History of the Order of AHEPA 1922 - 1972
Chapter Six: The Years 1934 - 1939
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The Eleventh Supreme Convention
August 20 to 26, 1934 - Columbus, Ohio
The Eleventh Supreme Convention of the Ahepa was held in Columbus, Ohio during the week of August 20-26, 1934.
Convention Officers: James Veras, Chairman; C. G. Economou, Vice Chairman; and Louis P. Maniatis, Secretary.
Convention Delegates were:
Supreme Lodge: Harris J. Booras, P. S. Marthakis, Achilles Catsonis, George L. Pappas, George C. Vournas, C. E. Athas, and Robert Katson;
Mother Lodge-Nicholas D. Chotas, James Campbell, and George A. Polos.
Chapter Delegates were:
James Chiflakos, Atlanta; Chris Leventis and Gus Demetriades, Charlotte; William J. Logothetis, Charleston; John Demosthenes, Savannah; W. H. Royster, Wilson, N.C.; C. R. Nixon and T. Zuppas, Tulsa; Archie Zapetis, Miami; J. K. Douglas, Tarpon Springs; Dean Alfange and Dr. M. Demetrius, New York City; G. D. Petheriotes, Houston; P. Dracopoulos and M. Campouri, Washington, D.C.; P. Antonoplos, Pittsburgh; N. Copanos and J. K. Karagianis, Cleveland; N. Anagnos, Syracuse; C. A. Tsangadas, Detroit; E. B. Kary, Brooklyn; G. Dimas and A. J. Dritsas, New York City; Dr. S. Zaph and M. P. Mamalakis, Chicago; J. Yampanis, Waterbury, Conn.; M. Mathaekis and T. P. Argyris, Newark; H. Stathis and C. B. Johannides, St. Louis; A. C. Angelson and John G. Thevos, Paterson; N. G. Dennis and J. K. Karambelas, Wilkes-Barre; P. C. Gerros and P. L. Adams, Canton; C. Th. Mentis, Reading, Pennsylvania; J. D. Petrou and Nick Economous, Akron; C. Fourlas and J. E. Mack, Harrisburg; William Essaris, Wheeling; C. Theodoridis, Camden; S. Lagges and P. H. Stathopoulos, Lancaster; L. Costas, Binghamton; Alexandros Eliopoulos, Gary; J. Lampros, Worcester; G. Subley, Richmond; J. Veras and P. P. Kaldes, Scranton; N. Nicholas, Jamaica; S. Morousis, New Castle; J. Vlahos and W. N. Harris, Warren; P. Betchunis and C. G. Economou, Youngstown; George E. Phillies, Buffalo; S. Manas, Steubenville; John Govatos, Wilmington; George E. Johnson, Astoria. J. S. Carson, New Haven; Leo J. Lamberson and N. A. Kandis, South Bend; N. G. Anas and George E. Loucas, Weirton, W. Va.; Lew Blatz, Oak Park, Ill.; George K. Demopulos and T. S. Josephson, Providence; C. G. Pulakos, Erie; E. Hondroudakis, Jersey City; J. Tsatsanifos, Pottsville
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J. Floros, Elmira; N. Floridis and G. Steffens, Dayton; M. J. Loupoussakis, Plainfield, N.J.; G. Karras, Uniontown, Pennsylvania; T. Fisher and G. Lagos, Toledo; S. J. Cosmos, Moline, Ill.; N. Asteris, Norfolk; C. Tsatsos, Hammond; P. C. Malas, Cincinnati; C. P. Gianecakes and Louis P. Maniatis, Louisville, Kentucky; C. G. Paris, Lynchburg, Va.; W. Petrakis and T. Pekras, Columbus; W. Dakis and H. Chrystie, Albany; P. Adamopoulos and J. Vlahakis, Lansing; P. Delis and P. Jevas, Elyria, Ohio; G. Blaetus, Omaha; C. K. Katon, San Francisco; P. C. Phillips, Sacramento; Dr. N. S. Checkos, Portland, Oregon; G. H. Eliades, Hopewell, Va.; T. Vlahos, Washington, Pennsylvania; G. A. Speros, East Chicago; George Chamouris, Poughkeepsie; A. Samartzopoulos and J. A. Demopoulos, Detroit; G. Perry, Beloit; A. C. Christopoulos and John Chakeres, Lincoln, Nebraska; A. G. Poullos, Grand Island, Nebraska; George Bezaitis, Oakland; Cleo Banos, Bronx.
John Bockas, Ogden; V. I. Chebithes and P. G. Chingos, New York City; Alex Cootsis, New York City; H. C. Panagos, Sioux Falls; P. Zanftos, Sioux City; T. Ralles and J. Zanias, Des Moines; P. N. Samios, Hagerstown; C. Preketes and M. G. Perros, Ann Arbor; T. Kouchoukos, Grand Rapids; E. Alatza, Anderson, Ind.; P. A. Magas, Kalamazoo; A. A. Pantelis, Chicago; F. Pofanti and M. Lambros, Chicago; S. Vradelis and P. Matthews, Middletown, Ohio; N. Mantis, Muncie; T. Drellis and G. Vlahos, Muskegon; William Vlassis, Saginaw; Panos Dadiras, Waukegan; P. Carros and V. Milionis, Philadelphia; Peter Boudoures, San Francisco; A. Sioris and J. Lambros, Washington, D.C.; J. G. Paouris, Greenville; A. C. Delianos and G. Mentis, Springfield, Ohio; T. Dunukos, New London; G. Georgiadis, Gallup; P. E. Kamuchey, St. Paul; G. Livas and S. Stelson, Durham; A. Fillias, Elizabeth, N.J.; N. J. Mandris, Annapolis; P. Harilsou, Asbury Park; Kenneth Doukas, Perth Amboy; A. Nickas and P. Nianaris, Canton; H. Cokenides, Fredericksburg; D. Booth, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; T. State, Benton Harbor, Mich.; G. J. Johnson and J. Vlahogianis, Portsmouth, Ohio; T. G. Costoplos, Pensacola; P. Agrafiotis and J. Akhiles, Danville, Va.; and G. Vlassis, Winnipeg, Canada.
There were a total of 160 delegates at the Columbus, Ohio convention.
Legislative and administrative results of the Columbus convention included:
(1) That a Ladies Auxiliary be adopted by the Order of Ahepa, and that the matter of name and other questions be settled by the Auxiliary and the Ahepa Supreme Lodge,
(2) That the Scholarship Loan Fund should return any contributions to any contributor requesting same, and that the monies left in the fund be used as outright scholarship grants, and not loans;
(3) That membership cards may only be issued by the Supreme Lodge;
(4) That the annual Supreme Convention shall be held on the 3rd Monday of August;
(5) That no Supreme Lodge officer shall succeed himself in office.
Other action taken was to donate $3,000 to the St. Stephen School at Gastonia, N.C.; and a loan of $5,000 be made to the Detroit chapter for the Ahepa Temple.
The newly-elected Supreme Lodge officers for the fiscal year 1934 – 1935 were: Achilles Catsonis, Supreme President; George E. Johnson, Supreme Vice President; Constantine G. Economou, Supreme Secretary; Peter W. Katsafanas, Supreme Treasurer; George Eliades, Supreme Counsellor; Arthur Peponis, Supreme Governor; Peter Boudoures, Supreme Governor.
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Chicago, Illinois was selected as the site of the 1935 convention.
Alex Kampouris, 21 year old second baseman of the Cincinnati Reds major league baseball team, was honored by the Cincinnati Ahepa Chapter with a presentation at the ball game, and a banquet in the evening, attended by Mayor Russell Wilson of Cincinnati … Cincinnati chapter also took part in "New Citizens Day" in that city … The New Jersey District inaugurated its District Scholarship Fund in the year 1934 … Houston Ahepans took part in the city's Armistice Day parade … Wichita, Kansas Ahepa Chapter took active part in the sale of tuberculosis stamps for the County Tuberculosis Association … Secretary Arthur Faipeas of Lowell, Mass. Chapter is Dracut, Mass. city recreational director. ... Weirton, W. Va. chapter purchased land for the construction of an Ahepa Temple … Cincinnati chapter honors Ahepan Mike Callas, State Commander of the American Legion of Kentucky … Lincoln, Nebraska chapter initiates Governor Roy L. Cochran of Nebraska into the Order. ... Sheridan, Wyoming Ahepa hockey team defeats the Ahepa team from Billings, Montana ... Staffy Barootes of Saskatoon, Canada won the Saskatchewan Province oratorical contest for high school students … Pete Chumbris, past president of the Sons of Pericles chapter of Washington, D.C., wins his letter in baseball at the University of Maryland for 3 years, and was manager of the varsity football team … Chrissoula Economides of Dayton, won first honors in the Ohio oratorical contest for high school students.
Past Supreme Vice President P. S. Marthakis of Salt Lake City was a member of the Utah House of Representatives … Past Supreme President Harris J. Booras publishes his book "Hellenic Independence and America's Contribution to the Cause." ... Gus Mathas was commissioned Ensign in the U.S. Navy at Annapolis Naval Academy ceremonies … Sign of the Times: Room rates were announced for the 1935 convention in Chicago at the Hotel Sherman as follows: $2.50 Singles and $4.50 Doubles! ... Weirton, W. Va. took top honors in their city's July 4th Parade … Lt. Governor George J. Hatfield of California joins San Francisco chapter … Peter Kotsogean, 19, of Bellingham, Washington, is appointed to Annapolis Naval Academy … Young Anthony Pelay, Jr. of Portland, Oregon, becomes Grand Master Counsellor of the Oregon DeMolay. Past Supreme President V. I. Chebithes' book "Ahepa and the Progress of Hellenism in America" is published in 1935.
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The Twelfth Supreme Convention
August 19 to 25, 1935 - Chicago, Illinois
The Twelfth Supreme Convention was held in Chicago during the week of August 19-25, 1935. Convention officers elected were: Constantine Tsangadas, Chairman; A. Dritsas, Vice Chairman; and Louis P. Maniatis, Secretary.
