History of the Order of AHEPA 1922 - 1972
Chapter Thirteen: The Years 1969 - 1972
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The Forty-Seventh Supreme Convention
August 17 to 23, 1969 - Minneapolis, Minnesota
The 47th Supreme Convention was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during the week of August 17-23, 1969.
Convention officers were George E. Loucas, Chairman; Charles P. Tsaffaras, Vice Chairman; Socrates P. Koutsoutis, Secretary.
Supreme Lodge delegates were Gus Cherevas, A. T. Tsoumas, Gus G. Country, Jr., Peter G. Chingos, William Zacharellis, Louis Yankou, Chris J. Kallos, John E. Maniatis, Angelo T. Mountanos, Michael Skarlos, Nicholas J. Stroumtsos, Paul Yphantes, Lee G. Rallis. Mother Lodge delegates were: Nicholas D. Chotas, James Campbell, Harry Angelopoulos, George A. Polos, John Angelopoulos.
Supreme Board of Trustees delegates were Paul A. Karres, James K. Zolotas, Ernest E. Dematatis, Chris Boulos, James P. Demos, Charles M. Georgeson, Edward Ghikadis, Tom Heos, Gust Herouvis, Emanuel M. Kontokosta, Sam S. Nakos, Dr. James A. Rogers.
Past Supreme President delegates: George Demeter, George E. Phillies, Achilles Catsonis, John G. Thevos, Peter L. Bell, Leo J. Lamberson, C. P. Verinis, George E. Loucas, Nicholas Coffinas, George J. Margoles, John G. Plumides, Nicholas J. Chirekos, Kirnon A. Doukas, Andrew Fasseas.
District Governor delegates: Charles C. Soufas, Louis P. Logas, Samuel Genetos, Nicholas C. Morkides, Basil J. Manion, Andrew J. Liaros, Pericles Haleftiras, Paul H. Maharris, William A. Varkas, Don M. Dussias, John N. Economou, John W. Bizanes, Louis G. Asimakopoulos, Theodore T. Velman, Spiro Moustakes, Pete G. Magiros, Dr. Louis J. Roussalis, Alexander A. George, Peter W. G. Cayias, William G. Drulias, John A. Gates, Ernest N. Louis, V. Tony Fatouros.
The new Supreme Lodge elected was:
Louis G. Manesiotis, Supreme President; Sam Nakis, Supreme Vice President; Louis Yankou, Supreme Vice President of Canada; Dr. Michael N. Spirtos, Supreme Secretary; Peter Kouchalakos, Supreme Treasurer; Lee G. Rallis, Supreme Counsellor, John P. Angelson, Supreme Governor; Nick C. Demeris, Supreme Governor; George Laskaros, Supreme Governor; John E. Maniatis, Supreme Governor; Tommie Sotiriou, Supreme Governor; Steve Tsagaris, Supreme Governor. Dr. Monthe N. Kofos was elected Supreme Athletic Director.
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The new Supreme Board of Trustees was: Col. Peter N. Derzis, Chairman; James K. Zolotas, 1st Vice Chairman; Ernest E. Dematatis, 2nd Vice Chairman; William P. Tsaffaras, Secretary; Thomas Cavalaris, Treasurer; Chris Boulos, James P. Demos, Panayes G. Dikeou, Tom Heos, Sam Karakostas, Paul A. Karres, Peter Pavoris, James S. Scofield, Theodore N. Vombrack, and the Supreme President and Supreme Vice President.
Action was taken by the convention on the following:
(1) Eliminated the use of voting machines for balloting on Constitutional Amendments;
(2) Changed the payment of Per Capita Tax to Headquarters from semi-annual to annual payments;
(3) Eliminated the Emergency Fund benefits for those members either Initiated or Reinstated on and after January 1, 1970 (retained the benefits for prior members);
(4) That the selection of future convention sites must be made three (3) years in advance.
Following the convention, Past Supreme President Andrew Fasseas was appointed as Chairman of the 1970 Athens Supreme Convention, with William G. Chirgotis as Vice Chairman.
Socrates Zolotas, Burlington, Vermont, Vermont Chapter #244, is named Commissioner of the Northeast Immigration and Naturalization Services Agency by U.S. Attorney General John Mitchell, with jurisdiction over the six New England States and New York and New Jersey … Peter A. Fasseas of Chicago is named Assistant Attorney General by Illinois Attorney General William J. Scott … Peter C. Gaines of the Stockton, California chapter is given a testimonial dinner by the Stockton Unified School District and the PT A Council of the area for his services to the city.
Past District Governor John D. Kazos, Yankton, South Dakota, is given the highest award of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, "All American Post Commander" for his work as Commander of his Post … County Judge James G. Sarres of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, honored by Milwaukee, Wisconsin chapter for distinguished service to his community … . Past President Menelaos Papadimos of Toronto, Canada chapter receives highest award of Ontario Highways Department for services … . Worcester, Mass. #80 awards $1,200 in scholarships in 1969 … Marlboro, Massachusetts #105 awards $700 in scholarships in 1969 … Aly Trompas of San Diego, California wins the U.S. Junior Amateur Golf Championship at 16 years of age.
Norfolk, Virginia chapter #122 reports that its chapter membership includes the following: U.S. Senator William Spong, U.S. Representative Thomas Downing, former Congressman Porter Hardy, State Senator Peter K. Babalos, Judge George V acos of Virginia Beach, State Legislator Thomas Moss, and Glenn Yates of the Virginia House of Delegates.
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Baltimore, Maryland, Chapter #30 established the Theodore S. Agnew Scholarship Fund in 1967 when his son, Spiro T. Agnew, was Governor of Maryland, and the Fund Dinner was held in December, 1969 with more than 700 persons present, including Vice President Agnew, who is a member of Baltimore #30. Five $500 scholarships were awarded that evening, and honor guests at the dinner included Jack Benny, Governor Marvin Mandel of Maryland, and Supreme President Louis G. Manesiotis. In his remarks that evening, Vice President Agnew said:
I am proud to say that I grew up in the light of my father. My beliefs are his and my father believed deeply in America. My father was deeply involved in the life of the Greek community, for this, to him, was part of being an American. 'My Brother Ahepans' he said eight years ago, 'Who better understands the true value of freedom and dignity than we .... who are the direct descendants of the authors of those principles -- the Ancient Hellenes? Who better understands the true value of freedom and dignity than we who have matured and prospered in the workshop of democracy, the United States of America?' ... If I am known to raise my voice in criticism, it is because I see danger in our nation's course. Because America, like ancient Athens, can become foolish and corrupt; because a life of ease is not synonymous with a life of fulfillment; and because no generation can confer wisdom upon its children. Each generation must work to earn its own.
During the Theodore S. Agnew Scholarship Dinner, Supreme President Manesiotis presented the Ahepa Humanitarian Award to Mr. Jack Benny.
Past President Thomas Mihalis of the Lorain-Elyria, Ohio chapter is unanimously elected State Commander of the Ohio Disabled American Veterans .... Hermes #186, New York City, holds a "Nick Galifianakis Initiation Class" in honor of the Congressman .... Lansing, Michigan #142 initiates Attorney General Frank Kelley of Michigan into the chapter. ... William A. Vasiliou of the Meriden, Connecticut chapter elected Treasurer of Middletown, Connecticut .... George Athanson of the Hartford Connecticut chapter elected to his second term on the Waterford, Connecticut City Council.
AHEPA Vancouver Gladstone Chapter donates a replica of the Myron statue, The Discus Thrower, (Diskobolos) to the City of Vancouver. The 10-foot bronze statue is placed in the Members Courtyard at the Planetarium and is unveiled by Mayor Tom Campbell of Vancouver.
The Discus Thrower (Diskobolos) Statue
The Discus Thrower (Diskobolos) Statue Unveiling
The unveiling ceremony of the Statue of Discovolos (the Discus Thrower). Pictured right to left: Mr. George Tsoukalas; Paul Ioannides, then President of AHEPA; and his daughters Eveline and Alexandra Ioannides and Greek young boys and girls in their Greek National costumes.
1970 Socratic Award
Vice President Spiro T. Agnew was the recipient of the 1970 Ahepa Socratic Award at the 19th Ahepa National Banquet honoring the Congress of the United States in Washington, D.C. at the Sheraton Park Hotel on March 9th. More than 1,400 persons jammed the banquet hall, making this the largest Ahepa National Banquet of all time. Vice President Agnew was the principal speaker of the evening. Other major speakers included U.S. Senator Philip A. Hart of Michigan, U.S. Representative Gerald R. Ford of Michigan, and Supreme President Manesiotis.
