from Peabody, Massachusetts was elected in 1969 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Under her capable leadership and with the assistance of her Grand Lodge and past Grand President Mary Kapsos, the herculean task of clearing up the backlog of work at Headquarters was undertaken. New filing and bookkeeping systems were implemented and new office equipment was added in order to up-date chapter records, expedite mail processing and bulletins, and have an efficiently operating system at Headquarters.

In 1970, the AHEPA family convened in Athens, Greece once again for their Supreme Convention. Grand President Helen Beldecos from Springfield, Pennsylvania was elected. Grand President Beldecos' administration analyzed the growth and expansion of our Order, its past and its future. An analysis of our national projects was conducted and the results revealed that in addition to our scholarship project, five national projects were selected by our members at large as those that they found most worthy of our financial support. The projects in the order in which they were selected are:

(1) St. Basil's Seal Drive

(2) Penelopean Shelter Home

(3) Papanicolaou Cancer Research Center

(4) Sudden Infant Death

(5) Guadalupe Home For Boys

Grand President Beldecos' excellent leadership reflected a united membership and resulted in her unanimous reelection as Grand President in 1971 in Los Angeles, California. She picked up the reins of her predecessors and with infinite foresight and dedication she has directed our Sisterhood sensitively, but yet firmly, with wisdom and understanding to a greater and stronger international organization -- our Daughters of Penelope.

For 43 years the Daughters of Penelope have been helping causes, advancing with achievements, and facing each tomorrow that daily becomes a yesterday. With all the changes around us, the Daughters remain a stable, but not a static influence on all its members, ever alert to the needs of people everywhere. We don't know what the future will bring, but if there is still America as we know it now, in 43 years hence, the Daughters of Penelope will celebrate their birthday and quietly rejoice their continuing achievements.


Today we seem far removed from those pioneer times of planning, building and dreaming that our founders experienced. Today we can look back on the goals and predictions our predecessors had set for themselves and for the thousands of Daughters of Penelope that were to follow. Did we attain their goals? Did we fulfill their dreams and aspirations? Yes, today we are concerning ourselves with realities and with the problems that face us each day, in health, in poverty and striving for a united world in peace. Our beliefs based on our Order's tenets have not only been words but deeds of action.

As an international Order we have pledged and given of our time, our talents and our treasure. We have given all these things and more. We have done it individually, on a one to one basis; we have done it united as chapters; as Districts, and as the Daughters of Penelope of these United States and Canada.

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1929 - Daughters of Penelope first chapter, Eos #1 founded in San Francisco, California, November 16, 1929 by Mrs. Alexandra Apostolides.

1934 - The Order of Ahepa adopted the Daughters of Penelope as the Senior Women's Auxiliary Organization at the National Convention and the following year the Ahepans ratified the adoption of the Daughters as their Senior Auxiliary.

1938 - First Canadian Chapter was organized in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

1939 - First National Convention of the Daughters of Penelope was held in Providence, R.I. Supreme President V. I. Chebithes installed the first Grand Lodge.

1940 - Chapters everywhere were active with the Greek War Relief.

1946 - The National Health Project raised $10,434.14 for AHEPA Hospital in Greece.

1948 - An appropriation of $5,000 down payment was made towards the purchase of the Theological Seminary in Brookline, Massachusetts

1949 - The Miami Convention approved the National Scholarship Fund with a $500 scholarship to be awarded to a female student each year. 1949-1971 Awards have amounted to: $37,500.00.

1949 - National Health Project: $16,322.36.

1952 - A drive for books for the Theological Seminary was held. Total raised: $6,031.52.

1953 – 1972 - Daughters of Penelope National Seal Drive has raised: $205,000.00.

1953 - The Daughters of Penelope was chosen as one out of 60 international and national women's groups to participate in the voluntary division of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organizations. The Daughters assisted thousands of refugees and immigrants arriving in New York, Halifax, Montreal. They welcomed them and acted as interpreters and assisted them with their needs.

1953 - 1955. The Ionian Relief Fund to aid earthquake victims. Raised: $10,081.63.

1954 - The 25th Anniversary of the Daughters of Penelope was celebrated at the Pittsburgh National Convention and Sister Alexandra Apostolides was the honored guest. The Daughters of Penelope were listed as one of the National and International Organizations on the National Traffic Safety Council.

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1954 - The first High Seas Chapter was instituted on the Queen Frederika. The first Chapter in Athens was instituted - Karyatides #271. Australia organized a Daughters of Penelope chapter in Brisbane. Ahepans and Daughters recognized as a registered agency for the sale of U.S. Treasury Bonds, raising millions of dollars for the United States.

1955 - Yiannitsa, Greece Project raised: $1,016.30.

1955 - The Scholarship Program now became known as the "Helen Karagianis Memorial Scholarship" in memory of the late Grand President who passed away in 1954.