St. Paul, Minn., was selected as the site of the 1936 convention, and the following new Supreme Lodge Officers were elected: V. I. Chebithes, Supreme President; Constantine A. Tsangadas, Supreme Vice President; Constantine G. Economou, Supreme Secretary; Charles Preketes, Supreme Treasurer; D. G. Michalopoulos, Supreme Counsellor; George K. Demopulos, Supreme Governor; Thomas D. Lentgis, Supreme Governor.
Delegates to the 1935 Chicago Supreme Convention were:
Supreme Lodge: Achilles Catsonis, George E. Johnson, Peter Boudoures, Arthur H. Peponis, George C. Eliades, P. W. Katsafanas, Constantine G. Economou.
Mother Lodge: S. J. Stamos, George A. Polos, and James Campbell.
Chapter Delegates:
James Chiflakos, Atlanta; Gus L. Constantine and John Sakelarides, Birmingham; W. J. Logothetis, Charleston; Spero Zepatos, Memphis; Thomas K. Zrakas, Wilson, N.C.; C. R. Nixon and John J. Bereolos, Tulsa; John K. Douglas, Tarpon Springs; George Bassett and Nicholas A. Loumos, Boston; Dean Alfange, New York City; Peter Tsopelas, Philadelphia; John Mantakounis, Asheville, N.C.; John Theophiles, Houston; Dr. Andrew Cavacos, Baltimore; Thomas Skiados and Peter Ski ados, Washington, D.C.; Peter Antonopoulos and Christ J. Cacheris, Pittsburgh; Louis Pappas, and Daniel Nikolatos, Cleveland; Theodore Limbert and Nicholas Anagnos, Syracuse; Charles D. Reveliotis and Nicholas Chronis, Cambridge; Harry Sovas, Haverhill; C. Tsangadas and C. Pappas, Detroit; Menelaos Constantinedes, Brooklyn; Andrew J. Dritsas and Nicholas J. Botsacos, New York City; Spyros Methenitis, Milwaukee; S. D. Zaph and William Rousis, Chicago; Rev. Chrisostom Trahadias, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin; Thomas P. Argyris, and William G. Chirgotis, Newark.
Dr. C. B. Johannides and Nicholas Papadimitriou, St. Louis; Donald P. Johnson and Andrew C. Angelson, Paterson; Peter Mallios, Wilkes Barre; Peter Droukas, Brockton; George Fullas and Thomas Argerson, Allentown; Constantine Mantis, Reading; Thomas C. Vallas, Harrisburg; Thomas Kalogerson and Christie Geankoplis, Minneapolis; William Essaris, Wheeling; Soterios Lagges, Lancaster; A. P. Sanderson and Theo. Madouros, Kansas City, Mo.; Louis H. George, Gary; Charles Davis Kotsilibas, Worcester; John Asimakopoulos, Fort Wayne; James A. Veras and John F. Davis, Scranton; C. G. Arseniadis, Jamaica; Peter Brown, New Castle; George Nicolaou and W. K. Harris, Warren, Ohio; Peter Betchunis and George Chelekis, Youngstown; Steve Manas, Steubenville; Christ Ganas, Peter G. Matsoukas, George Ganas, and D. G. Michalopoulos, Chicago; John Govatos, Wilmington; John A. Kiamos, Astoria; Peter Venech, Stamford; Spyridon Stratigos and Leo J. Lamberson, South Bend; Thekios K. Kourkoulakos, Lowell; George E. Loucas, Weirton; Lew Blatz and A. V. Collias, Oak Park; George K. Demopulos and Achilles Joannidi, Providence; John Catsampas, Pottsville; James Floros, Elmira; Basil Theodoras and Steve Stoyeos, Dayton; John A. Givas and Michael J. Loupassakis, Plainfield, N.J.; Nick Kounaris, New Britain; Thomas Fisher and Dan Curtis, Toledo; Charles Bookidis, Moline; Christ Christopoulos, Norfolk;
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Steve Grammas, Hammond; Fred Maroules and James Kappas, Cincinnati; Louis P. Maniatis, Louisville; C. A. Macris, Joliet; Vasile Gazis and C. Pelias, New Orleans; C. G. Paris, Lynchburg. Theodore Pekras and George Staffens, Columbus; George E. Mayakis, Albany; James Vlahakis and Peter Adamopoulos, Lansing; Peter Delis and Peter Giovas, Lorain; Panayes G. Dikeou and Louis Liakos, Denver; C. E. Athas and P. S. Marthakis, Salt Lake City; Peter Katsura, Omaha; Dr. Emanuel Apostolides, San Francisco; Anthony Aroney, Los Angeles; James Xenides and L. P. Sollon, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania; Constantine P. Frantzis and John Morfis, Indiana Harbor; Gus Perry and Peter G. Allen, Beloit; A. C. Christopulos, Lincoln; Nick J amson, Grand Island, Nebraska; Nick C. Nichols, Freeport, N.Y.; Dr. Montell Nofte, Oakland; Thomas Tsalos, Bronx; Thomas D. Lentgis, Seattle.
Mike August, Rock Springs; George Karras and Nick Salevouris, Price; V. I. Chebithes and Aleck Cootsis, New York City; George Chumos, Wichita, Kansas; Harry Panagos and Sam Pappas, Sioux Falls; John Sarris, Sioux City; Gust Neofotis, Des Moines; James Koliopoulos and James L. Lambros, Hagerstown; Tony Siamis and Mike Bellas, Cedar Rapids; Christ Agon and Angelo Agon, Grand Rapids; Gust Pancol, Anderson, Ind.; Harry Fellas and Peter Magas, Kalamazoo; George Hadjidis and Anthony Christinides, Brooklyn; P. Tomaras and Andrew Katsinas, Champaign; Basil Lambros and Andrew Fasseas, Chicago; A. A. Pantelis and Paul Koken, Evanston; Harry Lapsates and Frank E. Pofanti, Chicago; Peter Sargen, Butte; S. P. Vradelis, Middletown; Theodore Mentis, Muncie; Theodore Anderson and George Kisciras, Cheyenne; Gus Metes, Battle Creek; Panos Dadiras and James Effans, Waukegan; George Callas and George Melonas, Chicago Heights; Mike Sakell and John Pougialis, Rochester, Minnesota; Christ Beres, Peoria; Dr. P. T. Angel, San Francisco; George C. Vournas and Nick J. Libert, Washington, D.C.; Anastas C. Delianos and Michael Chakeres, Springfield, Ohio; Andrew Karigan, Dubuque; George N. Maravell, Fitchburg; Alick Chicras and Alex Zorbas, Duluth; George N. Miller and Peter E. Kamuchey, St. Paul; Tony Demas and Paul Seimenis, Tucson; H. E. Economidy, Galveston; Andrew Ginakis and Peter Zappas, Fargo; Andrew Fillias, Elizabeth, N.J.; Theodore C. Kiscaras, Hackensack; Peter J. Gianaris, Asbury Park; Kenneth J. Doukas, Perth Amboy; Peter Norris, Canton; Tom State and John Kanalos, Benton Harbor; Guss Kritseles, Danville, Va.; Theodore Manicas, Endicott, N.Y.; James Georgopoulos, Mansfield, Ohio; Peter Kalyvas, Winnipeg, Canada.
The convention acted upon and put into effect the following matters:
(1) Established 24 Districts in the fraternity (reduced from the previous 36 Districts);
(2) Gave the Supreme Lodge authority and control over Auxiliary organizations;
(3) Passed a Resolution condemning as un-American all communistic, fascistic and other subversive propaganda and activities, and established "Americanism Committees" in the Districts;
(4) To present an Ahepa sword to every graduate of Greek descent from the Naval Academy and West Point;
(5) Established the national headquarters of the Sons of Pericles in the offices of the Ahepa in Washington, D.C.;
(6) That an Easter Excursion to Greece be held in 1936;
(7) That the Order send its greetings to the Order already established in Australia and the Supreme Lodge be authorized to investigate said organization.
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The Chicago convention mandated that the biennial National Banquet be revived in 1936, and plans were made to hold the banquet in February, 1936, with Past Supreme Counsellor George C. Vournas as Chairman. Brother Vournas headed the first banquet in 1929, which was also his idea … Mayor L. B. Clayton of Gary, Ind., joined the Ahepa chapter. ... The Chamber of Commerce of Benton Harbor, Michigan, paid tribute to the activities of the local Ahepa and Daughters of Penelope chapters … Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Ahepa held a charity ball for the needy.
Visit with President Roosevelt
President Roosevelt, seated, poses for pictures with Officers of The Order of AHEPA. From the left: August Rogokos, V.I. Chebithes, President; Thomas D. Lentgis, D.G. Michalopoulos, C.G. Economous, and George K. Demopulos.
The Ahepa Supreme Lodge visited President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House, where the President greeted them and posed with the Supreme Lodge for a photograph, in March, 1936.
The Ahepa National Banquet was held at the Mayflower Hotel, in Washington, D.C. on February 24, 1936, with more than 100 Members of Congress present as guests of the fraternity. Among the speakers were: Secretary of War George H. Dern, U.S. Senator William H. King of Utah, and Supreme President V. I. Chebithes. More than 600 persons attended the event, chaired by Past Supreme Counsellor George C. Vournas, and Past Supreme President Dean Alfange was toastmaster.
Don Avlon (Diomedes Avlonitis) presented a program of Greek music entitled "The Music of Greece, Classic and Modern" at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. ... Dr. Thomas Lacey invited Ahepans of New York City to gather at his Parish and celebrate Greek Independence Day … Spokane, Wash. chapter cited for its outstanding naturalization program …
President Franklin D. Roosevelt sent personal greetings to the delegates of the 1936 St. Paul, Minnesota Supreme Convention with this message:
I am proud to claim membership in an organization devoted as the Order of Ahepa is to the advancement of the principles and ideals of this Republic. I trust that the forthcoming convention will be a deserved success and that all who participate will return to their homes with renewed inspiration to fulfill the duties of citizenship.