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1970 AHEPA SOCRATIC AWARD - Vice President Agnew
Vice President Spiro T. Agnew (left) is the recipient of the 1970 Ahepa Socratic Award, being presented by Supreme President Louis G. Manesiotis.
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Banquet chairman was George J. Papuchis, and the toastmaster was Joseph S. Bambacus.
In his remarks prior to the presentation of the Socratic Award to Vice President Agnew, Supreme President Manesiotis quoted from an address that Theodore S. Agnew, the Vice President's father had made in 1928, as follows:
Ahepa also is worthy of the fate which awaits her, because she cherishes in her heart the sweet longing, the tender hope and aspires to the honor of one day seeing in the White House a son of hers, one of her members who'll be proud of his Greek origin."
Theodore S. Agnew delivered these prophetic words in 1928, when he was President of Baltimore, Maryland Chapter #30, and the prophecy had come almost true when his son, Spiro T. Agnew was elected Vice President of the United States.
Included in the remarks of Vice President Agnew that evening were the following:
Whenever I speak to my brother Ahepans, I'm reminded of one of my chores my father assigned me to do when I was a boy. As you know, he was once Secretary of the Worthington Chapter Number 30 of Ahepa in Baltimore. It was my job to help fold the meeting notices and address and stuff the envelopes! Later on in my teens, when he was President and then District Governor, I would help him write his speeches. He liked to speak of his pride in his Hellenic heritage, and of his pride and delight in being an American in a century when the great democratic principles laid down in ancient Greece were best expressed in this land of opportunity.
His speeches were never covered by television, but television hadn't been invented yet, so I can't complain about that. Well, at least he had one critic -- my mother. She was also his biggest fan. One central point that he would make in those speeches, that we worked on together, has a special relevance to what I would like to talk to you about tonight. He spoke of a spirit of community that existed within the Americans of Greek descent, and his life reflected a powerful example of that spirit. Like so many others, my father lost all he had in the Depression; he went to work hauling vegetables starting at 3 a.m. most mornings, to restaurants and food stores in the Baltimore area.
He went into competition with the big suppliers of vegetables who were able to offer better and faster service than he could ever offer. But he found customers; he found them because of the spirit of that community. These customers were men who were willing to give up the convenience of big suppliers because in those hard times they were anxious to help a small supplier get started, to earn a living. The men who ran the restaurants, mainly those of Greek extraction, most of them immigrants to this country, who bought those vegetables understood something about human dignity. They were not giving a man charity; they were giving a man a chance, and it was a charitable spirit that moved them to endure whatever inconvenience it cost. It was the kind of charity that never demeaned the recipient, and of course, when my father got back on his feet financially, he made sure that the help he gave others was the kind of help that enhanced rather than destroyed the man's self-respect.
[ About AHEPA's Socratic Award ]
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With the bronze bust of Socrates, done by sculptor Constantine Seferlis of Washington, D.C. an engrossed Scroll was given to Vice President Agnew on which was written the full award.
James Economus of the Hartford, Connecticut chapter donates $5,000 for scholarships to Watkinson School … $1,825 was given in Scholarship grants by the Grand Rapids, Michigan chapter #196 in 1970 … Nicholas P. Levendis serves Jamaica, N. Y. #86 as President for nine terms … George Athanson, Past President of the Hartford, Connecticut chapter is elected Deputy Mayor of Hartford … Louis J. Dukas of the Bronx, N.Y. chapter is honored by Patriarch Athenagoras with the title of "Archon Hartophylax" … Judge John M. Manos of the Common Pleas Court of Cleveland is elevated to the Court of Appeals by Ohio Governor James A. Rhodes, to fill a vacancy. Brother Manos, a Past Supreme Counsellor, is a member of Cleveland, Ohio chapter #36 … Harry J. Courniotes of the Springfield, Massachusetts chapter #85 becomes President of the American International College of Springfield. He had been vice president of the school since 1964, and dean of the School of Business Administration.
Norwich, Connecticut chapter #110 donates $500 to the Holy Trinity Church Building Fund … George J. Vavoulis of the St. Paul, Minnesota chapter is elected president of the National Association of State Employment Security Commissioners. He also was the recipient in January, 1970 of the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce Community Leadership and Service Award, and was recently appointed by the Governor as Minnesota Commissioner of Employment Security … Michael G. Maistros of Wheeling, West Virginia is elected President of the Ohio Jaycees.
Daughters of Penelope Grand Vice President Helen J. Beldecos attends the dedication of the new "Daughters of Penelope Hall" at St. Basil's Academy, Garrison, N.Y., a dormitory for girls at the Academy donated by the Daughters of Penelope … Weirton, West Virginia chapter presents an oil portrait of himself to Past Supreme President George E. Loucas, member of the chapter … Milwaukee, Wisconsin member J. F. Mallas appointed Disabled American Veterans Department Legislative Director.
Governor Robert Scott of North Carolina is initiated into Charlotte chapter … Past President John T. Katsenes of the Phoenix, Arizona chapter is elected Phoenix City Councilman; he previously served as a member of the City Planning Commission … Frank H. Scolinos of Tokyo, Japan, member of Hollywood, California chapter #318, is Commissioner General of Greece to the 1970 Japanese Exposition at Osaka, Japan. The 1970 Ahepa Excursion to Greece was headed by Peter N. M;mtzoros as Commander, and Steve Georgeson as Vice Commander.
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Basil J. Mezines is appointed as Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission … Col. Alexander Kouts, president of Arlington, Virgina chapter #438 heads the committee at the Ahepa wreath-laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, 1970, assisted by President Thomas Gikas of Washington, D.C. chapter #236
… Dr. Van Mericas of the Dearborn, Michigan chapter is elected to the Dearborn City Council … Two $1,000 Scholarships are donated by will of late member Athan D. Rapton of the Jamaica, N. Y. chapter through the Ahepa Educational Foundation.
Bill Peterson, Past District Governor, of the Grand Island, Nebraska chapter is the recipient of the Annual Service to Industry Award by the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce. He was also the recipient of the Good Citizen Award, and served his chapter as secretary for 16 years … Nineteen area athletes were honored by Canton, Ohio chapter at a Sports Award dinner … Bob Samaras is baseball coach at Wayne State University.
Paul G. Manolis, Executive Editor of the Oakland, California Tribune, since 1965, receives award for his newspaper for general excellence among California newspapers … Nicholas Lambros of Dracut, Massachusetts is elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives … Peter Moraites is Bergen County, New Jersey, State Assemblyman … U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Constantine A. Karaberis retires from active duty … W.P. Tavoulareas is President of the Mobil Oil Corporation … Peter Pihos was one of four football greats enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame at Canton, Ohio. In a telegram to the ceremonies, Vice President Agnew called him the "most durable and versatile football player of his time" and noted that he had missed only one game in a nine-year career with the Philadelphia Eagles. Pihos was an All-American end at Indiana University, and led the NFL in receiving for three consecutive seasons from 1953 through 1955.
The Forty-Eighth Supreme Convention
August 1 to 8, 1970 - Athens, Greece
The 48th Supreme Convention was held in Athens, Greece during the week of August 1-8, 1970.
Convention officers were James Mazarakos, Chairman; Gregory Despinakis, Vice Chairman; Peter W. G. Cayias, Secretary.
Supreme Lodge delegates to the convention were Louis G. Manesiotis, Sam Nakis, Louis Yankou, Dr. Michael N. Spirtos, Peter Kouchalakos, Lee G. Rallis, John P. Angelson, Nick C. Demeris, George Laskaros, Tommie Sotiriou, Steve Tsagaris, Dr. Monthe N. Kofos.
The Mother Lodge delegate was George A. Polos.
Supreme Board of Trustees delegates: Peter N. Derzis, James K. Zolotas, William P. Tsaffaras, Thomas Cavalaris, Chris Boulos, James P. Demos, Gus G. Gatseos, Peter Pavoris.
Past Supreme President delegates were George E. Phillies, Stephen S. Scopas, John G. Plumides, George E. Loucas, Andrew Fasseas, Gus Cherevas.
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Eugene T. Rossides
1969 - Eugene T. Rossides, New York City Ahepan, is appointed Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
Pete Tountas
1968 - Professional bowler Pete Tountas receives Ahepa Harry Agganis Award from Supreme Athletic Director John Paulos
John N. Nassikas
1970 - John N. Nassikas, Manchester, N. H. Ahepan, is appointed Chairman of the Federal Power Commission.
The Discus Thrower (Discobolos)
1970 - Vancouver, B. C., Canada chapter presents statue of The Discus Thrower (Discobolos) to the city.
AHEPA All-Star Basketball Team
1970 - The Ahepa All-Star basketball team is shown with the Greek A.E.K. team in Athens, during the Ahepa team's visit to Greece during the Ahepa convention.