1955 - UNESCO Project raised: $993.25. Karyatides Chapter of Athens acquired a parcel of land, valued at $10,000 for the purpose of building a "Penelopean Shelter Home" to house underprivileged girls. Volos Earthquake Fund raised: $996.37.

1956 - 1972. Penelopean Teen Age Shelter Home Fund raised to date: $50,000.00.

1956 1962. Penelopian Hall at St. Basil's Academy raised: $11,084.00.

1958 Penelopean Shelter Home cornerstone laid by Queen Frederika in Nea Ionia, Greece. Agricultural School for the Blind in Greece raised: $1,823.18.

1959 - 1961. Queen's Charities raised: $3,000.

1959 - 1960. Patriarchate Fund raised: $2,750.00.

1960 - Ahepans and Daughters held drive for books for Greece.

1961 – 5,000 Bazaar items were sent by Daughters chapters to Karyatides Chapter which netted them $5,000 for Penelopean Shelter Home.

1962 - Care Tool Kits presented to rural areas in Greece raised: $1,798.00.

1963 - From the funds of the Seal Drive, $64,000 was given to the AHEPA Hall for Boys at St. Basils' Academy.

1965 - The first Supreme Convention to be held in Athens had a record breaking attendance. Over 12,000 members were flown by chartered planes. "Miss 10,000" Daughter of Penelope was initiated into the Order. Hellenic Heritage Program was instituted and raised: $2,359.50. Daughters donated $500 to Truman Library in Missouri. AHEPA Family donated $10,000 from Supreme Convention receipts to the Penelopean Shelter Home in Nea Ionia. Bazaar items sent by Daughters chapters netted the Karyatides chapter over $3,000 for the Penelopean Shelter Home.

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1966 - Ypsilanti Greek Theatre raised: $577.50.

1966 - Columbia Cancer Research adopted as national project and raised: $818.88.

1968 - 1972. Peter Cass Memorial For Research of Neurological Diseases of Children adopted as national project and raised: $3,800.00.

1969 - 1972. Sudden Infant Death adopted as a medical project and raised: $6,600.00.

1970 - 1972. Guadaloupe Home for Boys raised: $1,900.00.

1970 - 1972. Papanicolaou Cancer Research raised: $8,000.00.

1970 - The first Salute to Women Dinner honoring women in government was held at the banquet in Washington, D.C. The first recipient was Senator Margaret Chase Smith from Maine. Also, a reception was held for Mrs. Spiro T. Agnew, wife of the Vice President of the United States.

1971 - Completion of the pledge made by the Daughters of Penelope for the building of the dormitory at St. Basil's Academy. Total raised: $105,000. AHEPA Family Day at St. Basil's Academy. Participation in the American Cancer Society Project: CUC - Conquer Uterine Cancer.

1972 - The second biennial Salute to Women held in Washington, D.C. and honored Sarah E. Stewart, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Pathology, Georgetown University.

We who are Daughters of Penelope are truly fortunate to be part of the AHEPA family, and we hope we have lived up to the expectations of the Ahepans, as well as to our own ideals and those of our Constitution. We hope, too, that we can always be like the Penelope of old, who was looked upon as a woman of great character and who, most of all, demonstrated what it meant to be loyal and faithful to her household. It is this loyalty that we Daughters of Penelope cherish. Yes, we Daughters of Penelope who are the wives, the daughters and the sisters of Ahepans have accepted the challenges of the 40's, the 50's and the 60's and now in the age of Aquarius, the 70's, our granddaughters will be joining us.

And so .... TOMMORROW .... What will tomorrow bring? What will the future hold for the Daughters of Penelope?

We cannot predict tomorrow. We must invent tomorrow! Tomorrow doesn't spring forth suddenly, it is the child of today and yesterday. Our Daughters of Penelope must and will continue to develop, to explore new horizons, willingly and with excitement into the future.

And in the future, as today and yesterday, our dedicated sisters will continue to serve their sisterhood and their AHEPA family for the well-being of their fellow man. Perhaps we can ask and hope for no more -- nor less -- of our Order.

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DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE - Past Grand Lodge Officers

Alexandra Apostolides Sonenfield, President; Estelle Eliades, Vice Pres.; Marie Zuras Harris, Secretary; Theodora Mangas, Treasurer; Anastasia Agnos, Governor; Josephine Pandel Englezos, Governor.

Alexandra Apostolides Sonenfield, President; Gladys Katon, Vice Pres.; Mary Markey Georgandes, Secretary; Vreseis Vavouris, Treasurer; Anastasis Agnos, Governor; Josephine Pandel Englezos, Governor.

Josephine Pandel Englezos, President; Estelle Eliades, Vice Pres.; Marie Zuras Hanis, Secretary; Virginia Athas Politz, Treasurer; Melpa Manos Frangos, Governor; Mary DeVakos Carres, Governor.