The 1936 Easter Excursion to Greece was under the commandership of Supreme Vice President C. A. Tsangadas, and departed for Greece on March 21, 1936. Co-commander was Charles Davis Kotsilibas of Worcester, Massachusetts, and other committee members were Peter Magas, Peter Samios, and Brothers Klademenos and Parry … the 50 member Ahepa Drum and Bugle Corps of Marlboro, Mass., and the adult Drum and Bugle Corps of Brookline, Mass., also won statewide awards … Arthur T. Androus of Washington, D.C. won the silver cup in public speaking competition at Southeastern University, Washington, D.C …
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With President Franklin D. Roosevelt are Ahepans Constantine A. Tsangadas, V. I. Chebithes, Thomas D. Lentgis, Charles Preketes, D. G. Michalopoulos, Constantine G. Economou, George K. Demopulos.
President Roosevelt receives AHEPA Membership Scroll at the White House on June 24, 1937.
He was initiated into the Order of AHEPA March 11, 1931, when Governor of New York. AHEPA made the presentation
through Arthur G. Syran, New York, Supreme President. In the photograph, L To R: John Dounoucos, Arthur G. Syran, Peter Vouchelas, President Roosevelt, Constantine G. Economon, El Polites, Rev. Thomas J. Lacey, And Thomas Paledes.
With President Franklin D. Roosevelt are Ahepans John F. Davis, C. G. Paris, Constantine G. Economou, A. A. Pantelis, Peter Boudoures, V. I. Chebithes, Van A. Nomikos.
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(Continued from page 300)
Ahepan James Caras of the Wilmington, Delaware chapter won the World's Pocket Billiards Championship … Governor Theodore Francis Green of Rhode Island attends the Newport, R.I. Chapter Ball. ... Governor H. Styles Bridges of New Hampshire is initiated into the Manchester Ahepa Chapter. … Chicago Chapter No. 203 was given a certificate of "Great Donor" by Assumption Greek Orthodox Church of Chicago for its contributions to the church … Myron Poulios of Rochester, Minn. named Honorary Fire Chief of the city for winning the city-wide essay contest for grade schools … The San Diego California Pacific International Exposition set aside July 21st as Ahepa Day … More than 125 Hellenic athletes took part in the 2nd Annual Junior Hellenic Olympiad of the Sons of Pericles in Los Angeles, and Pete Peterson of Los Angeles (later to become U.S. Consul General of Greece) and Bill Huntales, each took three first places … Demetrios J. Vellis of San Francisco entered Annapolis Naval Academy.
The Thirteenth Supreme Convention
August 16 to 22, 1936 - St. Paul, Minnesota
The 13th Supreme Convention was held in St. Paul, Minnesota, during the week of August 16-22, 1936, and the following were elected as convention officers: A. A. Pantelis, Chairman; Andrew Dritsas, Vice Chairman; Angelo J. Manousos, Secretary. One of the features of the convention was the convention parade, with 2,500 marchers.
Convention legislation and mandates included adoption of the Ahepa Silver District Sanatorium in Albuquerque, New Mexico as an Ahepa national project.
Delegates to the 1936 Supreme Convention included:
Supreme Lodge: V. I. Chebithes, C. A. Tsangadas, Constantine G. Economou, A. Rogokos, Thomas D. Lentgis, George K. Demopulos, D. G. Michalopoulos.
Mother Lodge: James Campbell, George Campbell, S. J. Stamos, Harry Angelopoulos, George A. Polos. Past Supreme President Achilles Catsonis
Chapter Delegates A. D. Rumanos and Frank Plagianos, Atlanta; Theodore J. Bereolos and V. W. Birbilis, Tulsa; John K. Douglas, Tarpon Springs; Harris J. Booras, Boston; E. D. Polites, New York City; Peter Tsopelas, Philadelphia; John Mantakunis, Asheville; Charles D. Exarky and John A. Drosos, Houston; Nicholas Sakelos, Baltimore; Soterios Nicholson and Peter Dracopoulos, Washington, D.C.; A. E. Kamarinos, Pittsburgh; George N. Kalkas, Cleveland; Nicholas Anagnos and Daniel Pananicles, Syracuse; Charles J. Pappas and Louis G. Macres, Detroit; Edward Karey, Brooklyn; George Papaeleas and Andrew J. Dritzas, New York City; Andrew Zafiropoulos, Milwaukee; Peter T. Tsiales, Manchester; Mark Mamalakis and James Poulakis, Chicago; Rev. Chrisostom. Trahadias, Fond du Lac; A. C. Kirios, Lynn; Chris Fragos, Yonkers; Peter N. Kitsos and George A. Lollos, Newark; Dr. C. B. Johannides, St. Louis; Peter A. Adams, Paterson; Constantine Mentis, Reading; James Sentementes, Bridgeport; Gus Papageorge, Akron; D. N. Karalis, Minneapolis; Thomas N. Christie, Minneapolis;
(Continued on page 304)
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1934 - AHEPA Agricultural School
Entrance to the Ahepa Agricultural School in Corinth, Greece
1934 - AHEPA Agricultural School
Greek Prime Minister Tsaldaris accepting Ahepa Agricultural School
"The Spirit of the American Doughboy" Statue
Erected by the Mason City, Iowa chapter. The Plaque reads:
Dedicated To The Memory Of The Men Who Entered In Service Of Their Country From Cerro Gordo County And Who
Gave Their Lives In The World War Erected By Local Chapter, ORDER OF AHEPA JUNE 24, 1934
$2,000 15-foot Bronze Monument (Photo: Des Moines Tribune)
Globe-Gazette (Mason City, Iowa) June 23, 1934
Globe-Gazette (Mason City, Iowa) June 25, 1934
The bronze memorial "The Spirit of the American Doughboy" donated by the local chapter of AHEPA unveiled at ceremony on June 24, 1934.
Globe-Gazette (Mason City, Iowa) June 23, 1934
1936 - Vancouver, Canada
Ahepans, wives, and Maids of Athena in a Greek play at Vancouver, B. C. Canada
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(Continued from page 302)
William Essaris, Wheeling; Sotirios Lagges, Lancaster; James Millas, Trenton; C. G. Garrison and Gus D. Fitch, Kansas City, Mo.; Harry Maragus, Binghamton. George Dallis, Gary; Theodore Christy, Chester; Arthur H. Lalos, Worcester; George Mallers, Fort Wayne; John F. Davis, Scranton; Elias L. Janetis, Springfield, Mass.; Pete Chimbides and Bill Aronis, Warren; George Andrews, Youngstown; George E. Phillies, Buffalo; George D. Martin, Steubenville; John L. Manta and Van A. Nomikos, Chicago; Peter G. Sikokis, Chicago; John Govatos, Wilmington; John Kiamos, Astoria; Thomas Nanos and George Neoforos, Stamford; Leo Lamberson, South Bend; Steve Roulis and Nick Anas, Weirton; G. N. Polales and Lew Blatz, Oak Park; Achilles Joannidi, Providence; Anthony Dedopoulos, Jersey City; Anthony Laganis, Pottsville; George Galane and Michael Loupassakis, Plainfield; Nick Kounaris, New Britain; Thomas Fisher and George Theodore, Toledo; Spiro Cosmos, Moline; Steve Grammas, Hammond; John P. Harritos and John N. Farres, Cincinnati; Louis P. Maniatis, Louisville; Guss Gecas, Joliet; Constantine Pelias, New Orleans; C. G. Paris, Lynchburg; George E. Mayakis, Albany; Frank Ballas and James Giannaris, Lansing; Peter Delis, Lorain; Chris E. Athas, Salt Lake City; John Petrou and Tom Douvas, Omaha; Anton Krichelas and John Morfis, East Chicago; Anthony A. Trupis, Detroit; A. C. Christopulos and Chris A. Christopulos, Lincoln; Nick Jamson and James Camaras, Grand Island; Robert Katson, Albuquerque; James L. Kappas, Bronx; Nick Zefkelis, Seattle; Angelo J. Manousos and Chris Manthou, Tacoma; Harry Theologou and Alec Cootsis, New York; George Theodoson, Sioux Falls; Andrew Paradise, Sioux City; Gust Neofotis and John Zanias, Des Moines.
Paul Costa and Mike Bellas, Cedar Rapids; Paul Preketes, Ann Arbor; Chris Agon and Tom Kouchoukos, Grand Rapids; Peter Magas, Kalamazoo; George Hadjidis and Anthony Christimides, Brooklyn; Costas Mellas, Andrew Fasseas, Chris C. Harvalis, A. A. Pantelis, and Frank E. Pofanti, Chicago; Theodore Costos, Butte; Basil Papantonis, Mason City; Stephen Valasiades and John D. Constantine, Fort Dodge, la.; George C. Lambesis, Middletown; George T. Kisciras and Theodore Anderson, Cheyenne; George Stavrou and William Johnell, Muskegon; Peter Carres, Philadelphia; Mike Sakell and Sam Frances, Rochester, Minnesota; Christ Beres, Peoria; Peter Boudoures, San Francisco; George C. Vournas, Washington, D.C.; Michael H. Chakeres, Springfield, Ohio; John P. Lampros, Dover, N.H.; Nicholas Chachamuti, Biddeford, Me.; John Kotsovates, Chicago; Andrew Poulos, Dubuque; Pete C. Dakis, Santa Fe; George Ades, Gallup; Alex Zorbas and Alex Apostol, Duluth; Peter E. Kamuchey and James Dimopoulos, St. Paul; H. E. Economidy and Angelo Caravegeli, Galveston; George Bullis and John Chonas, Fargo; Jean M. Kossarides, Hackensack; George Tremoulis, Canton; Harry Cokenides, Fredericksburg; Constantine Booth and James Catel, Sault Ste. Marie; Thomas State, Benton Harbor; William Nicolau and John Demos, Jackson, Mich.; T. G. Costoplos and Charles Liberies, Pensacola; Guss A. Kritselis, Danville, Va.; Charles Bizios, Mansfield; J. H. Mooradian and A. Vlassis, Winnipeg, Canada.