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District Governor delegates were George A. Heropoulos, Lampros Megremis, Nicholas M. Kapottas, Spiros P. Livanis, James Plevritis, Athanasios Loter, Thomas T. Pureka, Chris Pappas, Nick T. Georges, George A. Fotos, Gust A. Saros, Fred lconos, Dr. Louis J. Roussalis, Michael P. Bota, Gus Zarkades, Bill Papanikolaou.
In addition to the above, there were 549 Chapter Voting Delegates in attendance at the convention, or a total of 593 voting delegates in all.
The following action was taken by the convention:
(1) That the newly-named "Ahepa Educational Journey to Greece" student summer programs in Greece, be continued annually;
(2) Made certain revisions on the age limits for members of the Sons of Pericles;
(3) Selected Miami Beach, Florida as the site of the 1973 Supreme Convention;
(4) That the American government enter in discussions for compensation to American and Greek citizens whose property had been confiscated by the Turkish government;
(5) That the fraternity participate in the annual memorial services at the Cathedral of the Pines at Rindge, New Hampshire;
(6) That the fraternity strongly support the teaching of the Greek language and support Greek schools in the United States.
The new Supreme Lodge elected was:
Louis G. Manesiotis, Supreme President; Sam Nakis, Supreme Vice President; John E. Hadzipetros, Supreme Vice President of Canada; Dr. Michael N. Spirtos, Supreme Secretary; William P. Tsaffaras, Supreme Treasurer; Michael G. Plumides, Supreme Counsellor; A. Steve Betzelos, Supreme Governor; Emanuel J. Bouzis, Supreme Governor; Theodore Caras, Supreme Governor; Gregory J. Despinakis, Supreme Governor; Andrew A. Papaminas, Supreme Governor; Stephen Parnassa, Supreme Governor. Dr. Monthe N. Kofos was elected Supreme Athletic Director.
The new Supreme Board of Trustees was:
Col. Peter N. Derzis, Chairman; James K. Zolotas, 1st Vice Chairman; Ernest E. Dematatis, 2nd Vice Chairman; Peter Pavoris, Secretary; Thomas Cavalaris, Treasurer; George L. Bourney, George P. Dikeou, Gus G. Gatseos, Gust J. Herouvis, Sam Karakostas, Paul A. Karres, James S. Scofield, Elias S. Sutter, Theodore N. Vombrack, and the Supreme President and Supreme Vice President.
Ahepa again offered a variety of Charter and Group Flights to the convention, and an estimated 6,000 persons attended the convention, about half the total of the 1965 meeting in Athens. Convention events included about the same schedule as that of the 1965 meeting, with the exception that Ahepa Track and Field and Basketball teams were sent to Greece for the convention by the fraternity who participated in meets and games with Greek teams. Peter Chlentzos was director of the Ahepa sports teams, which acquitted themselves favorably against top ranking Greek teams.
As in 1965, the Greek government proved to be an excellent host in conjunction with the City of Athens, and the Cambas Winery and Metaxas Company hosted functions for the visiting Ahepans and their families. Also, as in 1965, the highlight of the convention was the Festival at the huge Athens Stadium, which was filled to capacity with Ahepans and Athenians to witness the celebration given in honor of the Ahepa
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President Richard M. Nixon is presented an Ahepa gold medal commemorating the 150th anniversary of Greek Independence at the White House. With the President are: Supreme Vice President Sam Nakis, Supreme Secretary Dr. Michael N. Spirtos, President Nixon, Supreme President Louis G. Manesiotis, Supreme Treasurer William P. Tsaffaras, and Supreme Trustees Chairman Col. Peter N. Derzis.
Tom C. Korologos
1971 - Tom C. Korologos, Deputy Assistant to President Richard M. Nixon, receives a silver Ahepa Medal commemorating the 150th anniversary of Greek Independence from Supreme President Manesiotis, while President Nixon looks on approvingly. Korologos is a member of the Salt Lake City Ahepa chapter.
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The 1970 Ahepa Educational Journey to Greece program for high school students of the Ahepa Family attracted 126 students and chaperons who made the 30 day visit to Greece. The program coincided with the 1970 Supreme Convention, so that the students could spend a few days participating in convention events. Dr. Peter V. Paulus was National Chairman of the 1970 program, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ahepa Educational Foundation Board, and the Royal National Foundation of Greece was in charge of housing and travel arrangements for the program.
The 1970 Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress of the Greek Orthodox Church of North and South America honored the Order of Ahepa during its meeting by scheduling its final luncheon as "Salute to Ahepa Luncheon"
Supreme Trustee James S. Scofield elected unanimously as International Chairman of the Newspaper Division of the Special Libraries Association … . Tom Jolas of the Mason City, lowa, chapter is elected Mayor of Mason City, Iowa, defeating the incumbent … Supreme Secretary Dr. M. N. Spirtos is appointed National Chairman of the 1971 Ahepa Educational Journey to Greece program … . Harvey, Illinois Chapter #316 honors Baseball Hall-of-Farmer Lou Boudreau with a welcome home party … . Pete Pihos, a 60-minute National Football League great who was inducted into the Football Hall of Fame, is honored by Canton, Ohio Chapter #59 with a luncheon. He is a native of Canton.
Ahepan George Papadopoulos is Sheriff of Stark County, Ohio … National and District Ahepa officers attend the Cathedral of the Pines Memorial Services to veterans of Greek descent at Rindge, N.H. in July … Ohio District #11 awards $2,100 in Scholarships at its 1970 convention … Ahepa District #8 (Massachusetts) donates $5,000 to Holy Cross Theological School at Brookline, Mass … The Silver Star was posthumously awarded to Staff Sergeant Ronald H. Bozikis in a special citation of the President of the United States, dated December 1, 1969 … . Past Supreme President Nicholas Coffinas is appointed a Judge of the Criminal Court of New York City by Mayor John V. Lindsay on Oct. 15, 1970.
Ahepa publishes a 52-page booklet in February, 1971, on the 1821 Greek War of Independence, in commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of that struggle for independence, entitled "The 1821 Greek War of Independence and America's Contributions to the Greek Cause." Written by George J. Leber, Executive Secretary of the Ahepa, the book enjoyed a wide distribution throughout the country. Besides giving a brief history of the War of Independence against Turkey, the book also chronicles America's assistance to Greece in those years.
150th Anniversary of Greek independence Medallion
Medallion commemorating the 150th anniversary of Greek independence issued by the Order of Ahepa. The
pictures above show the front and reverse sides of the 1 ½ inch diameter medal. The front side of the medal depicts the Metropolites Palaion Patron Germanos at Patras on March 25, 1821, with Greek Leaders, proclaiming the start of the Greek Revolution against Turkish rule. The reverse side depicts the American Philhellenes Monument in Athens, Greece, erected in memory of the many Americans who aided and fought with Greek soldiers against the Turkish armies during the period of 1821-1830. The medals were struck by the Franklin Mint in pure gold, pure silver, and bronze.
Ahepa also struck a special medallion commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Greek War of Independence, 1 1/2 inches in diameter. The front side of the medallion depicted Bishop Germanos striking the Greek colors for freedom on March 25, 1821, and the reverse side carries the monument in Athens to the American Philhellenes of the 1821 Greek War of Independence, as well as the emblem of the AHEPA. Solid Gold medallions were presented to President Nixon at the White House, and to Prime Minister George Papadopoulos of Greece, in Athens, during 1971. The medals were also struck in sterling silver, and bronze. A third gold medallion was presented to Vice President Agnew in March, 1972.
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Both the book and the medallions, in bronze, are available from the Ahepa Supreme Lodge Headquarters in Washington, D.C., in limited quantity.
Dr. P. John Lymberopoulos of Denver, Colo. Chapter #145, is named Dean of the University of Colorado Division of Continuing Education, at Boulder, Colorado. Born in Greece, where he studied at Athens College, he came to America in 1953, studied at Ohio University and the University of Texas, where he received his master's and doctorate degrees.
… Ahepa District #20 (Southern California) gives $1,850 in scholarship grants in 1971 … Past President Nicholas P. Anagnostakos of Bronx, N. Y. #175 appointed Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences of Bergen Community College, Paramus, N. J … Supreme Vice President Sam Nakis is elected Chairman of the Automotive Warehouse Distributors Association Manufacturers' Advisory Council.
Duluth, Minnesota chapter Past President Sam S. Solon is elected to the Minnesota State Legislature … . Past President John G. Scontsas of the Nashua, N.H. chapter appointed by President Nixon to the President's Advisory Council on Minority Business Enterprise … . Dr. Michael G. Mulinos of Delphi #25 of New York City, elected President of the Association of Medical Directors, which includes the medical directors of leading pharmaceutical companies … . Marlboro, Massachusetts chapter gives $800 in scholarship grants in 1971.