Marie Zuras Harris, President; Melpa Manos Frangos, Vice Pres.; Mary DeVakos Carres, Secretary; Theodora Mangas, Treasurer; Alexandra Lamberson, Governor. 1946-1947:
Poppy X. Mitchell, President; Jamie May, Vice Pres.; Helen Karagianis, Secretary; Mary Aroney, Treasurer; Theresa Hatsopoulos, Governor; Christine Mrazek, Governor; Isabelle Masters, Governor; Catherine Giftakis, Governor.

Poppy X. Mitchell, President; Helen Karagianis, Vice Pres.; Katherine Brotsis, Secretary, Effie Poulos, Treasurer; Sophia Shane, Governor; Theresa Hatsopoulos, Governor; Catherine Giftakis, Governor; Mary Tsouvalas, Governor.

Helen Karagianis, President; Katherine Brotsis, Vice Pres.; Amelia Learakas, Secretary; Evelyn Mickles, Treasurer; Irene Marinake Cox, Governor; Sophie Shane, Governor; Mary Preonas, Governor; Eleanor Stoicos, Governor.

Helen Karagianis, President; Amelia Learakas, Vice Pres.; Evelyn Mickles, Secretary; Irene Marinake Cox, Treasurer; Evelyn Nickas, Governor; Georgia Aspostal, Governor; Elaine Kitros, Governor; Pota Saratsis, Governor.

Irene Marinake Cox, President; Pota Saratsis, Vice Pres.; Zoe Rummel, Secretary; Elaine Kitros, Treasurer; Patricia Anton Farris, Governor; Eleanor Stamoules, Governor; Tula Zotaley, Governor; Cleo Tsapralis, Governor.

Irene Marinake Cox, President; Pota Saratsis, Vice Pres.; Zoe Rummel, Secretary; Elaine Kitros, Treasurer; Eleanor Stamoules, Governor; Christine Johnson, Governor; Tula Zotaley, Governor; Cleo Tsapralis, Governor; Helen Lagadinos, National Advisor.

Pota Saratsis, President; Zoe Rummel, Vice Pres.; Eleanor Stamoules, Secretary; Adeline Geo-Karis Lambros, Treasurer; Helen Pappas, Governor; Christine Johnson, Governor; Christine Pappas Andres, Governor; Joanna Tsapralis, Governor; Dorothea Milonas, National Advisor.

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Adeline Geo-Karis Lambros, President; Tula Zotaley, Vice Pres.; Christine Johnson, Secretary; Cleo Tsapralis, Treasurer; Zoe Cavalaris, Governor; Helen Lambrou, Governor; Christine Pappas Andres, Governor; Sophia Angelos, Governor; Angela Varlas, National Advisor.

Adeline Geo-Karis Lambros, President; Tula Zotaley, Vice Pres.; Eleanor Stamoules, Secretary; Cleo Tsapralis, Treasurer; Zoe Cavalaris, Governor; Helen Lambrou, Governor; Tina Roumelos Vlamides, Governor; Catherine Canakes, Governor; Sophia Angelos, National Advisor.

Tula Zotaley, President; Zoe Cavalaris, Vice Pres.; Rita Dani kolas Chulas, Secretary; Emily Tamaras, Treasurer; Elaine Pinkham, Governor; Georgia Sekles, Governor; Evelyn Semos, Governor; Catherine Canakes, Governor; Koula Karafotias, National Advisor.

Zoe Cavalaris, President:
Catherine Brotsis, Vice Pres.; Lillian Manetas, Secretary; Dorothy Stacy, Treasurer; Elaine Pinkham, Governor; Janet Gout, Governor; Evelyn Semos, Governor; Francess Manos, Governor; Alexandra Lamberson, National Advisor.

Zoe Cavalaris, President; Emily Tamaras, Vice Pres.; Evelyn Semos, Secretary; Dorothy Stacy, Treasurer; Ruth Kampos, Governor; Julia Papageorgiou, Governor; Mary Vamvoras, Governor; Francess Manos, Governor; Adelaide Nicholas, National Advisor.

Evelyn Mickles, President; Emily Tamaras, Vice Pres.; Evelyn Semos, Secretary; Francess Manos, Treasurer; Ruth Kampos, Governor; Lucille Koken, Governor; Myrtle Phillips, Governor; Margaret Dauterman, Governor; Adelaide Nicholas, National Advisor.

Emily Tamaras, President; Evelyn Semos, Vice Pres.; Francess Manos, Secretary; Ruth Kampos, Treasurer; Bessye Evergates, Governor; Lucille Koken, Governor; Lucille LaReese, Governor; Margaret Dauterman, Governor; Ann Gallan, National Advisor.