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James Beltekos, Regina, Sask.; Gus Bonnis, Moose Jaw, Canada; John Giovanis, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; George Contos, Joliet; Peter Giovas, Lorain; P. G. Allen and George A. Malleris, Beloit; James DeBerry and George Chickekos, Bridgeport, Nebraska
The City of Syracuse, New York was selected as the site of the 1937 Supreme Convention, and the following Supreme Lodge was elected for fiscal year 1936-37:
V. I. Chebithes, Supreme President; D. G. Michalopoulos, Supreme Vice President; Constantine G. Economou, Supreme Secretary; August Rogokos, Supreme Treasurer; Andrew J. Dritsas, Supreme Counsellor; Thomas D. Lentgis, Supreme Governor; and Speros J. Cosmos, Supreme Governor.
Ted Panos, Casper, Wyoming, was awarded the Lowden Prize for excellence in the Greek language at the University of Iowa … Viola Felopoulos of Bennington, Vt., won the Vermont school championship in shorthand … George, Andrew and Matilda Baseleon of Peoria, Illinois, took all honors in the city tennis championships … U.S. Representative Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois, member of the Peoria Chapter, attends the Peoria Ahepa picnic. Ahepan Dirksen later became U.S. Senator, and one of America's most noted legislators … Beloit, Wisconsin Ahepa float depicting Pericles addressing the Athenians on the Acropolis, took first place honors at the Beloit Centennial parade ... and then entered the Madison, Wisconsin State Centennial parade where it also took first honors … Ahepan George Ades is Mayor of Grants, New Mexico.
Steve Vasilakos, whose peanut stand in front of the White House had been a familiar sight for years to government workers and tourists to Washington, D.C., donated two days sales to the Red Cross … Miss Katina Agnew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Agnew of Baltimore, received the Bronze Distinguished Service Award from Forest Park High School. Her father, Theodore S. Agnew was Secretary of Baltimore Chapter No. 30, and her brother, Spiro T. Agnew, was to become Vice President of the United States some 33 years later.
1936 AHEPA District Convention - Cambridge, Massachusetts
In 1936, the fifth annual state convention of the Order of Ahepa opened in Cambridge, Massachusetts when more than 1000
Ahepans appeared in a street parade as twice that number of members witnessed the procession … The parade commenced at the
Continental Hotel at 2:45 p m and marched to the Cambridge Common where the Soldiers Monument was decorated with a wreath by
Demetrios R. James, Cambridge, chairman of the convention; George F. Thompson, parade committee head, and Nicholas Loumos, past
supreme vice president. The Boston Patrol of Ahepa acted as an honorary escort. The units which included competitive drill teams
and musical groups paraded through Harvard sq down Massachusetts av where they were reviewed by a group of state and city
officials headed by Mayor John D. Lynch. At this point, the judges. made up of Michael T. Kelleher, Paul F. Hilleryt
Abraham Cohen, Dr John J. Moran, Joseph Adduci and Joseph Scott, former state commander of the Spanish War Veterans,
reviewed the parade- The judges were unanimous In awarding the first prize to the Samuel Gridley Howe Chapter Drum and
Bugle Corps of Brookline, second prize to the Providence Drum and Bugle Junior Corps, and third prize to the Ahepa Patrol of
Nashua, N H. … The delegates registered at the Greek Orthodox Church in Cambridge, throughout the morning. Special
church services were held by Rev. Evangelos Rigellis, pastor. Chairman James and his convention committee visited Mt Auburn
Cemetery in the forenoon to decorate the graves of Samuel Gridley Howe, founder of the Perkins Institute for the Blind,
and his son-in-law, Michael Anagnos. The local AHEPA chapter took its name in memory of Mr Howe, a friend of the Greek people,
whose daughter married a native of Greece (Source: The Boston Globe - July, 6 1936 - page 22).
In January, 1937, the Supreme Lodge opened a national drive to raise funds for the support and maintenance of the Ahepa Silver District Sanatorium in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and asked all Ahepa Chapters to hold dances during the months of February and March, with all proceeds to go to the new Ahepa Sanatorium. The sanatorium consisted of three large brick buildings, one frame building and six cottages, with facilities for 100 bed patients. The facility was completely furnished, with all conveniences and medical equipment required. Silver District is the 17th District of Ahepa, composed of the states of Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and the District purchased the sanatorium the previous year for $50,000 from the Occidental Life Insurance Company, which had the property after the old Albuquerque Sanatorium was closed. The slogan of the Ahepa drive for funds was "Dance, so that others may walk." President Franklin D. Roosevelt extended congratulations to the Ahepa on the opening of the Ahepa Sanatorium.
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The Ahepa Emergency Fund was also established as a Death Benefit for good standing members of the fraternity by the St. Paul Supreme Convention in 1936.
The Newhouse Galleries in New York City announced that Ahepan William G. Helis, Greek Consul General of New Orleans and prominent Louisiana oil man, had purchased El Greco's (Dominicus Theotocopoulos) famous painting of St. Francis, which was put on display in the Greek Legation in Washington, D.C. for a few weeks, before being moved to New Orleans. Brother Helis was in later years to become Supreme President of Ahepa … Past Supreme President Dean Alfange published his book "The Supreme Court and the National Will" which was awarded the $2,500 Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Award, given for the best manuscript by an American author on a major aspect, international or national, of America and American life … Charleston, S.C. Ahepan Tony Hadgi was conductor at the debut concert of the Charleston String Symphony Orchestra. He was also secretary of the chapter … Ahepa chapters throughout the country held their benefit dances for the Ahepa Silver District Sanatorium … Mayor and Mrs. George E. Dalrymple of Haverhill, Mass. led the grand march of the local chapter's ball. ... Mausfield, Ohio chapter initiates five college students into the chapter, all sons of Ahepans … Charlie George, catcher of the Cleveland Indians major league team, was regular catcher for sensational young rookie pitcher Bob Feller, who posted a new record of 17 strikeouts for one game … Tom Ralles of Des Moines, Iowa is awarded the city's 1936 Tribune Community Service Award, receiving twice as many votes as any other nominee … John Petrakis, Dubuque, Iowa, basketball star, achieved 148 consecutive free throws, and 972 out of 1,000 free throws, and was a subject in Ripley's "Believe It or Not."
Mrs. Sara Evangelides was guest pianist with the Albuquerque, New Mexico, Civic Symphony Orchestra … Utah State Representative P. S. Marthakis elected Floor Leader of the Utah House of Representatives ... U.S. Representative D. Worth Clark of Idaho becomes a member of the Pocatello, Idaho chapter ... Sam Mavrakis, member of the Sheridan, Wyoming Sons of Pericles, was chosen most valuable player of his high school football team … The 8th Ahepa Easter Excursion to Greece sailed for Greece on March 28, 1937 with Supreme President V. I. Chebithes as Commander, assisted by C. G. Paris, Supreme Governor Spiro Cosmos, Mother Lodge Member Spiros J. Stamos, and Mrs. Peter Caloyer. The excursionists were treated to a royal welcome by Greek government and Athens city officials. … Brother Mike Manatos, Secretary of Rock Springs, Wyoming chapter moves to Washington, D.C. to become Secretary to U.S. Senator Harry H. Schwartz of Wyoming. Mike later became Administrative Assistant to U.S. Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson … Past Supreme President Dean Alfange is honored with a testimonial banquet at the Hotel Astor in New York for his award-winning book, and Brother Alfange donates his $2,500 prize award to his alma mater, Hamilton College, to be used for scholarship purposes.
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George S. Porikos of Chicago was appointed as Assistant Attorney General of Illinois … Reading, Pennsylvania chapter Patrol wins first prize in the Easton, Pennsylvania 50th anniversary parade … Secretary George Karaidos of Des Moines, la., appointed personal aid to Governor Kraschel of Iowa … Sons of Pericles member Jimmy Adams of Houston, Texas wins first place in extemporaneous speech state competition.
The Fourteenth Supreme Convention
August 16 to 21, 1937 - Syracuse, New York
The 14th Supreme Convention convened in Syracuse, N.Y. during the week of August 16-21, 1937. The following were elected convention officers:
Achilles Catsonis, Chairman; Soterios Nicholson, Vice Chairman; and John G. Thevos, Secretary.
Delegates attending were:
Supreme Lodge - V. I. Chebithes, D. G. Michalopoulos, Constantine G. Economou, Andrew J. Dritsas, August Rogokos, Spero Cosmos and Thomas D. Lentgis.
Mother Lodge - George A. Polos and James Campbell.
District Governors (District Governors were now given a vote as Delegates to the Supreme Conventions) - William J. Logothetis, George H. Eliades, William Essaris, James Millas, Aleck Kuches, George N. Maravell, Peter T. Tsiales, Charles N. Diamond, George E. Loucas, Van Nomikos, John Theophiles, George Kisciras, P. S. Marthakis, and G. Vlassis.
Chapter Delegates
Nick Carusos and Chris Poole, Atlanta; N. Flesser, Birmingham; D. Diasouakis, Charleston; John Demosthenes, Savannah; Paul Hantzacos and Jerry Dragones, Jacksonville; Andrew Doukas and Nick Jack, Tampa; Jerry Galatis, Miami; Nick Dennis, St. Petersburg; John K. Douglas, Tarpon Springs; George Miller, West Palm Beach; Chris Dixie, Dallas; Harris J. Booras and John M. Stratis, Boston; Eustratios D. Polites and Thomas Paled es, New York; Basil Anargyros, Baltimore; Thomas N. Skiados and Soterios Nicholson, Washington, C.D.; A. E. Camarinos and A. A. Karkalas, Pittsburgh; John Dimtsios, Nashua; Nicholas Anagnos and Achilles Catsonis, Syracuse; Nicholas Chronis and Alexander Varkas, Cambridge; Emanuel N. Karay and Const. A. Tsangadas, Detroit; George L. Bourney, Brooklyn; George Papaeleas and Steve Vafiades, New York; Andrew Zafiropoulos, Milwaukee; Louis Georgeson, Manchester; Mark Mamalakis and S. D. Zaph, Chicago; Charles Varoutsos, Lynn; Constantine J. Critzas and Christ Fragos, Yonkers; Peter N. Kitsos, Newark; C. B. Johannides, St. Louis; Andrew C. Angelson and John G. Thevos, Paterson; William Seras and John L. Trouis, Wilkes-Barre; James P. Manos and Frank Lotsopoulos, Canton; George Fullas and C. P. Thomas, Allentown; Constantine Mantis and George Pasayotis, Reading; Steven Kremastiotes and James Sentementes, Bridgeport, Conn.; James Economou, Akron; Thomas Vallas and John Giovanis, Harrisburg; Stelios Hoimes and A. N. Sakellarides, Bethlehem.