Theodore L. Geatros of the Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada chapter, is appointed Judge of the District Court of the Province of Saskatchewan, the first Canadian of Greek descent to be appointed to this type of judicial appointment … . Past Supreme Governor Tommie Sotiriou of Salt Lake City is re-appointed to a second five-year term on the Utah State Board of Pharmacy by Governor Calvin L. Rampton … . New Brunswick, N.J. Chapter #75 holds its third annual banquet for the high school graduates of the community and awards Ahepa Graduate plaques to each student. … Brooklyn, N.Y. Chapter #41 acquires its own Ahepa Home.
Sam S. Nakos of the Birmingham, Alabama chapter, and Vice Chairman of the Ahepa Educational Foundation Board, donates $119,000 in 1971 in the form of notes and bonds to the Ahepa Educational Foundation. These assets were then placed in trust as the Sam S. Nakos Scholarship Trust, from which annual scholarship grants will be given. Although Brother Nakos had originally pledged $20,000 to the Foundation, he gave almost six-fold his original pledge
… Thomas C. Yeotis of the Flint, Mich. chapter, and Past District Governor, is elected a Genesee County, Michigan, Circuit Judge.
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Peter G. Peterson, Chairman of the Board of Bell and Howell, son of George Peterson of the Grand Island, Nebraska chapter, is appointed by President Richard M. Nixon as Executive Director of the new Council on International Economic Policy, and becomes a member of the official White House staff, after resigning his position with Bell and Howell. … Trenton, N.J. chapter holds its annual Awards Day and presents graduate and scholarship awards to students.
President Richard M. Nixon receives an Ahepa Gold Medallion commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the 1821 Greek War of Independence in ceremonies at the White House on June 30, 1971. Making the presentation for Ahepa were Supreme President Louis G. Manesiotis, Supreme Vice President Sam Nakis, Supreme Secretary Dr. Michael N. Spirtos, Supreme Treasurer William P. Tsaffaras, and Supreme Board of Trustees Chairman Col. Peter N. Derzis. On the same occasion, a Sterling Silver medallion was presented to Tom C. Korologos, of the Salt Lake City, Utah chapter, Deputy Assistant to President Nixon.
Tom C. Korologos, Deputy Assistant to President Nixon, was appointed to the post by President Nixon, and assumed his duties on April 1, 1971. A member of the Salt Lake City, Utah chapter, he works in the White House on Congressional relations, mainly with the U.S. Senate, where he worked for more than eight years on the staff of U.S. Senator Wallace F. Bennett of Utah, as Administrative Assistant for six years, and as press secretary for 2 1/2 years. His prior experience included being an assistant account executive in advertising, sports writer and reporter, sports copy editor, information officer in the Air Force, copy editor in New York, and with the Associated Press in Salt Lake City. He is a graduate of the University of Utah and in 1957 won a Grantland Rice Memorial Fellowship for study at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism where he obtained a master of science degree in 1958. While at Columbia he won a Pulitzer fellowship for travel in Europe, and also in 1958 he won the Q. C. Wilson Achievement Award from the Utah chapter of the Sigma Delta Chi journalistic fraternity.
The fifth American of Greek descent to join the current U.S. Congress is Paul Spyros Sarbanes of Baltimore, Md. Congressman Sarbanes was elected for his first term in the 1970 general elections to represent the Fourth District of Maryland. He was born in Salisbury, Maryland on Feb. 3, 1933, and his parents, Spyros and Matina Sarbanes, were immigrants from Greece. He graduated from Princeton University in 1954, magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. He was a Rhodes Scholar at Balliol College, Oxford University, 1954-57, and received First Class B. A. Honors Degree in the School of Philosophy, Politics and Economics. He then attended Harvard Law School and received an LL.B. degree cum laude in June, 1960. He practiced law in Maryland, and served in many capacities in local, state, and legislative areas of government as well as Administrative Assistant to Walter W. Heller, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors during the Johnson Administration.
There are now five Ahepans of Greek descent in the U.S. House of Representatives.
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United States Congressmen of Greek Descent
Members of the Order of Ahepa
John Brademas (D-lndiana) of South Bend; first elected in 1958, now serving in his 7th consecutive term in office.
Peter N. Kyros, (D-Maine) of Portland; first elected in 1966, now serving in his 3rd consecutive term of office.
Nick Galifianakis, (D-North Carolina) of Durham.; first elected in 1966, now serving in his third consecutive term of office.
Gus Yatron, (D-Pennsylvania) of Reading; first elected in 1968, now serving in his 2nd consecutive term of office.
Paul S. Sarbanes, (D-Maryland) of Baltimore; first elected in 1970, now serving in his 1st term of office.
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… George J. Vavoulis of the St. Paul, Minnesota chapter, former Mayor of St. Paul for three terms, is appointed as Administrator of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regional office in Chicago, which supervises all HUD programs in six statesIllinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Prior to his appointment, he was Minnesota State Commissioner of Manpower Services … . Harry Meshel of the Youngstown, Ohio chapter is elected State Senator of the 33rd Senatorial District of Ohio. On the faculty of Youngstown State University, he was also Executive Assistant to the Mayor, and Urban Renewal Director of Youngstown.
Message of President Richard M. Nixon to Greece on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of Greek Independence (March 25, 1971):
As they celebrate the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of their independence, the people of Greece are joined by men and women throughout the Western World in recalling the spirit of ancient Greece and its enduring contributions to their lives and legacy. Nowhere is this more true than in the United States, where so many sons and daughters of Greece have made their homes and continued to build upon their heritage. The special thoughts of Greek Americans and, indeed, of all my fellow citizens will be with the Greek people as they celebrate this significant milestone in their long and proud history.
Peter J. Pitchess, Los Angeles County Sheriff, member of the Los Angeles chapter, receives the Outstanding American Award by the Los Angeles Philanthropic Foundation. Sheriff Pitchess was recently elected to his fourth 4-year term as Sheriff of Los Angeles County, California, by an 85% majority, and heads the largest sheriff's department in the world, with over 7,200 law enforcement personnel. He was also mentioned prominently as a possible successor to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover … Thomas E. Leontis of Dow Chemical Company is elected the 51st president of the American Society for Metals … George Christopher of the San Francisco chapter, former mayor of San Francisco, becomes a Co-Chairman of the National Conference of Christians and Jews at ceremonies in New York.
Chris Papanicolaou of Greece, and former competitor at San Jose State College in California, is given third ranking among the top ten sports figures of the world for 1970. He set a new world pole vault record of 18 feet, one-quarter inch, in a meet in Athens … James A. Geocaris of Chicago is sworn in as Associate Judge of the Cook County, Ill., Circuit Court … Andrew Jarvis, former Mayor of Portsmouth, N.H., and former governor's councillor, is appointed to the New Hampshire Small Business Administration Advisory Council.
Nick Poulos, Financial Editor of The Chicago Tribune, is elected President of the Chicago Press Club … Marian Christy, The Boston Globe Fashion Editor, wins national awards for her newspaper and TV reports … Long Island City High School offers new courses in Modern Greek, on elementary and intermediate levels … Mrs. Venetta S. Tassopulos of Los Angeles is named one of three U.S. District Magistrates, the first chosen for central California, as a fulltime magistrate … Dr. Angelyn A. Konugres of Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts is appointed to three-year term on the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services by U.S. Defense Secretary Melvin Laird …
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Angelo G. Geocaris, attorney and businessman of Chicago is the recipient of the 1971 Humanitarian Service Award of the Abraham Lincoln Centre, one of Chicago's most prestigious social service organizations.
The 1970 Ahepa Harry Agganis Award is presented to track star George Allen, shot-putter and graduate of St. John's University, who was one of the best shot-putters in the United States
… Marlboro, Massachusetts chapter annually presents the Alex Hassapes Scholarship Award to outstanding History or English students at Marlboro High School … Washington, D.C. Chapter #236 holds its first annual Ahepa Athletic Awards Banquet and honors 40 area athletes for their achievements, presenting Ahepa Sports Plaques to each athlete … Supreme President Louis G. Manesiotis is named "Man of the Year in Human Services" by the Allegheny County Board of County Commissioners at Pittsburgh, Pa … Officers and members take part in the annual "Pilgrimage to the Pines" Memorial services to GreekAmerican veterans at Rindge, N.H., in July … Lee Alexander is elected Mayor of Syracuse, N. Y.