Evelyn Semos, President; Lucille Koken, Vice Pres.; Myrtle Phillips, Secretary; Poppy Dellas, Treasurer; Bessye Evergates, Governor; Josie Chase, Governor; Lucille LaReese, Governor; Christine Gianas Moshos, Governor; Ann Gallan, National Advisor.

Catherine Brotsis, President; Myrtle Phillips, Vice Pres.; Mary Kapsos, Secretary; Josie Chase, Treasurer; Cleo Girgulis, Vice Pres. Canada; Ann Gallan, Governor; Elizabeth Athanasakos, Governor; Millie Kontos, National Advisor.

Catherine Brotsis, President; Myrtle Phillips, Vice Pres.; Mary Kapsos, Secretary; Josie Chase, Treasurer; Cleo Girgulis, Vice Pres. Canada; Nellie Coutsonikas, Governor; Betty Athanasakos, Governor; Mary Vamvoras, Governor; Tina Katis, Governor; Millie Kontos, National Ad visor.

Mary Kapsos, President; Josie Chase, Vice Pres.; Betty Athanasakos, Secretary; Mary Vamvoras, Treasurer; Frances Nanos, Vice Pres. Canada; Nellie Coutsonikas, Governor; Alice Damaskos, Governor; Vivian Poulos, Governor; Gladys Caras, Governor; Helene Stavrakos, National Advisor.

Josie Chase, President; Betty Athanasakos, Vice Pres.; Millie Kontos, Secretary; Nellie Coutsonikas, Treasurer; Frances Nanos, Vice Pres. Canada; Frances Yack, Governor; Alice Damaskos, Governor; Vivian Poulos, Governor; Gladys Caras, Governor; Helene Stavrakos, National Advisor.

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Betty Athanasakos, President; Zoe Rummel, Vice Pres.; Vivian Poulos, Secretary; Alice Damaskos, Treasurer; Frances Nanos, Vice Pres. Canada; Frances Yack, Governor; Catherine Planes, Governor; Evangeline Theo, Governor; Lena Simitzi, Governor; Mary Dinell. National Advisor.

Zoe Rummel, President; Alice Damaskos, Vice Pres.; Joanna Panagopoulos, Secretary; Evangeline Theo, Treasurer; Cleo Girgulis, Vice Pres. Canada; Helen J. Beldecos, Governor; Catherine Planes, Governor; Elaine Koutsounis, Governor; Effie Moon, Governor; Helen Cominos, National Advisor.

Zoe Rummel, President; Alice Damaskos, Vice Pres.; Joanna Panagopoulos, Secretary; Evangeline Theo, Treasurer; Cleo Girgulis, Vice Pres. Canada; Helen J. Beldecos, Governor; Ellen Lagos, Governor; Elaine Koutsounis, Governor; Effie Moon, Governor; Katherine Bozion, National Advisor.

Alice Damaskos, President; Joanna Panagopoulos, Vice Pres.; Helen J. Beldecos, Secretary; Catherine Planes, Treasurer; Helena Marmon, Vice Pres. Canada; Mary Dinell, Governor; Ellen Lagos, Governor; Becky Angelos, Governor; Anne Mountanos, Governor; Effie Moon, National Advisor.

Joanna Panagopoulos, President; Helen J. Beldecos, Vice Pres.; Helena Marmon, Vice Pres. Canada; Ellen Lagos, Secretary; Tina Zoumboulis, Treasurer; Mary Dinell, Governor; Mary Georghiou, Governor; Becky Angelos, Governor; Anne Mountanos, Governor; Matina Lefthes; National Ad visor.

Helen J. Beldecos, President; Ellen Lagos, Vice Pres.; Helena Marmon, Vice Pres. Canada; Tina Zoumboulis, Secretary; Mary Dinell, Treasurer; Mary Georghiou, Governor; Katherine Caravasios, Governor; Jo Ann Pagonis, Governor; Olympia Thames, Governor; Millie K. Melton, National Advisor.

Helen J. Beldecos, President; Ellen Lagos, Vice Pres.; Cleo Girgulis, Vice Pres. Canada; Tina Zoumboulis, Secretary; Mary Dinell, Treasurer; Mariko Drewes, Governor; Katherine Caravasios, Governor; Jo Ann Pagonis, Governor; Olympia Thames, Governor; Eula Chrissikos, National Advisor.


Previous Chapter Thirteen - The Years 1969 - 1972
Next Chapter Fifteen - The Sons of Pericles

© Copyright Order of AHEPA

George J. Leber's book is copyright protected. However, any portions of this book may be quoted at length, provided that proper credit & acknowledgement is given to the book, author, publisher, and pages.


Leber, George J. History of the Order of AHEPA 1922 - 1972. Washigton DC, Order of AHEPA, 1972.