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George B. Chandler, Minneapolis; Sam Peters, Rochester, N.Y.; Frank Demas and Louis Velas, Wheeling; Costas Theodoris, Camden; George Anthony, Trenton; C. N. Avgerin, Kansas City, Mo.; Frank J. Paul, and Louis Costa, Binghamton; Phillip Chico las, Worcester; James Heliotes and Peter Mailers, Ft. Wayne; Thomas Kalafatis, Richmond; John F. Davis and Peter John Kaldes, Scranton; James Mazarakos, Springfield, Mass.; Nicholas Nicholas, Jamaica; Speer Marousis, New Castle, Pennsylvania; Euripides Chimbithes and Nick S. Binikos, Warren, Ohio; George E. Phillies and Nicholas Basil, Buffalo; George J. Papulias, Steubenville; John L. Manta, Harry G. Christos, Paul L. Alexander, Peter G. Sikokis, Chicago; John Govatos, Wilmington; Anthony Kondoleon and John Kiamos, Astoria; Seraphim Pappas, New Haven; Angeles N. Caras, Stamford; Milton Kourbetis, South Bend; Peter J. Haste and Michael Xifaras, New Bedford; George E. Eliades and Theodore Stamas, Lowell; Steve Roulis and Peter G. Samaras, Weirton; George N. Stellas and Kostas Gianopoulos, Oak Park; George Demopulos, Providence; Anthony Dedopoulos and Othis Scouris, Jersey City; Nick Carros, Pottsville.
John Vohalis, Norwich; George Frankos, Uniontown; N. Kounaris, New Britain; Hela Kagin and Anthony A. Adams, Toledo; Nick Grevas and John Koletis, Moline; Sam Douros, Norfolk; Steve Grammas, Hammond; Louis Lymperopoulos, Schenectady; John P. Harritos and James P. Kappas, Cincinnati; Louis P. Maniatis, and Chris Malharis, Louisville; George F. Contos, Joliet; Christo Georgiades and Constantine Pelias, New Orleans; C. G. Paris, and J. D. Chohonis, Lynchburg; Nicholas D. Dusckas, Watertown, N.Y.; Peter G. Giftos and George D. Jeoney, Albany; Nicholas Louckes, Lansing; Harry Morris and Dennis Livadas, Utica; Gus Baines and James G. Dikeou, Denver; C. E. Athas, Salt Lake City; Tom Kademenos, Yorkville; George C. Peterson, San Francisco; George E. Geracimos, Washington, Pennsylvania; George Chamuris, Poughkeepsie; P. G. Allen and George A. Malleris, Beloit; William Pappas and Nicholas J. Christakes, Lincoln, Nebraska; George La Marr, Atlantic City; George A. Bezaitis, Oakland; Robert Katson and Anthony Pavlantos, Albuquerque; Leo Ypsilanti and James Cappas, Bronx; Soterios G. Geannaris and Theodore Zorbas, Woburn.
Charles Rallis, Green River; Harry Theologou and Basil Curtis, New York; Christ Smerlis, Sioux Falls; Peter Samios and John Nacopoulos, Hagerstown; Paul Preketes, Ann Arbor; Thomas Kouchoukos, Grand Rapids; Anthony Christinides and John Stevason, Brooklyn; G. D. Vaky, Champaign, Ill.; Thanos Demos, Chris C. Harvalis, Andrew Fasseas, Chicago; A. A. Pantelis and Paul Kare, Evanston; Chris Gannas and Frank Pofanti, Chicago; Theodore Costos, Butte; Theo Mentes, Muncie; Theodore Anderson, Cheyenne; P. J. Wallace, Stockton; John Poulos and George Vulgaris, Muskegon; Paul Georges and Peter Carres, Philadelphia; James Karon, Kokomo; Ross Phill, Rochester, Minnesota; George Geroulis, Indianapolis; Peter Boudoures and George Trigonis, San Francisco; Peter Charuhas and George C. Vournas, Washington, D.C.; Steve Brown, Greenville, S.C.; Gus Poulos, Rutland; Christ Lykodis and Michael Chakeres, Springfield, Ohio; Gus Collis and Louis Constant, Lexington, Ky; Harris Pappas and Andrew Poulos, Dubuque; George Ades, Gallup; Peter E. Kamuchey, St. Paul;
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Demas A. Caravageli, Galveston; Louis Loizou, Durham; James Santrizos and Connie Ginakis, Fargo; Nicholas Saros, Elizabeth, N.J.; John Triantafylos, Reno; George Blanos and Nick Angelakos, Columbia, S.C.; Jean M. Kossarides, Hackensack, N.J.; Nicholas J. Mandris, Annapolis; Peter Jarvis, Asbury Park; Tom State, Benton Harbor; John Demos, Jackson, Michigan; George Johnson, Portsmouth, Ohio; James Pedakis, Pensacola; Guss Kritselis and John Maurakis, Danville, Va.; Peter Kominos, Endicott; Peter D. Clentzos, San Bernardino, Cal.; Peter L. Lambrou, Mansfield; George Paulas, Troy; Eleutherios Dallas, Harold Orr, Toronto, Canada; Stanley Masters, London, Canada; John Fellas, Ottawa, Canada; and Constantine Halikas, Montreal, Canada; Nick Taras, Memphis; Charles Chaprakas, Worcester; George J. Chelekis, Youngstown; Peter Floros, Elmira; Gus Greven, Elmira; Nicholas Foundas, Newburgh; Andrew Peterson, New Britain; C. Malliaris, Louisville; Angel Pappas, Lorain; John Kominis, Lorain; George Chiames, Peoria; Christ Beres, Peoria; George Nicolopoulos, Chicago; C. B. Johannides, St. Louis; L. P. Lambrous and George H. Davis, Mansfield; Leo Lamberson, South Bend; Milton Kourebetis, South Bend; Chris Malavazos, Portsmouth, Ohio; Peter G. Chertos, Grand Rapids; Gus Ballas, Bronx; M. V. Nicholson and George N. Hondron, Danbury; Christ J. Petrow and H. Matsukas, Omaha; George N. Kalkas, Cleveland; Christ J. Colocousis, Brockton; George Lembesis, Middletown.
There were a total of 265 delegates at the convention.
Action of the convention was taken on the following matters:
(1) That discussions be held with other Hellenic groups for the purpose of the unification of Hellenic Organizations;
(2) The City of New Orleans was selected as the site of the 1938 Supreme Convention;
(3) That a Supreme Governor of Canada be appointed;
(4) That the Supreme Lodge be authorized to accept contributions toward the purchase of property in Florida for the establishment of a national home for orphans or old men, or both, in Pinellas County, and that the Sunset Hills Country Club be considered, as well as an available piece of 840 acres of land; and the following contributions were announced the following day at the convention for the purchase of such land or property:
George Sarras, Lexington, Kentucky - $1,000.00; J. Pedakis, Pensacola - $100; John F. Davis, Scranton - $1,000; Van Nomikos, Chicago - $1,000; John G. Koletis, Moline - $100; Peter A. Adams, Paterson - $500; Stelios Hoimes, Bethlehem - $300; A. A. Adams, Newark - $250; A. A. Doukas, Tampa - $250; C. G. Paris, Quantico, Va. - $250; Nicholas Dennis, St. Petersburg - $250; Peter G. Samaras, Weirton - $200; George Sellas, Oak Park, Illinois - $200; George Miller, Palm Beach-$200; Charles Davis Kotsilibas, Worcester - $200; Louis Smitzes, Tarpon Springs - $200; and the following $100 contributors - Nick Kounaris, New Britain; George Chiames, Peoria; Christos Fragos, New York City; George H. Davis, Bucyrus, Ohio; Nick Baimas, New York City; Anthony Dedopoulos, Jersey City; Tom Kaidemenos, Yorkville, Ohio; Nick Jack, Tampa; Gus Bruskas, Albuquerque; John Sakis, Tampa; Peter K. Kominos, Endicott; and the following $50 contributors - John K. Douglas, Tarpon Springs; Frank N. Demas, Wheeling; Nick Angelakos, Sumter, S.C.; Pete Brown, New Castle, Pennsylvania; and William Essaris, Wheeling - $20.39.
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The Supreme Lodge elected at the Syracuse Supreme Convention was:
V. I. Chebithes, Supreme President; Van A. Nomikos, Supreme Vice President; C. G. Economou, Supreme Secretary; John F. Davis, Supreme Treasurer; A. A. Pantelis, Supreme Counsellor; C. G. Paris, Supreme Governor; Peter Boudoures, Supreme Governor.
Also the following three members of the Sanatorium Board were elected: John A. Manta, Chris E. Athas, and Harris J. Booras.
Anargyros E. Camarinos of Pittsburgh was appointed chief legal assistant to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission … On Ahepa's fifteenth anniversary, Mayor Wilson of Cincinnati, sent greetings to his brother Ahepans … "Alexander Kampouris Day" was held at Wrigley Field in Chicago on August 13, 1937, honoring this big league baseball player of Greek descent. Kampouris was presented with a new automobile. By August 13 he had 15 home runs for his team, the Cincinnati Reds … Chicagoan Nick S. Govess was elected to the Commission of Grand Lecturer in the Masonic Order … U.S. Representative R. P. Hill of Oklahoma, member of the Oklahoma City, Okla. Ahepa chapter died after a heart attack … West Coast athletes achieving prominence were Stanford University football regulars Tsoutouvas and Coffis, boxer George Theodoratos of Washington State who turned professional, and Tom Peratis and George Plakos of Los Angeles Junior College were outstanding on the football team … Sons of Pericles member George Pappas receives the Times-Picayune newspaper award for making the highest scholastic average in high school, despite the fact that he had arrived in the U.S. only seven years earlier … 19-year-old Sons member George Ganacoplos was employed as a secretary to various committees in the State Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin … The Hammond, Indiana Chapter gave a banquet in honor of the local high school football team. The captain of the team was Hercules Bereolos.