District Governor William V. Bell of Bridgeport, Pennsylvania, is named president of the Valley Forge branch of the American Electroplaters … Ahepa raises funds for the Holy Cross Theological School at Brookline, Massachusetts and Charlotte, N.C. Ahepa chapter is the first contributor with a donation of $1,000 … Peoria, Ill., Chapter #234 donates $200 to the Senator Everett M. Dirksen Library in Peoria … John W. Chapas of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania #34 has been serving on the City Court bench as a Magistrate since 1964 … County Judge Christ T. Seraphim of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is given tribute in a testimonial dinner attended by 1,200 persons for his contributions as a Judge.
In July, Supreme President Louis G. Manesiotis presents an Ahepa Gold Medal commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the 1821 Greek War of Independence to Prime Minister George Papadopoulos in ceremonies at the Prime Minister's office in Athens, Greece. Sterling Silver Ahepa Medals were presented to lesser Greek government officials.
The Forty-Ninth Supreme Convention
August 15 to 21, 1971 - Los Angeles, California
The 49th Supreme Convention was held in Los Angeles, California during the week of August 15-21, 1971.
Convention officers were: Stephen S. Scopas, Chairman; George Koulaxis, Vice Chairman; George P. Gabriel, Secretary.
Supreme Lodge delegates were: Louis G. Manesiotis, Sam Nakis, John E. Hadzipetros, Dr. Michael N. Spirtos, William P. Tsaffaras, Michael G. Plumides, A. Steve Betzelos, Emanuel J. Bouzis, Theodore Caras, Gregory J. Despinakis, Andrew A. Papaminas, Stephen Parnassa, Dr. Monthe N. Kofos.
Supreme Board of Trustees delegates were: Col. Peter N. Derzis, James K. Zolotas, Ernest E. Dematatis, Peter Pavoris, Thomas Cavalaris, George L. Bourney, George P. Dikeou, Gus G. Gatseos, Gust J. Herouvis, Sam Karakostas, Paul A. Karres, James S. Scofield, Elias S. Sutter, Theodore N. Vombrack.
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Mother Lodge delegates: Nicholas D. Chotas, James Campbell, Harry Angelopoulos, George A. Polos.
Past Supreme President delegates: John G. Thevos, Stephen S. Scopas, Nicholas Coffinas, George J. Margoles, John G. Plumides, Kirnon A. Doukas, Andrew Fasseas, Gus Cherevas.
District Governor delegates were: John Diamantakos, James P. Demos, George J. Papuchis, William V. Bell, Peter Karas, George J. Yioulos, Timothy J. Maniatis, Ernest Pappas, Arthur T. Snyder, Chris D. Kontos, Lambros A. Svingos, Gust A. Saros, Nicholas P. Bell, Lonnie G. Paulous, George Phillips, Stephen Johnson, Gus Murphy, John Siamas, George Margelos, Dean A. Lentgis, George Kizan.
In addition to the above, there were 382 Chapter voting delegates attending the convention.
The convention took action on the following:
(1) That Cyprus be a unitary and sovereign state free from foreign interference consistent with the principles of self-determination, as espoused by the United Nations and the Nixon administration;
(2) That Hellenic art treasures taken to various parts of the world be returned to their rightful place, Greece;
(3) That districts and chapters make appropriate awards to persons in the fields of art, culture, education, especially as they may relate to Greek Heritage and Culture;
(4) That the U.S. Post Office department be requested to issue an Ahepa Stamp in commemoration of Ahepa's 50th anniversary in 1972;
(5) That an Ahepa Excursion to Greece be held in 1972, either by steamship or air, or both;
(6) Selected Boston as the site of the 1974 convention;
(7) That an Educational Journey to Greece be again held in 1972;
(8) Endorsed the annual Memorial Services to Greek-American dead at Rindge, N.H., Cathedral of the Pines;
(9) Unanimously endorsed U.S. Military Aid to Greece as being in the best interests of the United States, and deplored the action of the U.S. House of Representatives in cutting U.S. military aid to Greece for the fiscal year;
(10) Revised the Sons of Pericles National Advisory Board by giving its members each three year terms, instead of only 1 year terms;
(11) To study the feasibility of Hellenic Chairs at major universities;
(12) To study the possibilities of making the new University to be established at Patras, Greece a cooperative American Hellenic university;
(13) To investigate the conditions of Greeks in the Soviet Union;
(14) That an investigation be made as to the conditions of Greek Orthodox refugees in Jordan, and the West Bank;
(15) To cooperate with and assist the United States Olympic Committee for the 1972 Olympic Games.
The new Supreme Lodge elected at the Los Angeles Supreme Convention was:
Sam Nakis, Supreme President; Dr. Michael N. Spirtos, Supreme Vice President; Dinos Lambrou, Supreme Vice President of Canada; William P. Tsaffaras, Supreme Secretary; William G. Chirgotis, Supreme Treasurer; Dennis J. Livadas, Supreme Counsellor; A. Steve Betzelos, Supreme Governor; Peter J. Georges, Supreme Governor; George A. Heropoulos, Supreme Governor; Sam Platis, Supreme Governor; John G. Speliopoulos, Supreme Governor; Nicholas Zannetos, Supreme Governor. Dr. Monthe N. Kofos was elected Supreme Athletic Director.
The new Supreme Board of Trustees was: Col. Peter N. Derzis, Chairman; James K. Zolotas, 1st Vice Chairman; George L. Bourney, 2nd Vice Chairman; Peter Pavoris, Secretary; Theodore N. Vombrack, Treasurer; Stephen L. Berdalis, Ernest E. Dematatis, George P. Dikeou, Harry Hanna, Gust J. Herouvis, Sam Karakostas, James G. Petheriotes, James S. Scofield, Elias S. Sutter, and the Supreme President and Supreme Vice President.
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AHEPA Past Supreme Presidents
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AHEPA Past Supreme Presidents
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In June, 1971, "Ahepa Day" was held at St. Basil's Academy, Garrison, N.Y. during which the Ahepa was honored by the Academy for its many contributions to the school. Daughters of Penelope Grand President Helen Beldecos presented a final payment check of $22,000 to the school, completing their full payment of $105,000 for the new Daughters of Penelope Dormitory Building for girls .... Lowell, Massachusetts #102 held. an outstanding testimonial dinner for Dr. Peter D. Comanduras, and presented the Lowell, Mass. native and eminent physician with the Ahepa Aristotelian Award before 700 people. The award was given for Dr. Comanduras' achievements as a world humanitarian, medical professor and pioneer, and co-founder with Dr. Tom Dooley of MEDICO, which organization gave invaluable medical assistance, knowledge and health facilities to less privileged countries in all parts of the world.
Earlier in 1971, then Supreme Treasurer William P. Tsaffaras went to Athens, Greece, taking with him the U.S. State flags and Governors' proclamations of the States, on the 150 Anniversary of the Greek War of Independence, which he presented in behalf of the States and Ahepa to the people of Greece. The State Flags and Proclamations were properly displayed during the many celebrations of Greece during its 150th anniversary events, as a gesture of friendship between the people of the United States and Greece. The State flags and proclamations were gathered by Ahepa Chapters in the various States, and read:
Do Hereby Proclaim March 25, 1971, as GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY, and extend all good wishes to the people of Greece on this their 150th Anniversary of Independence from foreign rule, and invite all citizens of the State of ------ to celebrate with the people of Greece their Anniversary of Independence.
The proclamations were signed by the Governors of the States.
Norfolk, Virginia chapter #122 honors former Governor Colgate W. Darden, Jr., who also served as a Congressman, Chancellor of the University of Virginia, and President of William and Mary College, with the Ahepa Periclean Award at a testimonial dinner. ... The 1971 Ahepa Memorial Day ceremony at the Arlington National Cemetery Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was headed by Col. Peter N. Derzis, Chairman of the Supreme Board of Trustees, and President Charles J. Papuchis of Washington, D.C. #236, President John T. Pappas of Washington, D.C. #31, and Past President John N. Deoudes of Washington, D.C. #31, George Lambros and Andrew Panagopoulos of #31.
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AHEPA Publication Board
AHEPA Executive Secretaries (1940 - 1972)
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… Dr. Stratis C. Zampathas of Sacramento, California #153 is appointed to the Sacramento Redevelopment Agency.
Supreme Vice President Dr. Michael N. Spirtos is elected Chief of Staff of the Mid valley Community Hospital, Van Nuys, California … James S. Scofield, Supreme Trustee, receives the Award of Merit of the Newspaper Division of the Special Libraries Association … Supreme President Sam Nakis visits Athens, Greece and presents Scroll copies of the Ahepa Resolution on U.S. Military Aid to Greece to Prime Minister George Papadopoulos of Greece, and to Vice Premier Stylianos Pattakos
Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder, syndicated sports columnist, and owner of the "Jimmy 'the Greek' Snyder Public Relations Company in Las Vegas, Nevada, is appointed to handle Ahepa public relations for special projects.
Washington, D.C. Chapters #236 and #31 sponsor their first annual Scholastic Banquet at the Sheraton Park Hotel, and award Ahepa Scholastic plaques to ten young men and women for their scholastic achievements … . Harry Lake, Chairman of the Buckeye District #11 Scholarship Foundation announced that seven $300 renewal scholarships were awarded at the District Convention … Past Supreme Treasurer Dr. Nicholas S. Nicholas of Philadelphia was named winner of the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award … . Dr. Theodore P. Perros, Professor of Chemistry, and Secretary of the Ahepa Educational Foundation Board, is named chairman of the new graduate Department of Forensic Science of George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
Nick G. Lambros of Atlanta, Ga. chapter #1, former State Representative for two terms in the Georgia State Legislature, is appointed a member of the Atlanta Board of Aldermen. He joins Atlanta chapter #1 member George Cotsakis, Past Supreme Governor, who is already serving on the Board … . Boston, Mass. #24 member Harris P. Jameson publishes his first novel, "For Sully's Sake," about an American newspaperman of Greek descent … . Phillip Bardos of San Fernando Valley, California Chapter #412, elected to the Los Angeles Board of Education … . Emmanuel S. Zaphiriou of Indianapolis is installed as Commander of his American Legion Post … . Yonkers, N. Y. chapter #51 establishes a $300 scholarship grant in memory of its late devoted members Constantine Critzas and Alexander Critzas … Nicholas Zambus of the Vancouver, B.C., Canada chapter is nominated by the Social Credit Party to run as a candidate to represent Vancouver Centre in Parliament … . John Pappas, Past President of Minneapolis, Minnesota #66, and Anoka County Civil Defense Director, receives a certificate of Commendation by the State of Minnesota for his work.
Mayor Nicholas Blase of Niles, Illinois, whose city was pronounced outstanding for its achievements, announced his candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives … . Dr. Louis Vrettos, Lowell, Massachusetts, appointed President of Pierce College in Athens, Greece … . Jimmy Poulos, University of Georgia running back, stars in the Gator Bowl with the winning touchdown … .
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Vice President Spiro T. Agnew
1972 - Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, member of Baltimore, Md. #30, receives an Ahepa solid gold medal
commemorating the 150th anniversary of Greek Independence at a meeting in the Vice President's Office. (Left to right) Supreme Counsellor Dennis J. Livadas, Supreme Secretary William P. Tsaffaras, Supreme President Sam Nakis, the Vice President, Supreme Trustee Chairman Peter N. Derzis, Supreme Treasurer William G. Chirgotis, Executive Secretary George V. Leber.
Secretary of Commerce Peter G. Peterson
1972 - U. S. Secretary of Commerce Peter G. Peterson, appointed to the U. S. Cabinet by President Nixon in March, 1972, the first American of Greek descent to attain Cabinet rank.
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Judge Gregory Lagakos, Past Supreme Counsellor, awarded William and Mary College Alumni Medallion … . Dr. Michael J. Balakis is Illinois State Superintendent of Public Instruction … . Marco Apostolides recipient of the Peabody, Massachusetts Jaycee distinguished service award … . Ike Pappas of Chicago (lcarius Papademetriou) distinguishes himself as CBS TV international news correspondent … . Newton, Massachusetts Mayor Monte Basbas honored by his friends with a testimonial dinner, for his three terms as Mayor.
George Kay Katsaros elected Mayor of Haverhill, Massachusetts … Sheriff Peter Pitchess of Los Angeles is recipient of the Law and Order Man of the Year Award from the Americanism Educational League … Peter J. Skoufis (Bangor, Maine) was awarded the U.S. Department of State Superior Honor Award while serving as Counselor for Administrative Affairs at the American Embassy in London.
Donald R. Manes was inaugurated as Queens Borough (New York) President in January, 1972, the youngest Borough president in history; his father is from Ioannina, Epirus, Greece … U.S. Representative Nick Galifianakis begins his campaign for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senator from North Carolina with strong support. … Mrs. Ellen A. Sampson of Lowell, Mass., is elected Mayor of Lowell. She previously served as Mayor in 1964-65 … . Nicholas Mavroules is sworn in on January 3, 1972 for his third term as Mayor of Peabody, Massachusetts.
The Olympic flame is ignited at Olympia, Greece on December 28, 1971, arrives in Sapporo, Japan after a long journey, for the start of the 1972 Winter Olympics … .
Dr. Chris Patrinos is superintendent of schools in Lynn, Mass … . Jimmie J. Nichols is elected Mayor of Apalachicola, Florida in Oct. 1971. He previously served the city as Mayor and as City Commissioner in 1955-59 … . James C. Cacheris of Alexandria, Virgina is named Judge of the state 16th Judicial Circuit.
Jack Economou is elected Mayor of Poughkeepsie, New York, and served previously in the state legislature … . Peter Babalas of Norfolk, Virgina is re-elected as a Virginia State Senator in the state legislature … . Daughters of Penelope Past Grand President Adeline Geo-Karis becomes a candidate for the Illinois legislature … . Dr. Menelaos A. Aliapoulios, chief of surgery at Cambridge, Massachusetts hospital, is named associate professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School. … The Most Reverend Archbishop Iakovos is named the 1971 Man of Conscience by the Appeal of Conscience Foundation, an organization of Protestants, Roman Catholics and Jews.
Peter J. Peterson of Los Angeles, California, Sons of Pericles Past Supreme Governor, career diplomat of the U.S. Department of State since 1950, who served as U.S. Consul General of Greece from 1967 to 1971, was honored by the Department of State with a superior honor award. In 1972, he was serving as charge d'affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Colombo, Ceylon … . Christ Panagakis announced his candidacy for the Illinois Senate 17th legislative district … . Past Supreme Counsellor Charles J. Panagopoulos becomes chairman of the Peabody, Massachusetts Board of Assessors.
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Mayors of Greek descent serving their cities at this time are:
Lee Alexander of Syracuse, N.Y.; George Tsourakis of Tarpon Springs, Florida; Chris Tasoulas of Keene, N.H.; John P. Rousakis of Savannah, Georgia.; Emmanuel Katsounakis Kallas of East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; George Athanson of Hartford, Connecticut; Alex Jeffers of Williamsburg, Pennsylvania; George Katsaros of Haverhill, Massachusetts; Byron J. Mathews of Newburyport, Massachuestts; Nicholas Mavroules of Peabody, Massachusetts; James Nichols of Apalachicola, Florida; John Maglares of Dover, N.H.
On October 21, 1971, a marble statue of Hippocrates, "father of medicine" was unveiled at the new University of Alabama Medical Center. The 14-foot statue was donated to the school by Sam and Agatha Nakos of Birmingham, and was sculpted in Greece by Greek artist Kostas Georgakas. Sam Nakos is Chairman of the Ahepa Educational Foundation Board … Ted Xanos of the Peoria, Illinois chapter is chairman of the Pekin, Illinois 1972 United Fund campaign.
Marlboro, Massachusetts chapter #105 presents $800 in scholarships to students … Vice President Spiro T. Agnew visits Greece and receives a tumultuous welcome. His itinerary included a visit to his father's birthplace, Gargalianoi, Messinia … . George N. Pappas of Charlotte, N.C., professional bowler, is the recipient of the Harry Agganis Award, as the outstanding athlete of Greek descent … . Harry E. Klide of Canton, Ohio Chapter #59 is elected City Solicitor of Canton … . George C. Drivas, Anaheim, California Chapter, appointed national representative for Ahepa Congressional affairs.
Nine U.S. Mayors visit Athens, Greece as the guests of Karyatides Chapter of the Daughters of Penelope, Athens, Greece. They were all Mayors of U.S. cities carrying the name "Athens." They were: Walter Fox, Athens, N. Y.; Bobby Higgins, Athens, Alabama; Theodore Fink, Athens, Pennsylvania; Earl Falk, Athens, Michigan; Herman Lee Moses, Athens, Tennessee; Keith Thompson, Athens, West Virginia; Raymond Shepard, Athens, Ohio; Calvin Bridges, Athens, Georgia; and Charles Gianoli, Athens, Wisconsin.
Norfolk, Virginia chapter #122 awards a $500 scholarship … . The Sons of Pericles and Maids of Athena are honored by the national Multiple Sclerosis Association with its Hope Award for their efforts in raising more than $38,000 in 1971 among Sons and Maids chapters … . Thomas G. Cholakis, Past Supreme President of the Sons of Pericles, is elected County Legislator for Rensselaer County, N.Y … . The Supreme Athletic Director, Dr. Monthe N. Kofos, announces the establishment of the William G. Chirgotis Collegiate Athletic Award to be given annually to the outstanding athlete of Greek descent from colleges and universities. Future awards of the Harry Agganis Award will be only to professional athletes of Greek descent.