The Ahepa National Banquet was held at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. on March 2, 1938, under the chairmanship of Dr. Harry S. Sembekos of Washington, with co-chairman Helen Peratino. Toastmaster was Supreme Counsellor A. A. Pantelis, and speakers were Sons of Pericles Supreme President Christ J. Petrow, U.S. Representative Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois, Senator William King of Utah, the Honorable Paul V. McNutt, American High Commissioner of the Philippine Islands, and Supreme President V. I. Chebithes.
1938 - AHEPA National Banquet
1938 - AHEPA National Banquet
1938 - AHEPA National Banquet
Visit With President Roosevelt
The Ahepa Supreme Lodge and President Franklin D. Roosevelt (March 3rd, 1938)
On the following day, March 3rd, 1938, the Ahepa Supreme Lodge visited President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House, member of the fraternity.
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John Kokores, who became an American citizen in 1899 in New York, was credited with the founding of the Tarpon Springs sponge fishing industry … James E. Valos of Muncie, Indians a private in the U.S. Marine Corps, was presented a medal for bravery and valorin the Battle of Soochow Creek, Shanghai … Ahepan Nick Salevurakis, one of the largest land owners and livestock dealers in the west, served the government in an advisory capacity on the administration of public land … I. A. Lougaris of Reno, Nev., was on the committee supervising the groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Nevada Veterans Hospital, and was largely responsible for the location of the new facility in Reno … the float of the Vancouver, B.C., Canada chapter took first place in the civic pageant of the city. It was a replica of The Parthenon … Gus Zitrides, past president of Manchester, N.H. Sons of Pericles chapter, was named to the Associated Press AH-America third team as a guard on the Dartmouth College team … Gus Zarnas, All-American at Ohio State, plays in the Shrine East-West game, and is signed by the Chicago Bears professional football team … Governor William Langer of North Dakota states that during his eight years as a member of the State Board of Pardons, no Greek had appeared nor had any Greek been admitted to the penitentiary during this time … Governor Frank Fitzgerald of Michigan, member of Lansing chapter … Michigan Secretary of State Orville Atwood also a member of Lansing chapter.
Commander of the 1938 Easter Excursion to Greece was Constantine J. Critzas, with Supreme Governor C. G. Paris and Supreme Treasurer John F. Davis also on the committee … Socrates Thomas Stathes of Washington, D.C. was awarded the Paris School of Architecture award of $3,600 and a trip to Paris and board and tuition at the French school in competition against 800 other young architects … George J. Bacalles is sports editor of the Corning, N.Y. Evening Leader … Jean Angelo, 14, of Hudson, Mass. wins the National Spelling Contest in Washington, D.C.
The Supreme Lodge purchased 349 acres of the original plot of land of 840 acres in Pinellas County for the proposed Ahepa orphanage and old men's home, paying $3,111.20 for the land, $173.35 attorney fees and title search, $70 back taxes, and $3.00 for deed copies. A total of $6,949.89 was contributed by members in response to a circular letter for donations, leaving a balance of $2,724.24 after land costs, and other costs such as mailing, printing and postage were paid. Since some 500 acres of the entire plot was involved in possible faulty title, only the 349 acres were finally purchased.
During the fiscal year of 1937-38 the fraternity raised $43,582.98 for the Ahepa Silver District Sanatorium, of which $33,000.00 was paid directly to the Sanatorium for its operations. Including monies remaining from prior Year's fund-raising drives, the Supreme Lodge held in trust a little over $21,000 for this project.
In late 1937, Brother James K. Steliotes, Chairman of the National Advisory Board of the Sons of Pericles, died suddenly. He was an ardent supporter and tireless worker for the Junior Order.
The comparatively new Ahepa Emergency Fund, which gave Death Benefits of either $150 or $200 to the beneficiaries of deceased memhers, paid a total of $34,750.00 in death benefits during the first 18 months of its existence (January, 1937 to July, 1938) on 178 death cases.
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The Fifteenth Supreme Convention
August 15 to 20, 1938 - New Orleans, Louisiana
The 15th Supreme Convention of the Order was held in New Orleans during the week of August 15-20, 1938. Convention officers elected were: P. S. Marthakis, Chairman; Leo Lamberson, Vice Chairman; and Nick Economou, Secretary. Delegates to the convention were:
Supreme Lodge - V. I. Chebithes, Van A. Nomikos, Constantine G. Economou, A. A. Pantelis, Peter Boudoures, and C. G. Paris.
Mother Lodge - James Campbell, Harry Angelopoulos, George Campbell, S. J. Stamos, and George A. Polos.
District Governors - Gus L. Constantine, Nick Jack, Soterios Nicholson, Jean M. Kossarides, Peter L. Bell, Charles N. Diamond, George Papulias, Harry A. Reckas, D. N. Karalis, Sam Bushong, C. A. Georgiades, George Kisciras, P. E. Athas, and P. Lambros.
Chapter Delegates
Chris Poole and Charles Alexander, Atlanta; Paul Constantine and Peter Derzis, Birmingham; W. J. Logothetis, Charleston; Charles Lamas and Theodore Koldgakalis, Savannah; Kelanthis Validakis and Manuel Stephanides, Jacksonville; George Cotros and Spero Zepatos, Memphis; Gus Cosse and Dan Lorant, Shreveport; John Manikis and Andrew Doukas, Tampa; Ted Bereolos and George Mavris, Tulsa; G. Alexander, Miami; Louis Smitzes and Manuel Johnson, Tarpon Springs; Peter Muchos, W. Palm Beach; Pete Logan, Jr., Ft. Worth; Tom Semos and Anthony Condos, Dallas; Harris J. Booras and John Stratis, Boston; Aristides Georgiades and John A. V assilaros, New York City; Peter Carres, Philadelphia; P. V. Pappas and Nick Peet, Houston; Herudes Rodopoulos, Asheville; A. Raptis, Baltimore; George Peratino and William A. Revis, Washington, D.C.; James K. Karambelas, Pittsburgh; Fred Spanos and James Mylonas, Cleveland; Nick Anagnos, Syracuse; A. D. Varkas, Brookline, Mass.; C. A. Tsangadas and E. M. Karay, Detroit; Mike Loris, Brooklyn; Stephen Scopas, New York City.
William Russis and M. P. Mamalakis, Chicago; John G. Scocos, Fond du Lac; C. J. Critzas, Yonkers; William Chirgotis, Newark; W. Lamperson and Dr. C. B. Johannides, St. Louis; John G. Thevos, Paterson; Spiros Ventyros, Easton; E. T. Chiaparas, Allentown; Christ Kraras, Reading; James Sentementes, Bridgeport, Conn.; Theodore Konstantinopoulos and Nick Economou, Akron; T. Vallas, Harrisburg; Stelios Hoimes, Bethlehem; Christie Geankoplis, Minneapolis; Peter R. Arslain and Louis Velas, Wheeling; Soterios Lagges, Lancaster; Peter Manetas, Trenton; Michael D. Konomos and Gus Fitch, Kansas City, Mo.; A. Sirmis and Peter Librakos, New Brunswick; Basil Kontulis, Worcester; Theodore Rovatzos, Scranton; James Mazarakos, Springfield, Mass.; Bill Brown, New Castle; E. Chimbidis, Warren; Peter Betchunis and C. G. Constantopoulos, Youngstown.
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George E. Phillies, Buffalo; Peter J. Vamos, Steubenville; P. Norman Vardase, John L. Manta, Zack T. Ritsos and Paul Alexander, Chicago; John Govatos, Wilmington; John Papadopoulos, Astoria; Christy Matsagas, New Haven; Dennis Macrides, Stamford; Leo J. Lamberson, South Bend; George C. Eliades, Lowell; A. G. Davis, Weirton.
George N. Sellas and A. Collias, Chicago; George K. Demopulos, and Peter B. Vican, Providence; Constantine Zaharas, Dayton; Nick Kounaris, New Britain; Nicholas Pappas, Toledo; Dr. G. E. Mortis, Salem, Mass.; Speros J. Cosmos and John J. Booras, Moline; Nick Christopoulos, Pawtucket; Steve Grammas, Hammond; John P. Harritos and Andrew Katsanis, Cincinnati; James Janakis and Louis P. Maniatis, Louisville; George F. Contos and Costas H. Athan, Joliet; William Helis and C. Pelias, New Orleans; James K. Costas, Lynchburg; Nick Gianopoulos, Pontiac; Harry Rougas, Fall River; Tom Tamaresis and James Dikeou, Denver; P. S. Marthakis and C. E. Athas, Salt Lake City; Christ J. Petrow and George C. Polyzois, Omaha; Hercules Arconti, San Francisco; Anthony Aroney and Evangel Havelis, Los Angeles; P. C. Phillips, Sacramento; John Morfis, East Chicago; P. H. Kosmos, Lincoln, Nebraska; Nick Jamson, Grand Island; James Nitson and Tom J. Filis, Oakland; Gus Bruskas, Albuquerque.
Thomas D. Lentgis and Nick Zefkelis, Seattle; Angelo Manousos, Tacoma; Tony C. August, Rock Springs; Steve Vretas, Green River; George N. Conarell, Bingham Canyon, Utah; George Koulis, Ogden; George Karras, Price, Utah; Alex Kuches, New York City; George J. Leber, Wichita, Kansas; Will Franks and Theodore Constantinopoulos, Springfield, Ill.; Christ Smerlin, Sioux Falls; James Kaskoulas and George Karaidos, Des Moines; James Kolopoulos, Hagerstown; Samuel G. Poulos, Cedar Rapids; Tom Kouchoukos and Christ Agon, Grand Rapids; Charles Preketes, Ann Arbor; Harry Alexander and Jack Mangas, Anderson, Ind.; Peter Magas, Kalamazoo; George Vaky, Champaign; Thanos Demos and J. P. Prattes, Chicago; L. Nigal and George Morris, Evanston; Frank Pofanti and C. Calapetes, Chicago; George Lambesis, Middletown; T. Anderson and Christ Christopoulos, Cheyenne; G. Vulgaris, Muskegon; Peter Hellis, Waukegan; Sam Zarkos, Bakersfield; John G. Zazas, Indianapolis; Dan Sallis and Michael Maratsos, San Francisco; Peter Charuhas and George C. Vournas, Washington, D.C.; John Collins, Oklahoma City; D. Lewis, Newport, R.I.; L. Constant and P. Orfanos, Lexington, Kentucky; George Nicolopoulos and Peter Schepis, Chicago; Andrew Poulos and Harris Pappas, Dubuque; George Georgiadis, Gallup; G. Maravell, Pittsburgh; Paul Andrews and Paul Kalamides, Duluth; John Mornas, St. Paul; John Metaxis and A. Frangos, Galveston; A. Chrissis, Fargo; John Fvazlov, Hackensack; K. Jackinides and P. Kourmoules, Canton; J. Demos, Jackson, Mich.; C. Malavazos, Portsmouth, Ohio; James Pedakis and J. Kotsovetos, Pensacola; G. Kritiselis, Danville, Va.; P. Clentzos, San Bernardino; George Davis and L. P. Lambrou, Mansfield; A. Houvouras,- Huntington, W. Va.; James Kappas and Emanuel Carantolis, Charleston, W. Va.; C. Papadeas, Mobile; G. Colias, San Antonio; E. Gatoura, Austin, Tex.; P. Vauras, Salt Lake City; C. Alexopoulos and George Caravlos, Chicago; Arthur Argyries, Rochester, N.Y.; Steve Stephanos, Chester, Pennsylvania; James Leeson, Beloit.
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The convention took action on the following which were adopted:
(1) Initiated plans to investigate the formation of a federation of Greek organizations throughout the country for the purpose of dealing with charitable and educational problems of all Greek-Americans
(2) That every Chapter appoint an Americanization Committee
(3) Extended the scope of the fraternity's Department of Athletics program, and the holding of annual Ahepa Olympiads
(4) Expressed satisfaction with the progress of the Maids of Athens, junior girls auxiliary
(5) Continued the Ahepa scholarship program
(6) Agreed to hold an Excursion to Greece in 1939
(7) Approved a Sons of Pericles Excursion to Greece for 1939
(8) Requested that Italy return the Dodecanese Islands to Greece, which Italy had taken from Turkey in 1922 under the pretext that they were to be turned over to Greece
(9) Passed a Resolution that the Greek immigration quota to the United States be increased
(10) Condemned any and all individuals and organizations particularly communistic whose intent may be to undermine or destroy the American Constitution or curtail the liberties guaranteed to every citizen under the Constitution
(11) Went on record as favoring the discontinuance of any local or national beauty contests within the Ahepa, but not necessarily popularity contests
(12) Condemned the persecution of the Hebrew race by certain governments of Europe and congratulated the American government for its humanitarian stand on the matter
(13) Gave all Past Supreme Presidents of the fraternity a full vote as a voting delegate to all future Supreme Conventions
(14) Changed the fiscal year ending of the fraternity's books from July 31 to June 30
(15) Donated $1,000 to the Pomfret Theological School
(16) Established a United Hellenic Charities.
The convention elected the following Supreme Lodge for the fiscal year 1938-39: V. I. Chebithes, Supreme President; Van A. Nomikos, Supreme Vice President; Louis P. Maniatis, Supreme Secretary; John Zazas, Supreme Treasurer; A. A. Pantelis, Supreme Counsellor; James G. Dikeou, Supreme Governor; George E. Loucas, Supreme Governor.
Constantine Halikas was appointed Special Canadian Supreme Governor. The Ahepa Silver District Sanatorium Board of Directors appointed was: John L. Manta, Chairman; Chris E. Athas, Vice Chairman; Anthony G. Pavlantos, Treasurer; James lpiotis; Dr. S. D. Zaph; George Kisciras; and Theodore Anderson, with Supreme President Chebithes and Supreme Governor Dikeou also as members of this Board.
Providence, R.I. was selected as the 1939 convention site.
Uniontown, Pennsylvania member Charles Chronis was elected Commander of the Brownsville VFW Post … William H. Vanderbilt, Governor of Rhode Island, became a member of the Newport, R.I. AHEPA chapter. ... William Kimberley Palmer, poet laureate of the Ahepa, and first secretary of the Springfield, Mass. chapter, died … Christos E. Pulos of the Lincoln, Nebraska chapter wins $600 poetry award … . Denver, Colo. Chapter acquired title to a $250,000 mansion as its Ahepa Home, known as the famous Moffat Mansion. The 26 room mansion was built by Moffat, a pioneer railroad man of Colorado and Denver. ...
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The Order of Sons of Pericles announced that it had increased the number of its active chapters by 146% from 1936 to 1938 … The Sons of Pericles also held their first Excursion to Greece ... while there the Sons started plans for a Sons Memorial to the American Philhellenes of the Greek War of Independence of 1821, to be erected at Missolonghi, Greece, the "Holy City" of the War for Independence.
Supreme Governor George E. Loucas of Weirton, W. Va., was elected a member of the House of Delegates, the State Legislature, of West Virginia … The Ahepa Sanatorium Board met at Albuquerque and made plans for the enlargement of the facility … Under the leadership of Sons of Pericles Supreme President Christ J. Petrow, the Junior Order began an intensive membership campaign that resulted in 13 new and reactivated chapters within only the first two months of work. … Sons Supreme Vice President Nicholas L. Strike of Salt Lake City was quarterback of the University of Utah football team, conference champions … By the end of the year 1938, a total of $95,000 had been disbursed for the Ahepa Sanatorium … Dr. W. A. Gekler was the Medical Director of the Sanatorium and Constantine A. Alexopoulos was Superintendent … Past Supreme President Harris J. Booras was appointed Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Middlesex County, Mass.
During the months of December, 1938 and January, 1939, Sons of Pericles Supreme President Christ J. Petrow instituted and reinstated eleven Chapters of the Junior Order in New Jersey, Michigan, and Iowa … Sons member Nicholas G. Douvas of Grand Island Nebraska chapter made all-state in football, led his high school class in scholastic marks, member of his school four-state champion debating team, and received the Rotary Club honor medal. ... Baltimore Son Frank N. Karangelen received principal appointment to Annapolis Naval Academy … California Ahepans hold Statewide California Ahepa Banquet in Sacramento with state officials and California Legislature attending, including Governor Olson
Brown University of Providence, R.I., accepts Ahepa's offer to erect a Samuel Gridley Howe Memorial on the campus, in commemoration of that American's contributions and participation in the 1821 Greek War of Independence (On June 4, 1941 the marble and bronze base for the flagpole on the Brown University Middle Campus was dedicated as a memorial to him, a gift of the American Hellenic Educational and Progressive Association).
Ahepa Supreme Treasurer John Zazas is cited by the fraternity for the schoolhouse he erected in his village, Kandila, Tripolis, Greece, with facilities for 518 children. Brother Zazas also donated a complete sewage system and water system to the village … John G. Thevos of Paterson, N.J. appointed on the city Board of Health Commission … Maria, 13 months old, of Price, Utah, is christened Maria Ahepa Bozolakis, with the chapter as godfather, at the deathbed request of her mother who died when the child was only four days old … P. S. Marthakis of Salt Lake City completes three terms in the State Legislature and was the proponent of 14 legislative measures which passed during the 1939 term, a record that year. ... Jim Londos, heavyweight wrestling champion, is welcomed to San Francisco by Mayor Rossi, where Londos started his career.
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Seattle Ahepans, including Past Supreme Governor Thos. D. Lentgis, greet film starlet Joan Valerie (Helen Vlahakis) on her visit to the city … Ahepa and Sons Chapters contribute funds for the projected Sons of Pericles American Philhellenes Memorial in Greece … George J. Leber of Wichita, Kansas has held office of national Executive Secretary of the Sons of Pericles since September, 1937, at the national office in Washington, D.C … Thirteen more new and reactivated Sons of Pericles chapters reported by Supreme President Christ J. Petrow of the Sons of Pericles, during the months of February and March, 1939. … West Point Military Academy cadet petitions Boston court to shorten his name from Haralampos Demetropoulos to Harry DeMetropolis ... we hear a voice from the composing room lament: "The Greeks have the longest history -- and the longest names!" ... Newport, R.I. Ahepans honor their member, Governor William H. Vanderbilt of Rhode Island, with a dinner. ... Editorializing, the Daily Democrat of Dover, N.H., said: "If every organization in our country would be as loyal to the Stars and Stripes as the members of the Greek national fraternity, the Order of Ahepa, we would cease worrying about Communism, Naziism, Fascism, and other isms." ... Chicago tops all chapters holding Ahepa Sanatorium Dances throughout the nation, with a huge "twin-dance" on the same evening at the famed Aragon and Trianon Ballrooms, on April 19, 1939. Supreme President V. I. Chebithes was married the same day in Chicago to the former Ann Batlis of Washington, D.C., and the newly-married couple attended the affairs and were presented to the crowds.