Peter G. Peterson, son of Brother and Mrs. George Peterson of Kearney, Nebraska, is appointed by President Nixon to the office of U.S. Secretary of Commerce, the first American of Greek descent to attain Cabinet rank in America. He was serving as White House coordinator on foreign economic policy at the time of his new appointment. Secretary Peterson was formerly President and Chairman of the Board of Bell and Howell of Chicago, and was previously named one of the "Ten Outstanding Young Men" in the nation by the U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce.
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Past Supreme Secretary Louis P. Maniatis is appointed to the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals in Washington, D.C. The appointment was made by the U.S. Attorney General … South Carolina Governor John C. West becomes a member of Columbia, S.C. Chapter #284 … Stockton, California Fire Chief Mitchell P. Coolures, member of Stockton, California #212, was honored for leading one of the five best fire departments in the nation.
Ahepa receives a Resolution from the Papanicolaou Cancer Research Institute of Miami, Florida in appreciation of the fraternity's efforts in behalf of the Institute … . George A. Aretakis of the Stamford, Connecticut chapter is appointed for a second term as Stamford Finance Commissioner. … Columbia, S.C. #284 presents a set of the Ahepa Greek Classics to Brookland-Cayce High School library … . Miss Theana Yatron, 17 year old daughter of Congressman Gus Yatron (Pennasylvainia) is named second runner-up in the Miss Pennsylvania Junior Miss Contest … Peter Kouchalakos, Past Supreme Treasurer, Miami, Florida, is named national Director of the 1972 Ahepa Educational Journey to Greece and will personally direct the program in Greece. One hundred students and 16 counsellors departed for their four week program in Greece on July 12 from Washington, D.C.
The 20th National Banquet honoring the U.S. Congress was held in Washington, D.C. on March 13, and His Holiness Athenagoras I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, spiritual leader of Eastern Orthodoxy, was named as the recipient of the 1972 Ahepa Socratic Award in recognition of 18 years as Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Church of North and South America, and 24 years as Ecumenical Patriarch.
Although unable to attend due to physical health and age, the award was received in his behalf by His Eminence Archbishop Iakovos of the Greek Orthodox Church of North and South America.
Banquet chairman was John N. Deoudes, and toastmaster was Judge John M. Manos. Banquet speakers included the new U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Peter G. Peterson; Greek Foreign Undersecretary Dimitrios Tsakonas, U.S. Senator Robert Taft, Jr., Archbishop Iakovos, U.S. Representative John Brademas, Supreme President Sam Nakis, Grand President Helen J. Beldecos, Maids Grand President Katherine Triantafillou, Sons Supreme President Deno J. Krillies.
Vice President Spiro T. Agnew received the Ahepa gold medal commemorating the 150th anniversary of Greek Independence at his offices on March 9 from Supreme President Sam Nakis; accompanying the Supreme President were Ahepa officers William P. Tsaffaras, William G. Chirgotis, Dennis J. Livadas, Peter N. Derzis, George J. Leber. The Vice President discussed matters concerning the Ahepa and Greece with the delegation.
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1972 AHEPA Socratic Award
Posing before an enlarged photo of His Holiness Patriarch Athenagoras I, Ecumenical Patriarch, who was the recipient of the 1972 Ahepa Socratic Award are (left to right): U. S. Secretary of Commerce Peter G. Peterson, His Eminence Archbishop Iakovos and Supreme President Sam Nakis holding the Socratic Award bust, His Excellency Dimitrios Tsakonas, Foreign Undersecretary of Greece, and U. S. Senator Robert Taft, Jr.
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At the March meetings of the Supreme and Grand Lodges of Ahepa and its Auxiliaries, endorsement was given to the Cooley's Anemia (Thalassemia) Foundation for the purpose of supporting efforts to combat this hereditary disease of the blood which affects persons whose ancestors were natives of Greece, Italy, Turkey, southern France, and northern Africa. Cooley's Anemia, also called Mediterranean Anemia or Thalassemia, is inherited according to Mendelian Laws, and the severe form known as Thalassemia Major, occurs in a child born of parents who are both carriers of the disease.
The fraternity immediately began publishing information on Cooley's Anemia to its membership, since information on the disease is not commonly known. Persons may carry the minor traits of the disease without suffering any ill-effects, but two such persons with minor traits who marry, may bear a child who will emerge with Thalassemia Major, which is usually fatal. One-quarter of the children of such a marriage of two persons with minor traits can be expected to have the severe form of the disease. The fraternity also urged support of Federal funding legislation for research. Supreme Vice President Dr. Michael N. Spirtos was appointed as national chairman of the Ahepa Committee on Cooley's Anemia (Thalassemia).
Danielson, Connecticut, #418 awarded a $250 scholarship … Alex Vassel of Tampa, Florida, #12 celebrates his 100th birthday … . Ahepa Chapters begin celebrating the fraternity's Golden Anniversary in 1972 with dinners and functions throughout the United States and Canada … The Daughters of Penelope honor Dr. Sarah E. Stewart of Georgetown University as the recipient of their 1972 award "Salute to Women in Medicine." The presentation was made on March 13 in Washington, D.C. by Grand President Beldecos and her Grand Lodge … . Butte, Montana #206 honors athlete Pete Hristou at a chapter dinner
Jim Beam Distilling Company announces the issuance of a special decanter in honor of the Ahepa's Golden Anniversary in 1972.
In congratulating the Order of Ahepa on its Golden Anniversary in 1972, Vice President Agnew said:
The conviction that each of us shares a responsibility for building a better community and Nation is a precept on which America has grown. For the past fifty years the Order of Ahepa has carried forth this spirit through educational and altruistic programs which merit the highest commendation. As we celebrate Ahepa's Golden Anniversary, let all of us renew our dedication to the welfare and progress of American society.
Dayton, Ohio Ahepa Chater #113 moves into its new Ahepa Home … Ahepa Publication Board Chairman Peter Agris is honored by the National Conference of Christians and Jews with their Citation of Merit … Hamilton, Ohio #424 holds joint dinner meeting with the Hamilton B-Nai Brith unit … Maids of Athena present $5,000 to Papanicolaou Cancer Research Center, for purchase of Atomic Absorption Analyzer … .
Supreme President Sam Nakis and Educational Foundation Board Chairman Sam S. Nakos present $16,000 in scholarship awards to students of Holy Cross Theological School, Brookline, Massachusetts on May 27, 1972. The scholarship grants were made to theological students Joho H. Ziatas, Louis Scoulas, Nickolaos Apostolopoulos, George Matsis, Nick A. Milas, Chris P. Kerhulas, Michael Kontogiorgis, John P. Chakos, James G. Carellas, Panagiotis Giannakopoulos, and J oho Pete Demos.
Members of the Ahepa Family make preparations for the 'celebration of the Ahepa's Golden Anniversary year in 1972 at the Atlanta, Georgia 50th Supreme Convention, August 20 to 26, 1972.
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We have brought the history of the Order of Ahepa to the present (June, 1972).
An effort has been made to record some of the activities, achievements, and contributions of members, chapters, districts and national units to the betterment of American life; with the full knowledge that this entire history could not be confined within one volume, therefore the material recorded herein is certainly not complete, nor intended to be.
The book's total effect may sound complimentary to the fraternity, and if so, it was intended to be, for it is my belief that the Order of Ahepa should be given proper praise and recognition for its efforts and achievements, especially in view of its limited membership, as compared with other national groups.
I can only conclude the history of the Order of Ahepa by stating that the fraternity has completed an outstanding 50 years of worthwhile achievements, and that all members look forward with anticipation to an even more successful 50 years in the future.
Ahepa Educational Foundation Board
The Ahepa Educational Foundation was established by the 1966 Washington, D.C. Supreme Convention, and the organization of the Ahepa Educational Foundation Board was completed at the March 25, 1967 Supreme Lodge meeting, with the following appointments to the first board:
George E. Johnson, Chairman; Gust Rakus, Vice-Chairman; Nicholas J. Chirekos, Secretary; Peter D. Gianukos, Treasurer; Prof. George G. Arnakis; Dr. Theodore P. Perros; John G. Thevos; Gust J. Herouvis; Andrew Fasseas; Kirnon A. Doukas. Ernest E. Dematatis was appointed as Counsel to the Board.