Arthur Plattos, Casper, Wyoming, appointed to Natrona County Board of Welfare … Peter J. Pitchess, vice president of the Bonneville Chapter in Salt Lake City, chosen president of Phi Alpha Delta at University of Utah … The Second Sons of Pericles Excursion to Greece sailed on June 10, 1939 for a 23 day visit to Greece … Written by Executive Secretary George J. Leber and Mr. John Chrysostom, Director of the Greek School of St. Sophia Church, Washington, D.C., the Sons of Pericles published a booklet on the Liturgy of the Greek Orthodox Church, with explanatory remarks on the liturgy, and the liturgy itself in both Greek and English languages which found wide readership among the younger generation of Greek-Americans, and which subsequently was reprinted several times … A previous publication of the Sons of Pericles was a pamphlet dealing with the history of the Greek Orthodox Church, by Sons Executive Secretary Leber … During April, May and June, 1939, Sons of Pericles Supreme President Christ J. Petrow established and reactivated 9 more Sons Chapters … The Tenth Ahepa Excursion to Greece sailed from New York on March 17, 1939, with Vasilios Essaris as commander, Soterios Nicholson, and Charles N. Diamond, Jean M. Kossarides of Bergen Knights Chapter 285, and Peter A. Megas as committee members.
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Sons of Pericles Missolonghi Memorial
Sons of Pericles Garden of Heroes Memorial
The Sons of Pericles' monument of American heroes and philhellenes who fought for the freedom of Greece located at the Garden of Heroes in Missolonghi, Greece
Because of the bitter defense, and the deeds of heroism and valor displayed at Missolonghi during the four years of siege by the Turks (1822-1826), the city has become the "Shrine" of the 1821 Greek War of Independence. There, all nations whose Philhellenes aided Greece in its cause, have monuments to the memory of those brave men from other countries who died at Missolonghi and in other battles of the revolution.
These monuments include a memorial erected by the Order of Sons of Pericles, the Junior Order of Ahepa, in 1939, and placed there in memory of the American Philhellenes.
This 10-foot high monument erected by the Sons of Pericles was dedicated and unveiled in the Garden of Heroes at Missolonghi on June 25, 1939, in the presence of representatives of the American and Greek governments.
U.S. Senator Sherman Minton (Indiana) and U.S. Representative Emmet O'Neal (Kentucky) co-sponsored a Joint Resolution in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, (Congressional Record of June 7, 1939) which read in part:
As a part of its program of further cementing and binding the good will that exists between the two countries of America and Greece, the Order of Sons of Pericles, under the direction of Mr. John F. Davis, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, Chairman of the Supreme Advisory Board of the Sons of Pericles, has erected a monument in the city of Missolonghi, to the memory of those noble and valiant philhellenes of America who, in the years of 1821-1830, aided the struggling patriots in securing their independence from Turkey, after 400 years of slavery and oppression. Almost every important nation, with the exception of America, today has erected monuments at the city of Missolonghi, in memory of their nationals who fought for and aided Greece in her revolution of 1821. Knowing this fact, and feeling the great need of a monument of recognition to those great Americans, the Order of Sons of Pericles has completed its memorial to the philhellenes of America of 1821, and will hold the unveiling on July 4, 1939, during the annual Sons of Pericles Excursion to Greece.
Greece, the light of the world for over 2,000 years, fell beneath the armies of the Mohammedan Turks in 1453 with the fall of Constantinople. Shortly thereafter all of Greece became a subject of the Turkish pashas, and for 400 years, until her successful struggle for freedom, that opened on March 25, 1821, that results in her final freedom as a free nation and people, Greece was but a province of Turkey, and under Mohammedan rule. Greece, the center and the first believer in and adopter of Christianity, saw her great churches turned into Mohammedan mosques and, in Greece, Christianity slept quietly but with open eyes and ready mind until her day should come once again. The fight for independence was centered in the city of Missolonghi, Greece, today named The Holy City because of the great siege staged there and the many sacrifices given by the Greek patriots in defending the city. The siege lasted through four weary years. In the city only 410 fighting men at one time defended the thousands of old men, women, and children gathered there, while 30,000 Turkish soldiers constantly hammered at the walls. They were 4 years of starvation, misery, and disease for the defenders. Time and again they were saved from complete annihilation by courageous and foolhardy attacks on the Turkish armies by Greek patriots who came down from the mountains to worry the siegers, in attempts to drive them away from the city. Defeat for those in the city meant death under the sword. The Turkish pashas were determined that their revolting subjects should pay with their lives for their uprising. The populations of many cities were wiped out, and the struggle could but either end in victory for the Greek patriots or in their complete massacre under Turkish swords. Christianity was waging its bitterest struggle, determined to push the Mohammedan out of Europe or resign itself to death.
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On April 10, 1826, Missolonghi fell, and the city with its inhabitants were destroyed and left a burning pyre. Only 2,000 citizens, with superhuman efforts, broke through the lines and escaped into the hearby hills. Slowly the world had learned of the struggle in Greece, and the response of the American people was instantaneous and complete. On December 4, 1822, President James Monroe expressed the hope and the earnest belief that Hellas would become a free nation and that she would attain her rightful place among the nations of the world as her due. Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and other great legislators of the day, gave impassioned pleas in Congress in support of the cause of Greece. Several States recognized, in their legislative acts, the fact that a nation, Greece, was waging a fight for independence, and the parallel was shown and drawn, showing the comparison between the struggle waged by the Original Thirteen Colonies against England in the Revolutionary War. Samuel Gridley Howe, of a well-known Boston family, educator and physician, was Greece's greatest active champion in America. He served as Surgeon in Chief of the Greek fleet. George Jarvis, Jonathan P. Miller, Estwick Evans, and others held active service in the ranks of the Greek patriots. When Howe returned to the United States he spread everywhere the call for aid for the Greeks and the response was immediate. In Boston, Philadelphia, New York, and other cities Greek relief funds were created, and money, food, and clothing sent to Greece to aid the patriots. The cities of Wilmington, Delaware, Bristol, R.I., Hartford, Conn., and Springfield, Mass. raised large sums that were sent abroad to Greece. The undergraduate students at Yale University gathered $500, and Columbia University in New York City, the Theological School at Andover College in Massachusetts, and other educational institutions sent contributions. Students and instructors could never forget the vast stores of learning that had come down to them from the days of Greece's Golden Age, and they were hopeful that their aid might, in some small measure, repay the great blessings that Greece has given the world in learning, art and human development. Two churches in Boston each gave $300. On January 8, 1824, a large ball was held in New York City, tickets selling for $5 each. Over 2,000 attended the affair, and the entire proceeds were given to the Greek relief fund and sent to Greece. By the end of April 1824, New York City philhellenes, alone, had sent more than $32,000 to Greece, a considerable amount in those early days.
Influential families in America adopted young Greek orphans, refugees, that were left homeless on the battlefields of Greece. Many of these young boys later rose to high Government and professional positions in American life.
The Sons of Pericles Memorial reflects, in entirety, the beliefs and principles of the members of the Order, an organization founded in America, the adopted country of their parents. It is fitting, also, that the Order of Sons of Pericles present to the people of Greece, from the citizens of the United States, this memorial in memory of American philhellenes, for it is a tribute from the citizens of one nation, America, founded by men who struggled for the right of self-determination, religious freedom, and political representation; given by an organization, the Sons of Pericles, which has developed its program and growth of those principles; to a nation, Greece, whose history has been a continual struggle for those self-same principles and ideals.
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The memorial has been erected as a friendly gesture of international amity and good will, in order to effect a closer understanding between the two Nations, the United States of America and Greece, and in the fervent hope of retaining and furthering those bonds of friendship now existent between the peoples of these Nations. We have endeavored to bring out, briefly, the struggle in Greece, and her debt to the citizens of the United States of America. America, also, owes a debt of gratitude to those scores of American philhellenes who aided Greece.
The Order of Sons of Pericles, the Junior Order of Ahepa, composed of members who are native-born citizens of the United States of America of Greek descent seeing the need of a suitable and appropriate monument to the memory of those great men, has erected the Sons of Pericles Memorial to the Philhellenes of America of the Greek Revolutionary War of 1821. The monument is being presented to the citizens of Greece by the Order of Sons of Pericles, on behalf of the people of the United States of America.
The Joint Resolution (H.J. Res. 294) was then approved by Congress as follows:
That the President is authorized and requested on behalf of the Order of the Sons of Pericles, the Junior Order of Ahepa, a national fraternity of youthful American citizens of Hellenic descent, to provide through the American minister to Greece for the presentation to the people of Greece of the monument recently erected in the Garden of Heroes at Missolonghi, Greece, the shrine of Greek Independence, as a tribute to and in commemoration of those patriotic Americans, who, aided by the moral and material support and assistance of the entire American people, gave their services, their fortunes, and their lives to the cause of Greek Independence in the Greek Revolutionary War of 1821.
The Ahepa Sanatorium Fund reported in August, 1939, that more than $115,000 has been raised by chapters since the founding of the institution … A. W. Petroplus of Wheeling, W. Va. was appointed assistant city solicitor … Professor Edward Capps, Chairman of the Managing Committee of Princeton University, and former consul to Greece, joins the Trenton, N.J. Ahepa chapter … Ahepa District #7, the Yankee District, established an annual scholarship fund … John Priggooris, Lansing, Mich., becomes Commander of the VFW Post … Rev. Thomas J. Lacey, rector of the Church of the Redeemer in Brooklyn, and ardent friend and member of Ahepa, is honored at the Indiana Convention … Ahepa Chief V. I. Chehithes and Chief Charlie Red Cloud of the Ogalalla Sioux Indians meet in Cheynne at the Ahepa District Convention …
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Final results of the Sons of Pericles "Organization Plan" to spread the Junior Order into all parts of the country resulted in the astounding total of 31 New Chapters and 41 Reactivated Chapters, or a grand total of 72 live chapter additions over the status of the prior year of the fraternity, under the personal direction and efforts of Supreme President Christ J. Petrow, who went into 16 of the 24 Districts of the Order for his field work during the 11 months between August, 1938 and July, 1939.
© Copyright Order of AHEPA
George J. Leber's book is copyright protected. However, any portions of this book may be quoted at length, provided that proper credit & acknowledgement is given to the book, author, publisher, and pages.
Leber, George J. History of the Order of AHEPA 1922 - 1972. Washigton DC, Order of AHEPA, 1972.