George E. Johnson, Sacramento, California, Chairman; Kirnon A. Doukas, New York City, Vice-Chairman; Gus Cherevas, Flushing, N.Y., Secretary; Peter D. Gianukos. Chicago, Treasurer; Nicholas J. Chirekos, Moline, Illinois; Panayes G. Dikeou, Denver; Andrew Fasseas, Chicago; Dr. Dimitrious G. Kousoulas. Howard University, Washington, D.C.; Sam S. Nakos, Birmingham, Alabama; Dr. Theodore P. Perros, George Washington University.
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George E. Johnson, Chairman; Sam S. Nakos, ViceChairman; Dr. Theodore Perros, Secretary; Chris Boulos, DeKalb, Illinois, Treasurer; Gus Cherevas; Prof. Peter Dukas, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla.; Paul A. Karres, Culver City, California; Dr. Dimitrious G. Kousoulas; George J. Margoles, New Haven, Connecticutt; A. T. Tsoumas, Chicago.
George E. Johnson, Chairman; Sam S. Nakos, Vice Chairman; Dr. Theodore Perros, Secretary; Thomas Cavalaris, Treasurer; Dr. Dimitrous G. Kousoulas, Prof. Peter Dukas, Louis G. Manesiotis, Sam Nakis, Peter N. Derzis, George J. Margoles.
George E. Johnson, Chairman; Sam S. Nakos, Vice Chairman; Dr. Theodore Perros, Secretary; Thomas Cavalaris, Treasurer; Dr. Dimitrious G. Kousoulas, Prof. Peter Dukas, Louis G. Manesiotis, Sam Nakis, Peter N. Derzis, George J. Margoles.
Sam S. Nakos, Chairman; George E. Johnson, Honorary Chairman; Dr. Peter V. Paulus, Vice Chairman; Dr. Theodore P. Perros, Secretary; Theodore Vombrack, Treasurer; Thomas Cavalaris, Dr. Dimitrious G. Kousoulas, Dr. Stephen L. Speronis, Sam Nakis, Dr. Michael N. Spirtos, Peter N. Derzis.
The Ahepa Publication Board
The Ahepa Publication Board was established by the 1963 San Diego Supreme Convention for the purpose of administrating and supervising The Ahepan Magazine. Chairman and members of the Board from 1963:
Peter Agris, Chairman; Nick Rekas, Alfred G. Vonetes, John G. Plumides, Socrates V. Sekles, George J. Leber.
Alfred G. Vonetes, Chairman; Peter Agris, Charles J. Drewes, Nicholas J. Chirekos, Socrates V. Sekles, George J. Leber. George Douris was appointed Administrative Assistant.
Alfred G. Vonetes, Chairman; Peter Agris, Charles J. Drewes, Nicholas J. Chirekos, Socrates V. Sekles, George J. Leber. James Brahos was appointed Administrative Assistant, and Gustave Coffinas as legal counselor.
C. P. Pappas, Chairman; Charles J. Drewes, Alfred G. Vonetes, C. P. Verinis, Peter Agris, Gustave Coffinas, legal counselor.
Charles J. Drewes, Chairman; C. P. Pappas, Alfred G. Vonetes, C. P. Verinis, Gustave Coffinas, legal counselor.
James S. Scofield, Chairman; Alfred G. Vonetes, C. P. Pappas, Gus Cherevas, Panayes G. Dikeou, George J. Leber, William Jacobs, legal counselor.
Peter Agris, Chairman; Michael Kavoulakis, C. P. Pappas, Louis G. Manesiotis, Peter N. Derzis, George J. Leber, Theodore Alexander Bardy, legal counselor.
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Peter Agris, Chairman; Michael Kavoulakis, Charles J. Drewes, Louis G. Manesiotis, Peter N. Derzis, George J. Leber, Theodore Alexander Bardy, legal counselor.
Peter Agris, Chairman; Charles J. Drewes, Michael Kavoulakis, Sam Nakis, Peter N. Derzis, George J. Leber.
Editors of The Ahepan Magazine
1927 - 1972
Achilles Catsonis, Editor: Nov. 1927 - Feb. 1929.
Milton E. Miltiades, Editor: March, 1929 - Oct. 1931.
Achilles Catsonis, Editor: Nov. 1931 - Sept. 1934.
Constantine G. Economou, Editor: Oct. 1934 - August, 1938.
V. I. Chebithes, Editor; Louis P. Maniatis, Assoc. Editor: Sept. 1938 - August, 1939.
V. I. Chebithes, Editor: Sept. 1939 - August, 1941.
Van A. Nomikos, Editor; George J. Leber, Managing Editor: Sept. 1941 - April, 1942.
Van A. Nomikos, Editor: May, 1942 - August, 1942.
George C. Vournas, Editor: Sept. 1942 - Dec. 1944.
George C. Vournas, Editor; Kirnon A. Doukas, Managing Editor: Jan. 1945 - August, 1945.
Harris J. Booras, Editor; Arthur H. Lalos, Executive Editor; George J. Leber, Managing Editor: Sept. 1945 - Dec. 1945.
Harris J. Booras, Editor; Arthur H. Lalos, Executive Editor: Jan. 1946 - August, 1946.
Harris J. Booras, Editor; Achilles Catsonis, Kirnon A. Doukas, Associate Editors; Arthur H. Lalos, Assistant to Editor: Sept. - Oct, 1946.
Harris J. Booras, Editor; Kirnon A. Doukas, Managing Editor; Arthur H. Lalos, Assistant to Editor: Nov. 1946 - August, 1947.
Louis P. Maniatis, Editor Ahepa 25th Anniversary Issue: July-Aug. 1947.
Kirnon A. Doukas, Editor: Sept. 1947 - Dec. 1948.
Arthur H. Lalos, Editor: Jan. 1949 - July, 1949.
John G. Thevos, Editor; Bob N. Fassoulis, Assistant Editor: August - Dec. 1949.
George Dimas, Bob N. Fassoulis, Editors: Jan. - June, 1950.
George Dimas, Editor: July, 1950 - Sept. 1952.
C. P. Verinis, Editor; George J. Margoles, Associate Editor; George Dimas, Managing Editor: Oct. 1952 - Sept. 1953.
George Dimas, Editor: Oct. 1953 - Sept. 1954.
C. P. Verinis, Editor; George Dimas, Managing Editor; William Vasiliou, Associate Editor: Oct. 1954 - August, 1955.
C. P. Verinis, Editor; George Dimas and Kirnon A. Doukas, Associate Editors: Sept. 1955 - August, 1956.
George Dimas, Editor: Sept. 1956 - July, 1957.
Peter N. Mantzoros, Editor: August, 1957 - July, 1958.
Kimon A. Doukas, Editor; George J. Leber, Louis P. Maniatis, Assistant Editors: August, 1958 - August, 1959.
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Kirnon A. Doukas, Editor; George J. Leber, Assistant Editor: Sept. 1959 - July, 1960.
Peter N. Mantzoros, Editor; George J. Leber, Associate Editor: August, 1960 - July, 1962.
Alfred G. Vonetes, Editor; George J. Leber, Associate Editor: August, 1962 - August, 1963.
Nicholas Zannetos, Editor; George J. Leber, Managing Editor: Sept. 1963 - July, 1969.
George Dimas, Editor; George J. Leber, Managing Editor: August, 1969 - Jan. 1972.
George J. Leber, Managing Editor: Jan. 1972 -
The Harry Agganis Award
Annually, the Order of Ahepa honors the outstanding American athlete of Greek descent as the recipient of the "HARRY AGGANIS AWARD" instituted in 1955 to honor the memory of Harry Agganis, Greek-American athlete who died suddenly while starring for the Boston Red Sox baseball team.
Recipients are:
1955 - Alex Aronis - Football
1956 - George Spaneas - Football
1957 - Alex Karras - Football
1958 - Lou Tsiriopoulos - Basketball
1959 - Gus Triandos - Baseball
1960 - Milt Pappas - Baseball
1961 - Chris Pelekoudas - Baseball (Umpire)
1962 - Alex Grammas - Baseball
1963 - George Saimes - Football
1964 - No award made
1965 - Chris Pelekoudas - Baseball (repeat)
1966 - Peter Tountas - Bowling
1967 - Dee Andros - Football Coach
1968 - No award made
1969 - Angelo Loucas - Football
1970 - George Allen - Track
1971 - George N. Pappas - Bowling
Beginning with the year 1972, the Harry Agganis Award will be made to the outstanding Professional Hellenic Athlete of the Year; and a new award, the William G. Chirgotis Award will be made annually to the outstanding Collegiate Hellenic Athlete of the Year.
© Copyright Order of AHEPA
George J. Leber's book is copyright protected. However, any portions of this book may be quoted at length, provided that proper credit & acknowledgement is given to the book, author, publisher, and pages.
Leber, George J. History of the Order of AHEPA 1922 - 1972. Washigton DC, Order of AHEPA, 1972.